Emergency over coronavirus

I am living in the middle of the emergency over coronavirus in Finland. Due this reason the update cycle to make posting to this blog could be slowed down.

The Finnish government announced on Monday nationwide school closures in order to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. Read more on the following aricles:

Finland closes schools, declares state of emergency over coronavirus

Daycare centres are to stay open but parents were asked to keep their kids home if possible. The government also published a 19-point list of emergency legislation that takes effect on 18 March.

Coronavirus latest: 359 cases confirmed in Finland, S-Group shuts its Helsinki eateries, bankruptcy fears mount

Here is a link to an earlier post related to Coronavirus:


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Maailmanlaajuisilla koronatartunnoilla ennätysviikko – kuolemien määrä silti laskussa
    Koronavirus kiihdyttää etenemistään, mutta samalla lääketiede on oppinut taistelemaan sitä vastaan.

    Koronaviruksen toinen aalto on ohittanut etenemisvauhdissaan kevään kaaosviikot. Maailman terveysjärjestö WHO kertoo, että viime sunnuntaihin päättynyt viikko tuotti 1 998 897 uutta tartuntaa, mikä on koko epidemian ajan ennätys.

    Kasvua edelliseen viikkoon verrattuna oli kuusi prosenttia, ja jos trendi jatkuu samanlaisena, on vaarana, että ennätys menee rikki jo tulevana sunnuntaina.

    Baltimorelaisen Johns Hopkinsin yliopiston laskurin mukaan maailmassa on nyt jo yli 31 miljoonaa tartunnan saanutta, joista tosin lähes miljoona on menehtynyt COVID-19-tautiin.

    Epidemian vauhti kasvaa erityisesti Euroopassa ja molemmissa Amerikoissa.

    Vaikka tartuntoja kirjataan nyt ennätyksellisen paljon, on COVID-19-tautiin kuolleiden määrä kääntynyt laskuun.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Photos show Wuhan clubbers partying maskless in former COVID-19 epicenter

    No panic at this disco.

    Revelers are flocking back to Wuhan clubs amid reports that the former epicenter of the pandemic hasn’t recorded a home-grown coronavirus case since May.

    The brazen displays come after Wuhan — where the outbreak originated — was deemed COVID-free after officials tested 9.9 million people. The central Chinese city has not reported a locally transmitted case since mid-May, over a month after it lifted a 76-day lockdown that halted the movement of Wuhan’s 11 million residents.

    Along with businesses and factories, restaurants, cinemas and karaoke lounges have also reopened to pre-pandemic capacities, Bloomberg reported. To prevent a second wave, China has rolled out a contact tracing system that requires citizens to present a health code before entering a club.

    Here’s hoping the recklessness doesn’t cause a resurgence in the former COVID ground zero, where infections totaled over 50,000 this past winter, reported CNN. Wuhan also reported 2,500 deaths, accounting for 77% of all coronavirus fatalities across China.

    “The reopening of Wuhan does not mean the all-clear, neither does it mean a relaxing of epidemic prevention and control measures (within the city),” said Luo.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    200,000 Americans Dead From Coronavirus—That’s An Average Of 873 A Day Since It Started

    The U.S. marked its 200,000th confirmed coronavirus death on Tuesday, a grim watershed in the progress of the pandemic in the U.S., which has suffered the most deaths in the world by far, with 873 Americans on average perishing from the virus per day since the first confirmed death in early February.

    The first known coronavirus death on American soil took place in early February in Santa Clara County, California, although it was not confirmed by autopsy until months later.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ski Tourists Sue Austrian Government Over Huge Resort Outbreak That Fuelled Spread Of Covid-19 In Europe

    A consumer rights group is suing the Austrian government on behalf of individuals who say they caught coronavirus at one of Europe’s most popular ski resorts in March, during an outbreak that lawyers say fuelled the spread of Covid-19 across the continent.

    Austria’s Consumer Protection Association (VSV) on Wednesday said it had filed four civil lawsuits against Austria’s government over the outbreak of coronavirus at ski resort in March.

    Lawyers from the VSV say that if the ski tourists had been warned, “They wouldn’t have come to Austria”, the BBC reports.

    2.9 million. That’s the number of coronavirus cases confirmed across the E.U. and the U.K.. More than 186,000 people have died as of September 22, according to the European Center for Disease Control.

    Lockdown is thought to have wiped out up to a third of Ischgl’s yearly trade, the Guardian reports. The resort caters to not just skiers, but partygoers and wealthy clientele.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Influenssa on ollut tappavampi kuin korona – rokotteesta voi tulla pian kova kysyntä

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Koronapandemian aiheuttama epävarmuus on yritysten toimintakyvyn kannalta kaksijakoista. Useat yritykset ovat tehneet konkurssin ja kokonaisia toimialoja on huuhtoutumassa pois. Samaan aikaan toiset ovat onnistuneet vahvistamaan asemiaan ja luomaan uutta kasvua.

    Taloudeltaan terveiden yritysten kannattaa nyt investoida kasvuun

    Koronapandemian aiheuttama epävarmuus on yritysten toimintakyvyn kannalta kaksijakoista. Useat yritykset ovat tehneet konkurssin ja kokonaisia toimialoja on huuhtoutumassa pois. Samaan aikaan toiset ovat onnistuneet vahvistamaan asemiaan ja luomaan uutta kasvua.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Cineworld Warns Of Impact Of New Lockdowns After Posting $1.6 Billion Loss

    Cineworld, one of the world’s biggest movie theatre chains that has been badly hit by coronavirus restrictions, has warned that it may need to raise more money if governments reintroduce strict lockdowns, as the company swung to a $1.6 billion loss in the first half of 2020.

    Cinema closures also saw revenues slump to $712 million, compared with $2.1 billion in the first half of 2019.

    Cineworld’s latest results come as the chain, the second largest in the world, was forced to close 778 theatres across the U.S., the U.K., Europe and Israel in March.

    The group has since reopened the majority of theatres, 561, in the U.S. (operating as Regal Cinemas) and the U.K. at the end of July, after coronavirus restrictions were gradually lifted.

    “There can be no certainty as to the future impact of COVID-19 on the Group,” Cineworld said in a statement.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Metropolitan Opera Cancels Season As New York City Arts Struggle Amid Pandemic

    The Metropolitan Opera has canceled performances until next September, it said Wednesday, in the latest blow to New York City’s once-vibrant arts and culture scene, which has struggled as the coronavirus pandemic has put an indefinite hold on live performances.

    “It would not be safe for the Met to resume until a vaccine is widely in use, herd immunity is established, and the wearing of masks and social distancing is no longer a medical requirement,” the organization said in a statement.

    General manager Peter Gelb told the Wall Street Journal that the Met will take new precautions when it eventually welcomes audiences back, including starting performances earlier in the evening and reducing running times for operas, which could exceed three hours prior to the pandemic.

    The Met had one bit of good news: it’s moving full steam ahead with plans for the next season, beginning September 2021

    “As you can imagine nothing makes us sadder…we want nothing more than to get back to the business of creating operatic magic for you,” Gelb said in a video shared to the Met’s Twitter account. 

    $150 million. That’s how much revenue the Met lost since shutting down in March, according to the New York Times. 

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Uusimmat tiedot koronaviruksesta: HUSin Lehtonen: rokotetta odotettava vielä vuosi, Rion sambakarnevaali perutaan helmikuulta, Ranskassa ennätykselliset tartuntalukemat

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kasvomaskit käyttöön nyt, jyrähtää johtajaylilääkäri pk-seudun ja Uudenmaan tilanteesta.

    “Häitä ja rippijuhlia, joissa puolet vieraista on saanut tartunnan” – Hus: Uusimaa on koronaepidemian kiihtymisvaiheessa

    – Nyt Husin alueella on noin 2 000 altistunutta per viikko. Altistumisia on tapahtunut erityisesti oppilaitoksissa ja erilaisissa tilaisuuksissa ja harrastuksissa. Tiedossa on häitä ja rippijuhlia, joissa puolet osallistujista on saanut tartunnan, kertoi Ruotsalainen Husin tiedotustilaisuudessa.

    Nuoret aikuiset ovat nyt niitä, ketkä tartuntoja ovat saaneet.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Unemployment, viewed through the lens of unemployment insurance filings, is much worse than the official rate.

    The Real State Of Unemployment Is Much Higher Than Official Numbers

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A genetic analysis of over 1 million people found a strong link between blood type, susceptibility and severity of the disease.


  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    “Massive” Labor Income Losses Worldwide As Recovery Falters

    The latest data compiled by the International Labour Organization (ILO) sheds new light on COVID-19′s “devastating” impact on the labor market reveals a “massive” drop in labor income and hours for workers worldwide.

    Global labor income plunged 10.7%, or $3.5 trillion, in the first nine months of 2020, compared with the same period in 2019, ILO’s new report found, which is one of the first measurements to quantify the deep economic scarring that has left the global economy paralyzed. The figure excludes income derived by governments to compensate for labor loss during the pandemic.

    The report, titled “ILO Monitor: COVID-19 and the world of work. Sixth edition,” was published on Wednesday (Sept. 23), notes how global labor hour losses in the first nine months of 2020 have been “considerably larger” than the estimate from the previous report issued in late June.

    The report found the largest income loss was primarily in lower-middle income countries, where the labor income losses reached 15.1%.

    The United Nations agency said global working-hour losses are expected to remain elevated in 3Q20, at 12.1%, or equivalent to 345 million full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs (based on a 48-hour working week). The revised downside projections for 4Q20 suggest a more pessimistic outlook for the global economy is ahead.

    ILO’s baseline scenario, for working-hour losses, in the fourth quarter, is -8.6%. The most optimistic is +5.7%, while the most pessimistic is -18%.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Having Weird Dreams Since The Pandemic Began? You’re Not Alone

    If you’re in one of the countries currently experiencing life under lockdown, or just generally feeling stressed about the ongoing pandemic, you might have noticed your dreams have gotten a little strange lately. A myriad of factors can impact your sleep and with a smorgasbord of triggers such as stress, loss of routine, and alcohol to choose from in a pandemic, it’s not surprising that many are finding the nature of their sleep has changed.

    “Stress can make it harder to get enough good quality sleep, and not getting enough good quality sleep in makes you experience stress more intensely,”

    While interrupted sleep might keep you safe in a war zone, it’s of little use against an invisible-to-the-naked-eye pathogen sweeping the globe.

    To understand why stress can impact the frequency and vividness of our dreams, we first need to do a quick recap on sleep cycles. Each night when we sleep properly, we move through four stages: 1, 2, 3, and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Generally speaking, one cycle takes 90 to 110 minutes before starting again at 1. The first few cycles have a shorter REM stage, but these get longer with each repeating cycle. This is why you might feel as though you dream more when you sleep in.

    Stress can make it harder to fall asleep to begin with as our brains fizz with doom and gloom headlines. But according to Professor Prichard, it can also increase nightmare frequency and how often we wake in the night. These two symptoms are an unfortunate combination as when we wake up repeatedly after dreaming, we can remember more of our dreams and they have a greater capacity to impact our mental state the following day.

    It’s unsurprising then that when our dreams are growing more vivid and reflecting our biggest waking worries, many of us find it hard to cope, and, for some, alcohol is a pleasurable way to relax. Despite its reputation as a nightcap, it seems alcohol use can further disrupt our sleep.

    “When we are chronically sleep deprived, our bodies cut corners to keep us running on fumes. Unfortunately for long-term survival, the immune system is one of those cut corners. People who are perpetually short sleepers are more than three times as likely to catch common colds/respiratory viruses.”

    Like diet and exercise, sleep is an important staple of our daily lives and yet one that many of us pass up in favor of other things.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    COVID-19 Apps Could Slow the Pandemic. Here’s Why They Still Haven’t Been Released.

    Apple and Google this spring developed a system that enables states to build apps to alert people if they’ve been exposed to someone who tests positive for COVID-19.
    The first apps were expected by early June, but none have been released, and few are in development.
    Health officials are grappling with open questions as they develop apps, including how to define a risky encounter with someone carrying the virus.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Onko tämä miellyttävin koronatesti? Nämä neljä koronakoiraa ovat nyt valmiita aloittamaan työnsä Helsinki-Vantaalla – katso lähetys lentokentältä

    Koira voi tunnistaa koronaviruksen ihmisestä aikaisemmin kuin laboratoriotestit. Koronakoirat aloittavat työnsä tällä viikolla.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Is Working From Home Here To Stay?

    Is working from home here to stay? Barclays Capital thinks it is.

    In a special report published on September 22, Barclays equities analysts Ryan Preclaw in New York and Paul May in London wrote that working from home could reduce demand for office space by 10-20% in a post-Covid pandemic world.

    They believe that their estimate is “appropriately cautious” and said it takes stock of the currently available evidence of vacancies and number of people in office towers that have not returned to work, even though they can.

    According to Barclays, half of the S&P Composite 1500 Index (yes, 1500 not 500) companies discussed working from home during their last earnings calls. Of those companies, 80% said it worked out fine for them as opposed to taking a “never again” view of working from home.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Trump Administration Reportedly Set To Ship Millions Of Covid-19 Tests In Push To Reopen Schools

    President Trump reportedly plans to announce that the federal government will begin distributing millions of rapid Covid-19 tests to states this week and will urge governors to use them to physically reopen schools, which is widely viewed as a strategy for boosting the economy before the election.

    The tests come from a supply of 150 million tests the Trump administration previously purchased from Abbott Laboratories for $750 million, and it will reportedly take the rest of the year to completely fill that order.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Covid-19 Death Toll Passes 1 Million – And This Could Double Before A Vaccine Is Ready

    Less than 10 months after the virus was first officially identified in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the ongoing outbreak continues to have a profound effect on the world and, as these new figures show, has brought an immeasurable amount of human suffering.

    “Our world has reached an agonizing milestone: the loss of one million lives from the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s a mind-numbing figure,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in a video message on September 29.

    However, in all likelihood, the real death toll is likely to be much higher than the reported figure due to inadequate or inconsistent testing and reporting, as well as suspected concealment by some countries.

    “If anything, the numbers that are currently reported are probably an underestimate of those individuals that have contracted Covid-19 or have died of a cause of it,”

    There is still yet to come, too. Health authorities are anticipating that the current death toll could double to 2 million by the time a vaccine is ready. It’s unclear when this milestone might be met, but with the earliest a viable vaccine can be expected currently pegged for mid-2021, and the cold winter months fast approaching in the Northern Hemisphere, the toll is expecting to continue to skyrocket over the next few months.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Covid Cases Spike In Florida As Bars And Restaurants Reopen At Full Capacity

    Florida reported its biggest jump in coronavirus cases in over a week on Tuesday and testing positivity rates are now on the rise statewide, signaling a possible ramping up of coronavirus spread as health experts are concerned the reopening of bars and restaurants at 100% capacity could fuel a new outbreak.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Disney Laying Off 28,000 U.S. Theme Park Employees Amid Closures

    Disney’s theme park division is laying off 28,000 domestic employees, Disney Parks chairman Josh D’Amaro announced Tuesday, as Walt Disney World and Disneyland reckon with continued closures and a sharp decline in revenue amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

    Disneyland has remained closed since March due to government restrictions, though Disney and local government officials have been waging a pressure campaign urging California leadership to green light the park’s reopening.

    Walt Disney World reopened in July, but capacity remains reduced at theme parks, restaurants and shops, and some of the resort’s restaurants, hotels and attractions have remained closed due to the lower attendance.

    The layoffs follow similar layoff announcements at nearby theme parks, including Universal Orlando, Universal Hollywood, SeaWorld and Busch Gardens Tampa.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A new study released this week revealed fascinating changes in bird song as a result of reduced urban car traffic from the Covid-19 pandemic.

    COVID-19 Pandemic Has Birds Changing Their Tune

    A new study released this week revealed fascinating changes in bird song as a result of reduced urban car traffic from the COVID-19 pandemic. Traffic slowed to 1954 levels, giving biologists an opportunity to see how birds would respond to a 50+ year step back in time.

    To put this in perspective, bird song in urban zones has to carry over background noise that is three times as loud as rural areas.

    There have been a few silver linings to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the rapid return of less urbanized birdsong. California Governor Gavin Newsom’s recent executive order bans the sale of non-zero emission vehicles by 2035. Perhaps in another 50+ years, the roadways will return to a quieter state and birds will be able to sing like they did during this pandemic again.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How the Pandemic Is Changing Manufacturing
    BDO has investigated how the pandemic is affecting manufacturing and whether changes will continue beyond immediate demands prompted by the pandemic.

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Louisiana bar pilots turned to Abbott Laboratories’ ID Now test, which gets results in under 13 minutes.

    How The Gatekeepers Of 500 Million Tons Of Cargo Power Through The Pandemic

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    No, Banks Aren’t Closing Tons Of Branches During The Pandemic

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Trump Is ‘Single Largest Driver’ Of Covid-19 Misinformation, Cornell Study Finds

    Misinformation about the coronavirus is a pressing threat to public health, and according to researchers at Cornell University who analyzed over 38 million articles about the pandemic published in English-language media around the world, “the president of the United States was the single largest driver of misinformation around Covid,” as mentions of Donald Trump “comprised 37.9% of the overall misinformation conversation.”

    The study states that when individuals are misled by false assertions about the nature and treatment of Covid-19, they are less likely to follow medical experts and health officials’ advice and, consequently, contribute to the spread of the virus. 

    According to the Cornell study, the most prevalent topic of misinformation, by far, was “miracle cures,” which accounted for more misinformation than the other ten topics combined.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Coronavirus: Donald Trump and Melania test positive

    US President Donald Trump has said he and First Lady Melania Trump have tested positive for coronavirus and are now in quarantine.

    The president, aged 74 and therefore in a high-risk group, announced the news in a tweet. “We will get through this together,” he wrote.

    It comes after one of his closest aides tested positive for coronavirus.

    Hope Hicks, the 31-year-old adviser to the president, was the closest aide to Mr Trump to test positive so far.

    She travelled with him on Air Force One to the first presidential TV debate with Democratic rival Joe Biden in Ohio on Tuesday. Some of Mr Trump’s family members who attended the debate were seen not wearing masks.

    Mr Trump has mostly spurned mask-wearing and has often been pictured not socially distanced with aides or others during official engagements.

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Trump says he and first lady tested positive for coronavirus

    President Donald Trump said Friday that he and first lady Melania Trump have tested positive for the coronavirus, just a month before the presidential election and after having spent much of the last year largely downplaying the threat of the virus.

    Trump’s positive test came just hours after he confirmed that senior aide Hope Hicks, who had traveled with him several times this week, had come down with the virus.

    “Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!” Trump tweeted.

    In a memorandum, the president’s physician said that Trump and the first lady, who is 50, “are both well at this time” and “plan to remain at home within the White House during their convalescence.”

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Half of NYC restaurants, bars may close for good due to COVID-19: audit

    As many as half of all New York City bars and restaurants could shutter permanently within the next six months due to the coronavirus, according to a stunning new audit released Thursday by state Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli.

    “The industry is challenging under the best of circumstances, and many eateries operate on tight margins,” said DiNapoli. “Now they face an unprecedented upheaval that may cause many establishments to close forever.”

    In the next half-year, a third to half of all city bars and eateries could fall past the point of no return, potentially taking over 150,000 jobs with them, DiNapoli found.

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Dow Futures Down 400 Points After Trump Tests Positive For Covid-19

    U.S. stocks fell sharply in pre-market trading after President Trump announced that he and the First Lady had both tested positive for coronavirus in the early hours of Friday morning—the development adds even more uncertainly to an already volatile stock market that’s been weighing the possibility of delayed election results.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:


    Honest Government Ad that sums up some of the key policies our Government is pushing through under the guise of dealing with the recession, namely… cuts to Jobseeker/keeper, tax cuts for the rich, cuts to our Environmental Protection Act, the so-called Gas-led recovery, and while we’re at it, I thought this would be a good opportunity to rip into the Libs’ “We’re good at managing the economy” bullshit meme. Coz not only are these policies not evidence-based or supported by the majority of economists and scientists; they are all also a tragic waste of this opportunity to tackle the climate emergency. And the final kick in the nuts: They won’t even help the economy. It’s a massive fuck-you to everyone other than the LNP’s donors (gas companies)

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Trump May Have ‘Serious Risk Factors’ For Covid-19 Complications, Health Experts Say

    Ei turvavälejä, ei maskeja, paikalla koko Trumpin hallinnon kerma – tuomarin nimitystilaisuus saattoi olla varsinainen viruslinko

  33. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Eleven Who Worked On Presidential Debate Diagnosed With Covid-19

    Eleven people involved with setup and planning for Tuesday’s presidential debate tested positive for the coronavirus, though none of them reportedly entered the debate hall itself, officials announced Friday, the latest reports of potential virus cases in President Donald Trump’s orbit since he tweeted that he tested positive early Friday morning.

    The Cleveland Clinic, which hosted the debate, later clarified Friday evening that none of the 11 people accessed the debate hall, and they were all either members of the media or scheduled to help with setup.

    City public health officials are still working through contact tracing for the 11 people.

    Trump confirmed he and his wife, Melania, caught the coronavirus shortly after Hope Hicks, a key White House aide who has traveled with the president at least twice this week, tested positive Thursday evening. Several other people in Trump’s circle have also tested positive over the last few days.

  34. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Measuring the Emotional Impact of COVID-19 on the U.S. Population

    The Emotional Impact of COVID-19 on the U.S. Population
    The COVID-19 pandemic has ripped through almost every country on the planet, causing devastating decay to the mental health of millions of people.

    While most of us are experiencing higher levels of emotional distress than normal, the severity of stress may change based on factors such as age, race, education level, or even where you live.

    People in the 18-34 year bracket reported the most pandemic-related distress overall—with respondents citing high stress at nearly double the rate of people over 50 years old. Meanwhile, respondents in the 65+ age group had reported the lowest distress scores of all.

    Of all ethnicities in the survey, Hispanics/Latinos and Blacks had the highest average Pandemic Distress Index Scores, and Whites had the lowest average scores.

    What Does the Data Mean?
    While the research presents several important insights, understanding what it means is crucial in providing people with the support they need.

    For example, participants with high pandemic-related distress are 40 times more likely to have clinically significant levels of anxiety and 20 times more likely to have clinically significant symptoms of depression, compared to those on the lower end of the spectrum.

    Building Immunity
    While nobody can escape the devastating impacts of COVID-19 on mental health, it is clear that some people are more at risk than others.

    Unfortunately, younger adults and people of racial and ethnic minorities have carried higher psychological burdens from the pandemic so far, and we have yet to see the long-term effects that could transpire as a result.

    “Even when the pandemic is brought under control, grief, anxiety and depression will continue to affect people and communities.”

    —António Guterres, United Nations

  35. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Twitter Says You Cannot Tweet That You Hope Trump Dies From COVID
    “Content that wishes, hopes or expresses a desire for death, serious bodily harm, or fatal disease against an individual is against our rules.”

    President Trump has coronavirus, a disease that has killed more than 205,000 people in the United States on his watch. He is widely reviled by roughly half the country on account of his often negligent and sometimes cruel policies on the pandemic, social justice, and immigration, among others. Some unknowable percentage of those people want him to die from the disease, and more than a handful of them have already explicitly said they hope the President dies from coronavirus on Twitter.

    Twitter told Motherboard that users are not allowed to openly hope for Trump’s death on the platform and that tweets that do so “will have to be removed” and that they may have their accounts put into a “read only” mode. Twitter referred to an “abusive behavior” rule that’s been on the books since April.

  36. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Korona-aika on uuvuttanut sairaanhoitajat – puolet harkitsee alan vaihtamista

    Sairaanhoitajat kertovat olevansa uupuneita. Moni joutui vaihtamaan työtehtäviä kevään ja kesän aikana.

  37. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Cineworld, the world’s second-largest cinema chain which operates more than 500 movie theaters in the U.S., is once again closing its doors as the Covid-19 crisis causes studios to push big-budget films to 2021 and beyond.

    45,000 Jobs At Risk As Regal Owner Cineworld Closes All U.S. And U.K. Cinemas

    Cineworld, the world’s second-largest cinema chain which operates more than 500 movie theaters in the U.S., is once again closing its doors as the Covid-19 crisis causes studios to push big-budget films to 2021 and beyond.

  38. Tomi Engdahl says:

    1 in 4 women are considering stepping back from their career because of COVID-19

    COVID-19 has hit women particularly hard, as school and daycare closures have meant women have taken on the bulk of childcare duties.
    A poll by McKinsey has revealed 1 in 4 women are considering leaving their jobs, cutting back hours, or scaling back work as a result of the pandemic.

    “If there was a panic button, we’d be hitting it,” Rachel Thomas, CEO and co-founder of the nonprofit LeanIn.Org and a co-author of the report, tells Quartz. She notes that if women follow through on downshifting their careers, it would be a major setback for the progress that’s been made toward gender diversity in the years since the study began, including a 22% increase in the proportion of women in the C-suite since 2015.

    Indeed, the report shows senior-level women are feeling particular strain at work, and are 1.5 times as likely as men to say that they’re thinking of scaling back because of Covid-19—largely because of burnout. In addition to the parenting responsibilities held by good number of women in high-level positions, the report notes that “[w]omen are often held to higher performance standards than men, and they may be more likely to take the blame for failure—so when the stakes are high, as they are now, senior-level women could face higher criticism and harsher judgement.”

    are facing, there’s no one-size-fits-all prescription as to how to accommodate working mothers.

  39. Tomi Engdahl says:

    10% of the world may have been infected by Covid-19, WHO official says

    The novel coronavirus may have infected about one in 10 people globally, meaning the majority of the world remains vulnerable to Covid-19, a World Health Organization official has said.

    “Our current best estimates tell us that about 10% of the global population may have been infected by this virus,” Dr. Mike Ryan, director of the WHO’s Health Emergencies Programme, said at a WHO executive board meeting Monday.
    “This varies depending on country, it varies from urban to rural, it varies between different groups. But what it does mean is that the vast majority of the world remains at risk,” Ryan added.

    There are more than 35.5 million confirmed Covid-19 cases globally, according to the widely-used Johns Hopkins University dashboard, but WHO and other experts say that is almost certainly an enormous undercount. Over the summer, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said cases in the US had likely been undercounted by at least 90%.

    With a global population of about 7.7 billion people, Ryan’s estimate would mean about 770 million have been infected — but most have not been diagnosed or counted.

    Worldwide, countries are struggling to contain resurgent outbreaks and are reintroducing measures in a bid to curb the spread of the virus.
    “We are now heading into a difficult period. The disease continues to spread,” Ryan said.

    WHO:n hätkähdyttävä arvio: joka kymmenes maailman asukas on sairastunut koronaan

    Mikäli arvio pitää paikkansa, se tarkoittaa satojen miljoonien koronatartuntojen olevan ”näkymättömiä”.

    Jopa joka kymmenes maailman asukas on sairastunut koronavirukseen jossain pandemian vaiheessa, arvioi Maailman terveysjärjestö WHO:n johtoryhmään kuuluva tohtori Mike Ryan.

  40. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Pääkirjoitus: Hallituksen koronaviestinnän sekavuus uuvuttaa ihmisiä ja antaa Marinin hallituksesta sekavan kuvan
    Tänään klo 14:04

    Kreeta KarvalaHallitus on aiheuttanut sekavalla koronaviestinnällään ja päätöksillään sellaisen sumun, että sen keskellä yritysten ja kansalaisten on hankala toimia

  41. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Unfavorable Views of China Reach Historic Highs in Many Countries
    Majorities say China has handled COVID-19 outbreak poorly

    The rise in unfavorable views comes amid widespread criticism over how China has handled the coronavirus pandemic. Across the 14 nations surveyed, a median of 61% say China has done a bad job dealing with the outbreak. This is many more than say the same of the way the COVID-19 pandemic was handled by their own country or by international organizations like the World Health Organization or the European Union. Only the U.S. receives more negative evaluations from the surveyed publics, with a median of 84% saying the U.S. has handled the coronavirus outbreak poorly.

  42. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Hospital Beds Filling, Bars Closing With Nearly All European Countries At Critical Coronavirus Threshold

    Countries across Europe are imposing new restrictions as the second wave of coronavirus infections that’s swept across the region since summer-time has recently taken a turn for the worse—seeping into older, more vulnerable populations and driving a surge in hospitalizations.

    All but three European countries—Cyprus, Finland and Norway—have reached the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control’s (ECDC) coronavirus alarm threshold, which designates countries reporting above 20 cases per 100,000 residents on a seven-day average at high risk.

  43. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Varapresidenttiehdokkaat kohtasivat väittelyssä: Harris syytti koronapandemian hoitoa ”suurimmaksi epäonnistumiseksi USA:n historiassa”

    Harrisin mukaan Yhdysvallat toimi koronaviruksen osalta liian hitaasti.

    Pencen mielestä koronaviruspandemia on Kiinan syytä. Hän väitti myös, että Trumpin hallinto esti matkustuksen Kiinaan.

  44. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Monica Chin / The Verge:
    Seven months into the pandemic, US rural districts are still scrambling to accommodate all pupils, as they lack the necessary infrastructure for remote learning — It’s not uncommon for households in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, to lose internet for a full day. The last time it happened …

    America’s internet wasn’t prepared for online school

    Distance learning shows how badly rural America needs broadband

    It’s not uncommon for households in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, to lose internet for a full day. The last time it happened, back in the spring, Christina Rothermel-Branham connected herself (a professor at Northeastern State University, teaching online) and her son (a kindergartener at Heritage Elementary, learning online) to the hotspot on her phone. Luckily, nobody had a Zoom call scheduled that day; worksheets and YouTube videos proceeded as planned.

    Rothermel-Branham’s son is now in first grade. He has multiple Zoom sessions per day and takes online classes through Outschool. She doesn’t know what they’ll do the next time their house loses service. She hopes her phone’s hotspot will be able to handle both of their video calls at once — but she’s worried that it won’t.

    Rothermel-Branham’s son is one of the millions of students around the US who are currently taking some (or all) of their classes remotely. That’s been the status quo since the spring for many districts, which moved instruction online to limit the spread of COVID-19. The first few weeks of school were difficult for rural families. Teachers struggled to reach disconnected students, using phone calls, social media, and text messages. But they only had to finish the spring, and many hoped that by the start of the new school year in the fall, things would be better.

  45. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Facebook removed a post by Trump saying COVID-19 is “less lethal” than flu, only the second time it has done so, as Twitter hides the tweet and adds a warning

    Trump Covid post deleted by Facebook and hidden by Twitter

    Facebook has deleted a post in which President Trump had claimed Covid-19 was “less lethal” than the flu.

    Mr Trump is at the White House after three days of hospital treatment having tested positive for the virus.

    He wrote the US had “learned to live with” flu season, “just like we are learning to live with Covid, in most populations far less lethal!!!”

    Twitter hid the same message behind a warning about “spreading misleading and potentially harmful information”.

    Users have to click past the alert to read the tweet.

    “We remove incorrect information about the severity of Covid-19, and have now removed this post,” said Andy Stone, policy communications manager at Facebook.


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