Self driving cars failed 2020

I was had planned to do a long post on self-driving cars a quite long time. I was planning to do one this spring, but I might not do that, because it seems that predictions that self-driving cars would be here in 2020 were far too rosy. Five years ago, several companies including Nissan and Toyota promised self-driving cars in 2020. So it may be wise to take any new forecasts with a grain of salt. Hare is a worth to check out article of the current status of self-driving cars:

Surprise! 2020 Is Not the Year for Self-Driving Cars

In March, because of the coronavirus, self-driving car companies, including Argo, Aurora, Cruise, Pony, and Waymo, suspended vehicle testing and operations that involved a human driver. Around the same time, Waymo and Ford released open data sets of information collected during autonomous-vehicle tests and challenged developers to use them to come up with faster and smarter self-driving algorithms.

It seems that the self-driving car industry still hopes to make meaningful progress on autonomous vehicles (AVs) this year, but the industry is slowed by the pandemic and facing a set of very hard problems that have gotten no easier to solve over the years.



  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Hydrogen ICEs, and 48-V Systems Shine at Truck Show
    Sept. 20, 2022
    While not as in vogue as battery electric vehicles, considerable progress is being made in developing zero-carbon hydrogen fuel ICEs as well as hydrogen fuel cells powering electric traction motors for trucks.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Fundamentals of
    Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Thor SoC Ups Processing Power for Future AVs
    Sept. 21, 2022
    NVIDIA’s Drive Thor promises to deliver up to 2,000 TOPS of AI performance, a major generational leap over its Orin SoC.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Designing a Power Tree for an Automotive SoC
    Sept. 26, 2022
    ADAS and infotainment SoCs offer increasingly higher computing power, which in turn results in higher power demands. This article discusses how to design an optimal power architecture for an automotive SoC, focusing on pre-regulator design.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Uusi autotutka näkee 300 metriä joka suuntaan

    Kuljettajaa avustavat järjestelmät kehittyvät nyt nopeasti kohti täydellistä autonomiaa. Tämä näkyy esimerkiksi tutkapiirien kehittymisenä, kuten NXP:n uudessa toisen sukupolven 77 gigahertsin lähetinvastaanottimessa.

    TEF82xx-piiri on seuraaja markkinoilla suosiota saaneelle TEF810x:lle, jota on jo toimitettu kymmeniä miljoonia yksiköitä. Nopeaan chirp-modulaatioon optimoitu laite tukee lyhyen, keskipitkän ja pitkän kantaman tutkasovelluksia. Se mahdollistaa 360 asteen havainnoinnin kriittisissä turvallisuussovelluksissa, kuten automaattisessa hätäjarrutuksessa, mukautuvassa vakionopeussäätimessä ja vastaavissa.

    Tutkasta on tulossa keskeinen tunnistustekniikka sekä ADAS-toiminnoissa normaaleissa henkilöautoissa että MaaS-sovelluksissa (Mobility as a Service). Tiellä kohti täysin autonomista ajamista vaativammat käyttötapaukset vaativat parempaa RF-suorituskykyä “nähdä” pidemmälle, yli 300 metrin etäisyyksille. Lisäksi tarvitaan parempaa resoluutiota, jotta järjestelmä voi havaita erilaisia kohteita tiellä ja ympärillään.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    TactoTek yhteistyöhön ledipioneerin kanssa

    Oululainen TactoTek tunnetaan ruiskuvalettujen elektroniikkaosien kehityksestä esimerkiksi autoihin. Nyt yhtiö on sopinut yhteistyötä yhden leditekniikan pioneerien eli ams OSRAMin kanssa. Tarkoituksena on optimoida ledejä niin, että ne voidaan integroida tulevaisuuden ruiskuvalettuihin sisätilojen valaistuspaneeleihin autoissa.

    Ams OSRAMin uusi OSIRE-sarjan ledi E5515 on erityisesti suunniteltu valettuihin komponentteihin. Nyt se on validoitu käytettäväksi TactoTekin IMSE-teknologiassa, mikä mahdollistaa parannetun tuotemerkkien erottamisen ja kestävän valmistuksen autoteollisuuden OEM-valmistajille.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Autokauppa piristyi elokuussa, sähköautokasvu hidastui

    Pitkään jatkuneen taantuman uusien ajoneuvojen rekisteröinnit Euroopassa lisääntyivät elokuussa. JATO Dynamicsin mukaan elokuussa rekisteröitiin 739 037 uutta henkilöautoa eli 3,5 prosenttia enemmän kuin vuotta aikaisemmin. Sähköautojen myynnin kasvu hidastui hieman.

    JATO Dynamicsin analyytikko Felipe Munozin mukaan valmistajat ovat nyt oppineet hallitsemaan komponenttipulaa. Silti ostajat joutuvat edelleen odottamaan uusia autoja pitkiä aikoja. Moni kyllästyy odottamaan ja kävelee käytettyjen autojen liikkeeseen.

    Huolimatta markkinoiden pienestä kasvusta elokuussa sähköajoneuvoissa kysyntä ei enää kasvanut entiseen tapaan.

    JATOn mukaan mielenkiintoista on, että 20 % kaikista elokuussa rekisteröidyistä täyssähköisistä autoista valmistettiin Kiinassa. Kiina nousi jo toiseksi suurimmaksi sähköautojen valmistajaksi Saksan (28 prosenttia) jälkeen.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Investors bank on China’s alternatives to Nvidia’s auto chips

    In China, a crop of homegrown chip companies has popped up as Beijing strives to decouple from America’s advanced technology and manage sanctions risks, which have crippled Huawei’s lucrative smartphone business. In the red-hot space of autonomous driving, Chinese semiconductor firms, buoyed with venture capital, are aiming to provide the best alternatives to Nvidia and its like.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nyt se on tutkittu: ohjelmisto on aina ihmistä parempi kuski

    Ihmisen on vaikea antaa autonomiselle ajoneuvolle ”lupa” hoitaa kaikki ajaminen. Amerikkalainen Waymo on kuitenkin tutkimuksellaan osoittanut, että tähän ei ole mitään syytä. Edistynyt ohjelmisto on aina ihmistä parempi kuljettaja.

    Robottiauton ja ihmiskuljettajan suorituskyvyn eroja on ollut vaikea arvioida. Waymo on nyt mallintanut, kuinka hyvin normaali, jatkuvasti liikennettä tarkkaileva kuljettaja pystyy välttämään onnettomuudet. Tämäkin on hieman hankala kuvio, sillä jatkuvasti tarkkaavaista ihmiskuljettajaa ei ole olemassa.

    Mallinnuksen avulla Waymo kuitenkin on pystynyt vertailemaan, miten ohjelmisto ja aina tarkkaavainen kuski suoriutuvat erilaisista hätätilanteista. Odotetusti Waymo Driver on näissäkin vertailuissa etevämpi.

    Viime vuonna Waymo simuloi Arizonan Chandlerissa tapahtuneita kuolemaan johtaneita onnettomuuksia. Simulaatiot paljastivat, että Waymon ohjelmisto pystyi välttämään 100 prosenttia sellaisista kolareista, joissa autoon ei osuttu takaapäin. Robottiautokaan ei auta, jos perään ajetaan lujaa.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kiihtyvyysanturi poistaa melun sähköauton sisältä

    Sähköauto on lähes äänetön kapistus, mutta tällä on kääntöpuolensa: ulkopuolisesta melusta tulee entistä häiritsevämpi tekijä. STMicroelectronics on kehittänyt kiihtyvyysanturin, jonka avulla auton ohjaamaan voidaan tuoda kuulokkeista tuttu aktiivinen melunvaimennus.

    AIS25BA-anturi on optimoitu tunnistamaan tiemelua ja siihen liittyvää tärinää, ja se on luokkansa paras autojen MEMS-kiihtyvyysanturi, joka ohjaa ja vaimentaa tarkasti ohjaamon akustista ympäristöä.

    Melunvaimennusalgoritmit, jotka toimivat useiden ajoneuvoon asennettujen antureiden kanssa, mittaavat ympäristön äänet ja eliminoivat tärinän käyttämällä melua vaimentavia aaltomuotoja, jotka toimivat tärinää vaimentavina ääninä.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Amazon stops working on Scout, its autonomous home delivery cooler-sized robot in testing since 2019; source: ~400 people were working on the project globally — Inc. is shutting down tests of its home delivery robot, the latest sign that the e-commerce giant is starting to wind …

    Amazon Abandons Home Delivery Robot Tests in Latest Cost Cuts

    Slow-moving cooler-sized Scout had been in testing since 2019
    Machine axed as Amazon adjusts to slower sales growth

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Diamond-Quantum Sensor Measures EV’s Battery Current with Extreme Precision
    Oct. 10, 2022
    Diamonds may be forever… and they may also be at the heart of a precision quantum-based current sensor for EVs.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

    What you’ll learn:

    Why a better current sensor for EVs is advantageous.
    How a diamond-based quantum sensor may be suitable.
    Test results for this sensor.

    Measuring a physical attribute such as voltage or current with high precision and have the ability to detect small changes over a wide dynamic range is a pervasive real-world sensing challenge. This situation arises in electric vehicles, where battery current can reach a maximum of several hundred amperes while the average current is only approximately 10 A. Ordinary sensors simply don’t have an accuracy of several tens of milliamperes while maintaining a dynamic range of several hundred amperes.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Litiumakuille etsitään nyt kuumeisesti korvaajaa, jotta erilaisten laitteiden sähköistäminen onnistuisi. Yksi etsijöistä on NASA, joka on kehittänyt kiinteän elektrolyytin akkuja SABERS-projektissa (Solid-state Architecture Batteries for Enhanced Rechargeability and Safety ). Siinä tulokset ovat erittäin lupaavia.

    Sähköautojen lisäksi NASAn tavoitteena on kehittää akkuja sähköilma-aluksiin. Tätä tarkoitusta varten SABERS on kokeillut innovatiivisia uusia materiaaleja, joita ei vielä ole käytetty akuissa, ja jotka ovat edistyneet merkittävästi virranpurkauksessa. Hankkeessa on kehitetty akkuja, joissa käytetään litiumin sijaan rikkiä ja seleniumia.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Euroopassa halutaan Tesloja ja se on iso ongelma

    Euroopassa halutaan Tesloja ja se on iso ongelma

    Julkaistu: 10.10.2022

    Power Business

    Jotta liikenne voisi sähköistyä laajamittaisesti, pitäisi markkinoille tulla myös edullisempia automalleja. Tämä ei näytä nyt toteutuvan. JATO Dynamicsin uuden raportin mukaan sähköauton keskihinta Euroopassa on vain kallistunut viimeisen vuoden aikana ja on nyt 55 821 euroa.

    JATOn raportin mukaan sähköauton keskihinta oli Euroopassa vuonna 2015 48 942 euroa. Nousua on siis tullut selvästi, vaikka kehityksen pitäisi mennä toiseen suuntaan. Samanlainen kehitys on tapahtunut Yhdysvalloissa, jossa sähköauton keskihinta on nyt 63 864 euroa. Vuonna 2015 keskihinta oli yli 10 000 euroa halvempi.

    Nykyään sähköauto on Euroopassa keskimäärin 27 % kalliimpi kuin bensiiniauto, ja Yhdysvalloissa tämä hintaero hyppää peräti 43 prosenttiin. Tähän verrattuna Kiinan edistyminen on silmiinpistävää. Vuonna 2015 sähköauton keskihinta oli Kiinassa korkeampi verrattuna Eurooppaan ja Yhdysvaltoihin (66 819 euroa), mutta Kiinan hallituksen yhteiset toimet kotimaisen autoteollisuuden sähköistämiseksi ovat laskeneet sähköauton keskihinnan vain 31 829 euroon. Kiinalainen maksaa nyt sähköautosta keskimäärin kolmanneksen eli 33 % vähemmän kuin bensiiniautosta.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Automotive Security Threats Are More Critical Than Ever

    We’ve all marveled at the latest innovations from Tesla, the skill of Google’s self-driving cars, or, at the very least, enjoyed playing a podcast on our phone through our car’s speakers.

    The automotive industry continues to innovate, bringing connectivity to vehicles in new ways from the cockpit to the engine. These new tools change the way people drive and view their cars. An automobile is no longer just for transportation from point A to point B, but cars are rolling data centers that transmit a wealth of actionable intelligence to the networks and systems around them. However, that same information is also a valuable commodity to hackers – who are looking to steal it at any cost.

    According to Statista, it is projected that by 2025, there will be over 400 million connected cars in operation, up from some 237 million in 2021. That growth brings risk, and so it’s particularly important that we have the ability to secure connected cars from cybersecurity threats.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    NTSB Calls for Alcohol Detection Systems in All New Vehicles
    Oct. 3, 2022
    In 2020, roughly 1 in 3 traffic fatalities resulted from crashes involving alcohol-impaired drivers. The NTSB now recommends all new vehicles have systems that would prevent or limit vehicle operation if they detect driver impairment by alcohol.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

    What you’ll learn:

    Measures to reduce alcohol-related crashes.
    What technologies are needed for alcohol-impairment detection?
    Potential technologies for speed limiting.

    While you can’t always trust statistics, it’s tough to dispute the numbers underpinning the notion that driving under the influence of alcohol remains a leading cause of injury-involved highway crashes. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2020, roughly one in three traffic fatalities resulted from crashes involving alcohol-impaired drivers.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Andrew J. Hawkins / The Verge:
    BMW plans to use AWS tools to manage data from its Neue Klasse platform for connected vehicles; the company says it has roughly 20M connected vehicles in use

    MW will be the first automaker to use Amazon Web Services’ cloud platform

    The German automaker is signing on to use AWS’s software to process data from millions of its connected cars. BMW’s ‘Neue Klasse’ electric vehicles will be the first to feature the new data processing service.

    BMW will be the first automaker to use Amazon Web Services’ cloud software to manage data from its connected vehicles, the companies announced Thursday.

    BMW says it has roughly 20 million connected vehicles on the road today. The AWS software will be integrated into BMW’s “Neue Klasse” platform for its future lineup of electric vehicles. This platform will “process roughly triple the volume of vehicle data compared to the current generation of BMW models,” Nicolai Krämer, vice president of vehicle connectivity platforms at the BMW Group, said in a statement.

    This platform will “process roughly triple the volume of vehicle data compared to the current generation of BMW models”

    Modern vehicles run more on software than ever before, powering features such as telematics, navigation, and advanced driver-assist features. Automakers are increasingly striking licensing deals with Silicon Valley’s software giants to better manage all the data these vehicles are generating. The data is used to develop new digital products to sell to their customers as well as lay the groundwork for more autonomous driving features in the future.

    Amazon said it is targeting other car companies as clients for its software, pitching the AWS cloud platform as an easy way to collect vehicle data, manage large fleets of vehicles, and improve the maintenance and repair process. The platform can also enable automakers to deliver “advanced vehicle features and more personalized driver experiences at lower costs,” Amazon says.

    The companies also say AWS’s cloud is more secure than that of competing software providers,

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    This Week in PowerBites: Batteries on a Lithium Diet, Evolving EVs
    Oct. 4, 2022
    PowerBites invites you to explore the trends and challenges of ongoing electric-vehicle technology, speculate on sulfur storage batteries, and witness the wonders of Weigand power harvesting.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

    Alleviate Consumer Concerns with Fast, Flexible Charging Networks
    Sept. 8, 2022
    Sponsored by Texas Instruments: Whether improving accessibility, convenience, or affordability, semiconductor technology will be a key part of the charging infrastructure that will power the transition to electrification.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Auto- ja akkuvalmistaja Valmet Automotive aikoo listautua pörssiin
    Yhtiö aikoo kerätä osakeannissa 140 miljoonan euron varat, jotka on tarkoitus käyttää lähivuosien investointeihin, kuten sähköisten ajoneuvojen akkujärjestelmäliiketoiminnan laajentamiseen.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sensor Fusion Drives Vehicle Autonomy Forward
    Oct. 13, 2022
    Sponsored by Texas Instruments: Engineers designing autonomous vehicles and ADAS technology are combining data from multiple sensors to facilitate reliable, real-time decision-making.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

    As vehicles become increasingly autonomous, engineers are developing advanced driver-assistance system (ADAS) technology to implement functions such as collision avoidance, lane-departure warning, and blind-spot detection. Many ADAS functions have made use of cameras. However, cameras can perform poorly in rain, snow, and fog, resulting in the increasing adoption of radar, which works well in unfavorable weather. In addition, while a camera excels at recognizing object details in ideal conditions, radar can more accurately measure an object’s distance.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    NXP Packs All In-Car Wireless Connectivity into One Box
    Oct. 19, 2022
    OrangeBox is the latest in the company’s series of color-coded development platforms for vehicles, joining BlueBox, GreenBox, and GoldBox.

    Today, the modern car is more connected than ever, taking advantage of a wide range of wired and wireless technologies to keep it connected to the cloud, smartphones, and even to other cars driving down the road.

    To drive the car’s digital transformation, NXP rolled out a new software development platform called OrangeBox. It integrates a wide range of wireless technologies including Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth, broadcast radio, ultra-wideband (UWB), and dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) for V2X into a single control unit. It also brings GPS for real-time navigation and 4G/5G for telematics (and other purposes) into the package.

    Largely but not exclusively based on NXP hardware and software, OrangeBox is a platform in the sense that it aims to make it as easy as possible to prototype new services and apps powered by wireless connectivity.

    But more than that, it’s a reference design for what the company calls a connectivity domain controller (CDC). By integrating everything in a single controller, it gives cars a more secure way to communicate with the world around them.

    “What we are doing with the new concept is putting all of the wireless connectivity in the car into a single place, using a single powerful processor to manage it all,” said Jim Bridgewater, head of global product marketing for NXP’s automotive processing product line.

    New-Age Architecture

    As wireless connectivity becomes a bigger focus for automakers, so has the hardware under the hood.

    Today, more than 100 electronic control units (ECUs) are distributed throughout a modern car, and each one tends to only have enough computing power to do a single task. But many companies are moving to “domain-based” architectures that use high-performance chips incorporated on a “domain controller” to safely run several distinct functions—for instance, related to the electric powertrain or the dashboard display—at once. The systems run in separate software containers instead of on separate microcontrollers (MCUs).

    These controllers also tend to have enough computing power to support over-the-air (OTA) updates. These allow vehicles to be continuously upgraded throughout their lifecycle with new services, apps, and features.

    Today, cars leverage a wide range of different wireless technologies to communicate with the world around them. But they’re often distributed to different systems in the vehicle, with the Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and NFC housed in the hardware that controls the car’s digital dashboard. Thus, for instance, users can connect a smartphone to the display. 4G and 5G cellular modems are usually placed in the car’s main telematics unit. The systems responsible for body control support short-range Bluetooth LE (BLE) and UWB for secure car access.

    OrangeBox unifies these current and emerging wireless interfaces into a single secure connectivity domain controller, which connects to the central gateway over Gigabit Ethernet with support for time-sensitive networking (TSN). This will allow other systems in the car to leverage the integrated wireless connectivity.

    NXP said OrangeBox acts as a gatekeeper of sorts for the vehicle. The box can communicate wirelessly with the cloud via 5G or Wi-Fi to take in software updates. Then, once it’s done checking for evidence of hackers, it interfaces with and feeds the data (via Ethernet or CAN) to the central gateway that manages the internal network in the vehicle. The gateway then distributes the data to the systems where they belong.

    Integrating all of the wireless connectivity into a single box is less costly when it comes to the bill of materials. It’s also more secure than allowing several different systems in the vehicle to connect to the outside world.

    Furthermore, OrangeBox has enough computing power to run more powerful security protections. For example, firewalls can be used to check all of the data entering the vehicle and get out ahead of hackers trying to get inside.

    “The concept is bringing the state-of-the-art security from the enterprise into the car,” said Bridgewater.

    OrangeBox is a complement to the GoldBox platform. GoldBox, based on NXP’s S32G, brings to the table high-performance computing and rich input/output (I/O) interfaces targeting the car’s central network gateway.

    NXP isn’t trying to dominate every aspect of the car—it’s not battling the likes of Infineon with the MOSFETs and IGBTs used to propel the electric powertrain, nor competing directly against NVIDIA and Qualcomm in the supercomputer-class chips at the heart of self-driving vehicle. Rather, the company is trying to give automakers a set of tools to help drive software development, offering BlueBox, GreenBox, and other platforms as a suite of blueprints its customers can consult when it comes to systems integration.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Automotive Haptic Design: A New Field of Opportunity
    Oct. 10, 2022
    Adding haptic feedback to displays in cars and trucks lets designers add “feel and texture” to buttons, as well as sliders to touchscreen elements, making it safer for drivers when interacting with the displays.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Fundamentals of

    Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Electric vehicles currently have about 10 percent uncertainty in estimating their battery charge. This technique could halve that.

    Tiny Ultrasound Sensors Could Monitor EV Batteries

    Continuous ultrasound scans can help electric vehicles keep track of battery charge, health, and safety

    Ultrasound sensors as small as a thumbnail can scan lithium-ion batteries to check their charge, health and safety, a new study finds.

    The findings suggest ultrasound—that is, sound waves at frequencies higher than human hearing can detect—might one day help electric vehicles better estimate how much charge remains in their batteries. This approach might also help detect unstable batteries on the verge of disaster, quickly test battery quality during manufacturing, and see which used batteries are healthy enough to be resold to reduce waste, says study lead author Hongbin Sun, an ultrasonic engineer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The $300,000 3D Printed Car

    We’ve noticed an uptick in cars–especially pricey ones–using 3D-printed parts. However, these are usually small and nonstructural parts with a few exceptions. This isn’t the case with the 2024 Cadillac Celestiq. The $300,000 luxury electric vehicle boasts 115 3D-printed parts, according to a post on [TheDrive].

    It appears part of the drive–no pun intended–is to allow ultra customizations for people who need more than a car that costs more than a quarter of a million dollars.

    The 2024 Cadillac Celestiq Has More 3D-Printed Parts Than Any Other Production Car
    The $300,000 Celestiq is nothing like Cadillac has built in a long time. As such, it uses advanced manufacturing techniques not seen in more plebian vehicles.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ford, VW-backed Argo AI is shutting down

    Argo AI, an autonomous vehicle startup that burst on the scene in 2017 stacked with a $1 billion investment, is shutting down — its parts being absorbed into its two main backers: Ford and VW, according to people familiar with the matter.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    ADAS-järjestelmä tulee seuraavaksi moottoripyörään

    Uudet autot ovat täynnä erilaisia kuljettajaa avustavia, älykkäitä järjestelmiä. Niitä kutsutaan yleisnimellä ADAS. Nyt onsemi ja israelilainen Ride Vision aikovat tuoda vastaavanlaisia ratkaisuja myös moottoripyöräilijoiden käyttöön. Tekniikoita kutsutaan nimellä ARAS eli Advanced Rider Assistance System.

    Ride Vision on kehittänyt CAT-tekniikan (Collision Aversion Technology), joka käyttää konenäköä tekoälyn (AI) kanssa ja perustuu onsemin AR0147AT-kuva-antureiden keräämään dataan. CAT antaa ajajille oikea-aikaisia ​​varoituksia tiellä uhkaavista vaaroista, välttää suuren prosenttiosuuden onnettomuuksista ja auttaa pelastamaan ihmishenkiä.

    Kummassakin järjestelmässä käytetään kahta AR0147AT-kuvasensorilla varustettua kameraa, jotka on asennettu pyörän etu- ja takaosaan. Kamerat tallentavat korkealaatuisia kuvia ja lähettävät ne pieneen sisäiseen prosessointiyksikköön, joka käyttää Ride Visionin patentoituja ja ainutlaatuisia algoritmeja kaksipyöräisille ajoneuvoille. Algoritmit monitoroivat pyörän ympäristöä 360-asteisesti ja varoittavat uhkaavista törmäyksistä huomaamattomasti.


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