Self driving cars failed 2020

I was had planned to do a long post on self-driving cars a quite long time. I was planning to do one this spring, but I might not do that, because it seems that predictions that self-driving cars would be here in 2020 were far too rosy. Five years ago, several companies including Nissan and Toyota promised self-driving cars in 2020. So it may be wise to take any new forecasts with a grain of salt. Hare is a worth to check out article of the current status of self-driving cars:

Surprise! 2020 Is Not the Year for Self-Driving Cars

In March, because of the coronavirus, self-driving car companies, including Argo, Aurora, Cruise, Pony, and Waymo, suspended vehicle testing and operations that involved a human driver. Around the same time, Waymo and Ford released open data sets of information collected during autonomous-vehicle tests and challenged developers to use them to come up with faster and smarter self-driving algorithms.

It seems that the self-driving car industry still hopes to make meaningful progress on autonomous vehicles (AVs) this year, but the industry is slowed by the pandemic and facing a set of very hard problems that have gotten no easier to solve over the years.



  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kaikkiin autoihin ”älykäs nopeusavustin” – vai pitäisikö puhua ylinopeuden estävästä järjestelmästä?

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Welcome to microtransaction hell: Buy a BMW, pay monthly for the car’s features

    Welcome to actual hell. For most of us, owning a BMW would be an aspirational thing: the latest model from the carmaker will set you back just under $95,000/£80,000. It’s not chump change. Now imagine you’d scrimped and saved to afford a big-ticket item like this and then, when you drove it, the thing started nickel-and-diming you like the worst kind of F2P mobile game.

    Where exactly this is happening, outside of South Korea where it’s launched, remains to be seen. The BMW UK store, for example, lists a variety of what BMW calls ‘DriveConnected’ features, including front seat heating (£15/month), steering wheel heating (£10/month), or the privilege of paying to have the on-board GPS map updated with new information. The carmaker does not seem to be attempting to introduce this in the US yet, which is probably a hangover from the Apple CarPlay debacle, but don’t be under any illusions that it will.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tesla loses top AI executive who led Autopilot vision team

    Andrej Karpathy, the deep learning and computer vision expert who was hired five years ago as Tesla’s director of AI and led Autopilot vision team, is officially leaving the company.

    Karpathy was on a four-month leave of absence, fueling widespread speculation as to whether he would return.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Every new car sold in the European Union will soon include anti-speeding technology known as intelligent speed assistance or ISA. The EU regulation (part of the broader General Vehicle Safety Regulation) goes into effect today and states that all new models and types of cars introduced to the European market must include an ISA system. The policy doesn’t apply to any new cars that are in showrooms today, at least, not yet. By July 2024, every new car sold in the EU must have a built-in anti-speeding system.

    EU will require all new cars to include anti-speeding tech by 2024

    Anti-Speeding Tech for New Cars Is Now Mandatory in Europe: Is the US Next?

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Anti-Speeding Tech Is Now Mandatory in European Union
    Required on all new cars sold in the EU, the Intelligent Speed Assistance technology will alert and slow speeding drivers.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    You can now buy a flying car for $92,000
    And you don’t even need a pilot’s license to fly it.

    You can now buy a flying car for $92,000 — and you don’t need a pilot’s license to operate it.

    On October 21, Sweden’s Jetson Aero launched the Jetson One, a single-seat flying car with 20-minute flight times and a top speed of about 63 mph. It has already sold all 12 of the electric vehicles in its first production run (to be delivered in fall 2022), and it’s now taking orders for 2023.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Audi Owner Finds Basic HVAC Function Paywalled After Pressing the Button for It
    Gone is the day of the button blank—say hello to passive-aggressive infotainment messages.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    BMW isn’t the only company blocking you from using features already installed in your car.

    Audi Owner Finds Basic HVAC Function Paywalled After Pressing the Button for It
    Gone is the day of the button blank—say hello to passive-aggressive infotainment messages.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Israeli lidar maker Innoviz wins $4 billion Volkswagen contract for millions of sensors

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Stellantis ohitti Teslan sähköautojen myynnissä Euroopassa, ja Fiat 500 pudotti Teslan mallikohtaisen tilaston kärkipaikalta

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Real-Time Processors Target Software-Defined Vehicles
    July 25, 2022
    NXP’s new processors handle safety processing and domain and zonal control, as well as EV control and smart actuation.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

    In computing, “real-time” describes operations that respond to events and must be completed within a specified time window. Otherwise, an application may not work properly.

    Real-time applications must operate consistently and predictably, so they’re called “deterministic.” A real-time automotive processor maintains safe, deterministic operation like an automotive microcontroller, but can provide the combination of gigahertz speed, multi-application isolation, and memory expansion capabilities that are more typical of microprocessors.
    New Real-Time Processors

    On that front, NXP Semiconductors extended its S32 Automotive Platform by adding a new class of real-time processors that offer the critical deterministic behavior of safe microcontrollers, as well as gigahertz speed, multi-application isolation, and memory expansion. Thus, the new 16-nm S32Z and S32E real-time processor families are well-matched for the safe integration of software-defined vehicles.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Quad-Channel TIA and Output Mux Simplify Photodiode Interface
    July 26, 2022
    Targeting LiDAR applications, the LTC6563 is a high-performance, multiplexed analog front end for four photodiodes.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    LiDAR Technology
    LiDAR provides 3D imaging support to applications like automotive and robotics.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Industry Provides Insight on Powering the Future of Electric Vehicles
    July 11, 2022
    Hear various industry perspectives on working with electric vehicles, and the components which power them, during this July 28 educational event.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    BMW’s Heated Seats as a Service Model Has Drivers Seeking Hacks
    THERE’S BEEN A bit of a backlash to the news that BMW will now charge owners a subscription to use the heated seats in their cars if they weren’t a paid-for option when new. The German carmaker has been putting extra features like high-beam assist behind a paywall for a couple of years now, and you pay to access the pre-installed software feature. But heated seats are hardware: Pads are integrated in the seat during production, there is wiring and switches. And to top it all, drivers have already bought and own this physical kit, hardware that will not benefit from software updates or regular over-the-air upgrades. Software as a service (SAAS), then, is not new in the car world. And you won’t be surprised to learn that you can go online and find someone who will unlock these dormant features of your car for much less than a carmaker charges. “This has been popular on VW/Audi cars for a while now, ” says Iain Litchfield, boss of Litchfield Motors, one of the UK’s foremost car tuners. He concentrates mainly on cracking engine management systems to get more power, but knows people who can give upgraded sat nav, the latest tune for your adaptive suspension or, indeed, unlock access to your heated seats.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Milloin sähköautolla ajaminen on bensaa kalliimpaa?

    Polttoaineiden hinnat ovat viimeisen vuoden aikana puhuttaneet kaikkia. Nyt bensalitra saa taas alle 2 eurolla, kun öljyn maailmanmarkkinahinta on pudonnut ja jakeluvelvoitetta on laskenut. Samaan aikaan sähkön hinta nousee voimakkaasti. Milloin sähköautolla ajamisesta tulee bensa-autoa kalliimpaa?

    Sähkön hinnassa maksetaan sekä energiasta, sähkönsiirrosta että verosta. Jos on onnistunut tekemään edullisen kiinteähintaisen sopimuksen, maksaa tällä hetkellä karkeasti 10 senttiä kilowattitunnilta. Yleensä ajatellaan, että sähköauto kuluttaa 20 kilowattituntia sadalla kilometrillä. Tällöin ajo maksaisi kaksi euroa.

    Samaan aikaan bensa-auto kuluttaa esimerkiksi 7,5 litraa sadalla. Hinnaksi tulee näin 15 euroa. Summat ovat tietysti vain suuntaa-antavia eivätkä pidä sisällään erilaisia käyttömaksuja, veroja ja hankintahintoja. Bensapihillä pikkuautolla pääsee kympin pintaan.

    Mikäli käyttää pörssisähköä ja kilowattitunnin hinta nousee esimerkiksi 50 senttiin, kallistuu sähköautolla ajetun sadan kilometrin hinta kymppiin. Eilisen aikana pörssisähkön hinta käväisi pahimmillaan jo eurossa, jolloin sata kilometriä maksaisikin 20 euroa.

    Tietenkään tilanne ei ole näin yksioikoinen. Kotona ihmisillä on käytössään erilaisia yösähkösopimuksia, joilla sähköautoilu säilyy pitkään selvästi edullisempana.

    Ensi keväänä hintojen pitäisi ennusteiden mukaan laskea lähemmäksi normaalitasoa. Se on ennusteiden käyrissä piirretty jonnekin 10-20 sentin välille kilowattitunnilta.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ford Patents App to Tell Pedestrians When Autonomous Vehicles Won’t Stop for Them

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tesla Full Self-Driving fails to notice child-sized objects in testing
    Campaign group Dawn Project results calculated from small sample size, test done without hands on the wheel

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tiny and Flexible Cameras Sip Power
    July 28, 2022
    ams Osram’s Daniel Vander Ley shows off a collection of compact, low-power video cameras for applications from automotive to fruit analysis.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

    Daniel Vander Ley, Product Marketing Manager for the Visualization and Laser asm OSRAM Group, shows off some of the cameras in applications ranging from fruit analysis to car driver head tracking.

    One of the cameras that Daniel highlights is the NanEyeM (Fig. 1). This tiny sensor utilizes a 10-bit ADC to deliver a 320- × 320-pixel resolution in a 1-mm2 package. It has a 49 frame/s rate with a 2.4-µm rolling shutter. It was initially designed for medical endoscopic applications. It’s available in cable lengths up to 3 m. Other applications include AR/VR headsets and even robots and mini-drones.

    Osram has a range of imaging solutions, many of which are going into automotive applications like driver head tracking (Fig. 2). This can be used to make sure the driver is paying attention to the road. The demo uses a machine-learning model to recognize the face from the 3D imaging information from the sensor.

    The fruit demo uses a sensor that detects the surface of fruit, such as an apple. It can determine details like sugar content based on video analysis from the sensor.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Automotive High-Side Switch Controller Integrates Fuse Protection
    Aug. 2, 2022
    STMicroelectronics’ new controller for a power MOSFET is designed to implement an intelligent high-side switch for 12-, 24-, and 48-V automotive applications.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    New Flying Car On Sale Requires No License To Operate
    If you’ve seen how bad people are at flying drones, you know this will go swimmingly.

    Anew flying car touted as the “future of air travel” can travel at 63 miles per hour (101.4 kilometers per hour) and stay airborne for up to 20 minutes thanks to a Tesla battery pack – but thanks to US regulations needs no license to fly. That’s right: you could zip around in a one-person flying car without a pilot’s license or even a driver’s license.

    The eVTOL (meaning it can take off and land vertically) Jetson One flying car has been slimmed down to such a low weight – just 86 kilograms (190 pounds) – it is classified as an ultralight aircraft. Ultralight aircraft require no license to operate, meaning the car will have both a low barrier to entry, but may also make for a pretty terrifying sight in the sky.

    The Jetson One can be ordered for personal delivery (though the 2022 production is sold out) for a cool $22,000 deposit and $70,000 final payment.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tesla’s Autopilot Depends on a Deluge of Data But can a fire-hose approach solve self-driving’s biggest problems?

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Radical Scope of Tesla’s Data Hoard
    Logs and records of its customers’ journeys fill out petabytes—and court case dockets

    You won’t see a single Tesla cruising the glamorous beachfront in Beidaihe, China, this summer. Officials banned Elon Musk’s popular electric cars from the resort for two months while it hosts the Communist Party’s annual retreat, presumably fearing what their built-in cameras might capture and feed back to the United States.

    Back in Florida, Tesla recently faced a negligence lawsuit after two young men died in a fiery car crash while driving a Model S belonging to a father of one of the accident victims. As part of its defense, the company submitted a historical speed analysis showing that the car had been driven with a daily top speed averaging over 90 miles per hour (145 kilometers per hour) in the months before the crash. This information was quietly captured by the car and uploaded to Tesla’s servers. (A jury later found Tesla just 1 percent negligent in the case.)

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Suomalaisyritykseltä uusi ohjelmistoalusta robottiautoihin

    Espoolainen Sensible 4 julkaisee uuden SAE4-tason robottiajoneuvojen ohjelmistoalusta, joka mahdollistaa itseajavuuden erilaisissa sääolosuhteissa ilman kaistamerkintöjä. Dawn-alusta nojaa Sensible4:n viime vuosikymmenten aikana tuottamaan tietoon ja viime vuosien käyttötestesteihin.

    Sensible 4 julkaisee pitkään lupaillun SAE4- tason robottiajoneuvojen ohjelmistoalustan. Uutuus on nyt valmis OEM-asiakkaille pitkien simulointien ja yleisillä teillä toteutettujen testien jälkeen.

    Alustan avulla voidaan toteuttaa SAE Level 4 -automaatiotasolla toimivia ajoneuvoja. Niiden uskotaan tulevan tarjolle vuodesta 2024 alkaen. Sillä on esimerkiksi entistä tehokkaampi kyky operoida kaikenlaisissa sääolosuhteissa muun muasa ilman näkyviä kaistamerkintöjä. Sensible4:n teknologia mahdollistaa itsestään ajavien ajoneuvojen käytön alueilla ja olosuhteissa, joita vielä aiemmin pidettiin yrityksen mukaan mahdottomina.

    Tulevaisuudessa Sensible4:n SAE tason 4 -ohjelmistolla ja antureilla varustettu auto pystyy operoimaan rajoitetussa ympäristössä ja olosuhteissa ilman ihmisen avustusta. Uuden alustan yksi keskeisiä ominaisuuksia onkin etähallinta, jossa ihmisoperaattori voi hallita useita ajoneuvoja yhtäaikaisesti.

    Suomalaisella koodilla ajavat robottiautot tulevat 2024

    Sensible 4 on julkistanut ensimmäisen itsestään ajavan ajoneuvon ohjelmistoalustansa nimellä DAWN. Ohjelmistotuotteen teknologia mahdollistaa itseajavuuden eri sääolosuhteissa, ilman kaistamerkintöjä ja se nojaa vuosikymmenten ulkorobotiikkatutkimukseen.

    Perusteellisten simulointien ja yleisillä teillä toteutettujen testien jälkeen DAWN on nyt valmis OEM-asiakkaille, tulevien SAE Level 4 -automaatiotasolla toimivien ajoneuvojen tuotekehitysprojekteja varten. Sensible 4 tähtää siihen, että markkinoille tulee DAWN-ohjelmistoalustalla sarjatuotettuja ajoneuvoihin vuodesta 2024 alkaen.

    Itseajavien ajoneuvojen ohjelmistoalusta DAWN on ainutlaatuinen kyky operoida kaikissa sääolosuhteissa ilman näkyviä kaistamerkintöjä, mikä mahdollistaa itsestään ajavien ajoneuvojen käytön alueilla ja olosuhteissa, joita vielä aiemmin pidettiin mahdottomina. Toimitusjohtaja Harri Santamalan mukaan DAWN pystyy operoimaan kaikissa sääolosuhteissa, myös pimeässä ilman tien kaistamerkintöjä sekä muuttuvissa ympäristöissä.

    - DAWN on nyt valmis ajoneuvovalmistajille tulevien tuotteiden tuotantolinjojen suunnittelua varten. Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että voimme aktiivisesti ratkaista tulevaisuuden liikkumishaasteita, kuten kuljettajapulaa jo tänään, samalla kun kehitämme kestäviä ratkaisuja.

    DAWN on SAE tason 4 itseajavien ajoneuvojen ohjelmistoalusta, joka tarjoaa kolme ratkaisua yhdessä: Se mahdollistaa viimeisen kilometrin matkustajaliikennöinnin ja tavaratoimitukset, sekä itseajavuuden teollisuuden tarpeisiin. Tason 4 itseajava ohjelmisto tarkoittaa, että ajoneuvo pystyy operoimaan rajoitetussa ympäristössä ja olosuhteissa ilman ihmisen avustusta. Ajoneuvoa voidaan myös ohjailla etäyhteyden välityksellä.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Huomasitko tämän: uudella akulla 1000 km yhdellä latauksella

    Sähköauton suurin haaste on latausinfran lisäksi kantama, latauspaikkojen etsintä aiheuttaa tunnetusti jopa ahdistusta. Kiinalainen Svolt Energy on kehittänyt 20 ampeeritunnin rikkiakun prototyypin, jonka energiatiheys on 350-400 Wh/kg. Akun avulla olisi mahdollista ajaa sähköautolla yhdellä latauksella jopa yli 1000 kilometriä.

    Kiinalaisen sähköautojen tekniikan kehitystä seuraavan ChEVPost-julkaisun mukaan Svolt Energy kertoo, että rikkiakkuteknologiaa on ollut vaikea kehittää. Nyt yhtiöllä on kuitenkin kyky tuottaa useita kilogrammoja kiinteitä elektrolyyttimateriaaleja ja se pystyy valmistamaan volyymeissä elektrolyyttikalvoja. Yhtiölle on myönnetty 109 akkuteknologian patenttia, joista 93 kattaa valmistusprosessin.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Microsoft’s New Simulator Helps Train Drone AIs

    Testing any kind of project in the real world is expensive. You have to haul people and equipment around, which costs money, and if you break anything, you have to pay for that too! Simulation tends to come first. Making mistakes in a simulation is much cheaper, and the lessons learned can later be verified in the real world. If you want to learn to fly a quadcopter, the best thing to do is get some time behind the sticks of a simulator before you even purchase anything with physical whirly blades.

    Oddly enough, the same goes for AI. Microsoft built a simulation product to aid the development of artificial intelligence systems for drones by the name of Project AirSim. It aims to provide a comprehensive environment for the testing of drone AI systems, making development faster, cheaper, and more practical.

    Microsoft launches simulator to train drone AI systems

    Microsoft has launched a platform to train the artificial intelligence (AI) systems of autonomous aircraft.

    Project AirSim is, in effect, a flight simulator for drones, which companies can use to train and develop software controlling them.

    It makes it possible for test flights in places that would be too risky in reality, such as near power lines.

    And it means, Microsoft says, that millions of flights can be simulated in seconds.

    For example, companies can virtually see how the vehicle flies in rain, or how strong winds might affect its battery life.

    In a statement announcing the launch, Microsoft’s Gurdeep Pall said that it showed “the power of the industrial metaverse – the virtual worlds where businesses will build, test and hone solutions, and then bring them into the real world”.

    The firm envisages the tech being used to train the AI systems which fly autonomous air vehicles from air taxis to delivery drones.

    Project AirSim’s history is more recent, growing out of an open-source project of the same name that was used by a number of researchers.

    Microsoft has announced that it will retire that project.

    Users will still have access to the original open-source project’s code, the company told the BBC, but it will be archived, and instead the firm will focus its efforts on the new product.

    The new proprietary platform, the company says, contains more out-of-the box features, and requires less technical knowledge to use.

    However, Microsoft says its goal is to offer a free option, and says it will provide more information as the general release date approaches.

    The project runs on Microsoft’s cloud computing platform Azure.

    US firm Airtonomy was given early access to the platform.

    Airtonomy uses drones to inspect infrastructure, such as wind turbines and power lines.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Teslan autopilotti ei näe moottoripyöriä

    esla yrittää innokkaasti tuoda täysautomaattista autopilottia autoihinsa. Ohjelmisto näyttää olevan jonkinlaisessa pysyvässä beetatilassa, eivätkä uusimmat uutiset nopeuta tekniikan tuomista laajaan käyttöön.

    Yhdysvaltain tieliikenteen turvallisuudesta vastaava NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) tutkii nyt kahta viime kuussa tapahtunutta onnettomuutta, joissa ”osittaisella autopilotilla” toiminut Tesla törmäsi moottoripyörään valtatiellä. Lisäksi tutkinnan alla on tapauksia, joissa Tesla on törmännyt valtatien varrelle pysäköityihin häytysajoneuvoihin.

    Youtube on pullollaan raportteja, joissa Tesla-käyttäjät testaavat autopilottejaan. Suurin puute näyttää olevan äkillinen jarruttaminen ilman syytä. NHTSA kertoo tse saaneensa 750 aisaan liittyvää valitusta.

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Unohda latausahdistus: 200 kilometriä ajoa viiden minuutin latauksella

    Sähköautoon liittyvää latausahdistusta yritetään nyt helpottaa monella tapaa. Kiinalainen Xpeng Motorsin ratkaisu on hypernopea lataus. Uusi S4-laturi syöttää yhtiön G9-malliin viidessä minuutissa tarpeeksi virtaa 200 kilometrin ajomatkaa varten. Käytännössä autonlataus lähestyy älypuhelimen pikalatausta.

    S4-latausasema on piikarbidipohjainen 800 voltin latausjärjestelmä, jonka maksimiteho on 480 kilowattia. S4 lataa 670 ampeerin virralla. G9-malli vastaanottaa latausvirtaa enimmillään 400 kilowatin teholla.

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Buttons beat touchscreens in cars, and now there’s data to prove it
    Swedish publication Vi Bilägare quantified the problem with new tests.

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Automotive Industry Accelerates to an Electrified Future
    Aug. 22, 2022
    The century-long reign of the internal-combustion-engine powertrain now has an expiration date.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Indy Autonomous Challenge and ROS 2
    Aug. 17, 2022
    Apex.AI’s Joe Speed explains how ROS 2 is controlling IAC autonomous cars.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

    The Indy Autonomous Challenge (IAC) is “organized by the Energy Systems Network. IAC university teams from around the world compete in a series of challenges to advance technology that can speed the commercialization of fully autonomous vehicles and deployments of advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) to increase safety and performance. The competitions are a platform for students to excel in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).”

    The 2022 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) hosted the autonomous race at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. These specially built cars were programmed by a worldwide collection of universities using open-source hardware that included ROS 2, the Robot Operating System. ROS 2 can be used for almost any robot, but utilizing ROS 2 in cars can be a challenge, especially those targeting end-users. Apex.AI developed a version of ROS 2 that can meet the requirements, and the enhancements for ROS 2 have been returned to the open-source community.

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Indy Autonomous Challenge to Return to CES® 2023 With Boosted Engine Package on All Cars

  33. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Automakers Forge Ahead with Hydrogen-Fuel-Cell Vehicle Development
    Aug. 24, 2022
    BMW and Toyota will team up to produce hydrogen-fuel-cell vehicles starting mid-decade. The partnership will help BMW achieve its target of 50% electrification across its lineup two years ahead of its expected date of 2030.


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