I was had planned to do a long post on self-driving cars a quite long time. I was planning to do one this spring, but I might not do that, because it seems that predictions that self-driving cars would be here in 2020 were far too rosy. Five years ago, several companies including Nissan and Toyota promised self-driving cars in 2020. So it may be wise to take any new forecasts with a grain of salt. Hare is a worth to check out article of the current status of self-driving cars:
Surprise! 2020 Is Not the Year for Self-Driving Cars
In March, because of the coronavirus, self-driving car companies, including Argo, Aurora, Cruise, Pony, and Waymo, suspended vehicle testing and operations that involved a human driver. Around the same time, Waymo and Ford released open data sets of information collected during autonomous-vehicle tests and challenged developers to use them to come up with faster and smarter self-driving algorithms.
It seems that the self-driving car industry still hopes to make meaningful progress on autonomous vehicles (AVs) this year, but the industry is slowed by the pandemic and facing a set of very hard problems that have gotten no easier to solve over the years.
Tomi Engdahl says:
EU hyväksyi kiellon uusille polttomoottorikulkuneuvoille. Astuu voimaan 2035.
EU approves effective ban on new fossil fuel cars from 2035
BRUSSELS, Oct 27 (Reuters) – The European Union struck a deal on Thursday on a law to effectively ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2035, aiming to speed up the switch to electric vehicles and combat climate change.
Negotiators from the EU countries and the European Parliament, who must both approve new EU laws, as well as the European Commission, which drafts new laws, agreed that carmakers must achieve a 100% cut in CO2 emissions by 2035, which would make it impossible to sell new fossil fuel-powered vehicles in the 27-country bloc.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
How to choose a power supply for an automotive camera module
As automotive camera technology advances with higher resolutions, dynamic ranges and frame rates, power-supply architectures need tailoring to the specific use-case requirements. In this article, I’ll review three strategies you can use to power your automotive camera module:
Fully discrete
Fully integrated
Partially integrated
The focus in this article is on small-form-factor camera modules that don’t include any data processing, and output raw video data to a separate electronic control unit. These modules are often found in surround-view, driver-monitoring and mirror-replacement systems and receive a pre-regulated supply voltage over the same coaxial cable used for video data output.
A camera sensor and external circuitry require a current draw that may vary widely across different sensors and any additional external devices. Usually, the lower imager rails (1.2 V and 1.8 V in Figure 1) require the most current, while the largest supply voltage (2.9 V for the imager) requires the least. Because the 2.9-V rail pertains to the analog supply of the imager – and ultimately, its performance with regard to image quality – selecting a supply will require careful consideration, as the rail requires a clean supply with minimal noise. The included FPD-Link device, along with any form of supervisors or sequencers, will also pull from this power budget.
One might suggest using a low-dropout regulator (LDO) for every supply considering its excellent noise performance. However, that is not feasible when designing with a limited power budget. Additionally, increasing current will stress connectors and cables and increase self heating of the camera, which may worsen performance.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Driving automotive safety forward
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Next-Gen Traction Inverters Help Drive EV Performance
Oct. 26, 2022
Sponsored by Texas Instruments: To build the traction-inverter systems that meet the needs of the latest EVs, designers must reduce power losses and improve efficiency. MCUs with fast loop control can help achieve those goals.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Wireless Test Solution Augments C-V2X Function
Oct. 17, 2022
Anritsu extended the capabilities of its Universal Wireless Test Set by adding a software option to expand the platform’s C-V2X measurement feature.
Tomi Engdahl says:
How to Overcome Autonomous-Vehicle Networking Challenges
Oct. 27, 2022
This three-part series looks at issues facing designers of autonomous vehicles trying to reach level 5 autonomy, in terms of effectively implementing a sensor-fusion platform, building a networking system, and addressing safety and security concerns.
Automotive Safety and Security on the Road
Oct. 27, 2022
As automotive SoCs become more complex, it can be challenging for automotive hardware suppliers to address the safety and security aspects independently. Still, engineers must build AV systems that are secure enough to meet consumers’ needs.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tesla rikostutkinnassa robottiautoväitteistään
Tomi Engdahl says:
Virolainen akkustartup Skeleton on julkaissut uuden akun, jolla yhtiö aikoo haastaa Teslan raskaiden työkoneiden akkujen tuotannossa. Asiasta kerrotaan Invest in Estonia -sivustolla.
Tesla sai haastajan: Virolainen tuleen syttymätön superakku latautuu alle tunnissa, pieni “mutta” siinä kuitenkin on
Virolainen akkustartup Skeleton on julkaissut uuden akun, jolla yhtiö aikoo haastaa Teslan raskaiden työkoneiden akkujen tuotannossa. Asiasta kerrotaan Invest in Estonia -sivustolla.
Superbattery-niminen akku perustuu superkondensaattoritekniikkaan.
Skeletonin akussa käytetään yhtiön patentoimaa taipuvaa grafeenia.
Skeleton tähtää erityisesti raskaiden työkoneiden markkinoille. Se on aloittanut yhteistyön energiayhtiö Shellin kanssa kaivosalan koneiden sähköistämiseksi. Toimialan markkina-arvoksi arvioidaan 95 miljardia euroa.
Latautuu 100 kertaa tavallista litium-ioniakkua nopeammin
Yhtiön mukaan Superbattery-akku latautuu 100 kertaa tavallista litium-ioniakkua nopeammin. 400 kWh akun lataaminen kestää yhtiön mukaan alle 90 sekuntia.
Akkua voidaan ladata elinkaarensa aikana 50 000 kertaa.
Yhden työpäivän aikana työkoneen akun lataamiseen kuluu aikaa näin ollen alle tunnin verran. Litium-ioniakkuja käyttäen päivittäinen latausaika on 6,5 tuntia.
Skeletonin sivuilla Superbattery-akun kerrotaan sopivan parhaiten alle 30 minuuttia kestäviin työsuorituksiin. Akusta saadaan siis lyhytaikaisesti suuri sähköteho, mutta se täytyy ladata melko usein. Nopean latausajan ansiosta työpäivän aikana latauksessa kuluva kokonaisaika jää lyhyeksi.
Grafeeniakussa ei ole lainkaan kobolttia, nikkeliä, kuparia tai grafiittia. Toisin kuin litium-ioniakut, se ei myöskään voi syttyä palamaan edes rikkoutuessaan fyysisesti tai ylikuumentuessaan.
Akun sarjatuotannon on määrä käynnistyä vuonna 2024, jolloin yhtiö avaa maailman suurimman superkondensaattoritehtaan Saksan Markranstädtiin.
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Future of Automotive is Electric
“Electric-powered, self-driving, data centers on wheels”
In this Tek Insights conversation, Cody Gough talks to Denis Solomon, Tektronix Automotive Market Segment Manager, about three key market trends driving the automotive industry:
Vehicle electrification and batteries
Connected car and data
The autonomous vehicle
Tomi Engdahl says:
Magnetic Sensor ICs Offer Integrated Diagnostics for ASIL Compliance
The current revolution in intelligent vehicle control systems relies substantially on the rapidly developing physical detection technology called magnetic sensor integrated circuits (ICs). The complexity, reliability, flexibility, and functionality of these non-contacting, magnetic sensor ICs have all but dispelled the need for electromechanical switches in just about every application in latest generation automobiles. Yet, accompanying this increase in usage of complex electronic devices, is a heightened concern over difficult-todetect, system-level risks. This, in turn, has led the automotive industry to focus on automotive functional safety. The ISO 26262 functional safety standard outlines a development process including predictive analysis to minimize risk. This process, in turn, requires advanced diagnostics capabilities integrated directly into magnetic sensor IC systems. An examination is made of a new type of magnetic sensor IC that implements integrated diagnostics, using an innovative embedded solid state coil for end to end system test.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Study Finds Drivers Treat Partially Automated Vehicles as Self-Driving
Oct. 31, 2022
According to IIHS, regular users of Super Cruise, ProPILOT Assist, and Autopilot said they were more likely to perform non-driving-related activities like eating or texting while using their semi-autonomous systems than when driving unassisted.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Diminish Discharge with the Quiescent-Current Control Module
Oct. 28, 2022
The QCCM, found in a number of modern high-performance vehicles, cuts power to other non-essential control modules to prevent an excessive discharge of the primary battery.
In the automotive market, a multitude of buck-converter ICs enable automotive power engineers to achieve low quiescent current. This effort will help extend battery runtime, especially in applications like infotainment systems that will require standby-mode power coupled with a compact solution. Buck converters also enable a reduced external component count, reducing system cost.
The complete system consists of three components:
Battery-management-system (BMS) control module (see TI HEV/EV BMS).
Great Wall Motor (GWM) technology.
Quiescent-current control module (QCCM): There’s a patent for a vehicle quiescent-current control method, system, device, and computer readable storage medium, and another patent for a control device for quiescent current of automobiles.
The quiescent-current control module is located at the right rear corner of the luggage compartment in a Jaguar. Most other vehicles with a QCCM will have a similar location within the vehicle. The QCCM will cut power supplies to other non-essential control modules to prevent an excessive discharge of the primary battery.
The QCCM is in addition to the BMS and uses signals already transmitted by the BMS control module(s). The systems supplied via the QCCM are usually the audio/entertainment systems and the climate-control systems. The software that controls the QCCM is contained within the GWM.
In some cases, the control modules may cause an unnecessary battery drain due to the module staying awake after the vehicle electrical system has shut down. The QCCM, in conjunction with the GWM, monitor and control the vehicle systems to prevent any battery drain.
Using a Parasitic Battery Drain Diagnostic Even in Intermittent Situations
A parasitic drain on a battery can be usually simple to diagnose and locate. Typically, some device has been left on and is draining the battery down. Troubleshooting requires measuring the voltage drop across the fuses, which can help locate the problem circuit. Murphy’s Law could arise when it becomes challenging to locate the current drain, especially when the draw is an intermittent problem.
Running a parasitic draw diagnostic on the vehicle in a 24-hour period will require a Power Probe Hook (also known as the Supply Hook), which can measure the amperage without the unit entering a sleep mode. The first step is parking the vehicle in a bay where it would not be moved. Then set up the proper tools to check for the current draw.
In this article, we emphasized the latest quiescent-current control in automotive vehicles. The QCCM is at the heart of motor vehicle electronics, helping to minimize discharge of the main automobile battery. An optimum BMS will monitor primary battery health by analyzing the battery quiescent current and any unnecessary current drain on the battery. It’s then able to decide if any action is necessary to protect the primary battery. If action is required, the QCCM can communicate the battery system status to the GWM.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Intel Leverages Habana’s AI Chips to Train Self-Driving Cars
May 12, 2022
The company has also deployed more than 8,000 Gaudi2 server chips in its data centers to inform of further advances of the upcoming Gaudi3 chip.
Intel rolled out a new generation of AI server chips that offer a massive jump in computing, memory, and networking capabilities, setting it apart from NVIDIA’s GPUs for training deep learning in data centers.
The company is courting every major cloud-computing giant with the new Gaudi2, the second generation of the server chip that debuted in cloud services for training AI models offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) last year. However, it’s also using the Habana Labs-designed chips in its own data centers to push the envelope in autonomous driving and other areas.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Autonomous Vehicles: Technology and Trends
June 24, 2021
Life at the sensor edge…the future of mobility…functional-safety design. This article series addresses different facets of autonomous-vehicle technology.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Automotive-Alternator Regulator Embeds Advanced Functionality, LIN Interface
Oct. 18, 2022
Today’s 12-V alternator regulators must do much more than just regulate—they even include a basic network interface.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Autovalmistajilta karmea ennustus: vaikeudet eivät helpotakaan, tuotantoa leikattava
Elektroniikan alihankintaketjujen toimitusvaikeudet eivät näytä helpottavat vieläkään. Autonvalmistajat ovat alkaneet jo alentamaan vuosimallin 2023 autojen tuotantoennusteita.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Uusi väylä tuo autoihin 30 gigabitin dataverkon
ADXpress tulee sanoista Automotive Data Express. Sen avulla kaikki anturien raakadata voidaan lähettää anturikohtaisten virtuaalisten datapolkujen kautta deterministisellä latenssilla yhdelle tai useammalle arviointiyksikölle. Anturit voidaan liittää ADXpress-solmuun PCI Expressin, Ethernetin tai SPI:n kautta, jolloin tiedonsiirto onnistuu sähköisesti 30 gigabitin tai optisella verkolla 4 x 24 gigabitin sekuntinopeudella. Nopeutta rajoittavat vain fyysisen linkin rajat ja ADXpress-solun suorituskyky.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Down on chips, Toyota goes back to basics with car keys
TOKYO, Oct 27 (Reuters) – Toyota Motor Corp has discovered that even keys can be too “smart” for their own good.
The world’s top-selling carmaker said on Thursday it would replace one of the two electronic “smart” keys it delivers in Japan with a mechanical one for the time being as it races to get cars to customers in Japan.
“As the shortage of semiconductors continues, this is a provisional measure aimed at delivering cars to customers as quickly as possible,” Toyota said in a statement, apologising for the inconvenience.
Tomi Engdahl says:
More miles, fewer wires in future electric vehicles
Going wireless with the next generation of battery management systems (BMS) removes heavy communications cabling from inside EVs to help improve driving range and reliability
When we create new solutions for wireless battery management systems for electric vehicles (EVs), our customers can design EVs that are lighter, go farther on a single charge and meet the highest level of functional safety standards to improve reliability.
Why Pre-Charge Circuits are Necessary in High-Voltage Systems
Failure to manage inrush current can lead to
damaged cables, connectors, or fuses
High-voltage systems
(100V+) often use precharged circuits to limit inrush
current. This process protects the system from
damage, extends lifespan, and increases reliability.
TPSI3050-Q1 is an isolated switch driver that drives
external FETs to create a Solid State Relay (SSR)
solution. This solution can replace the mechanical
pre-charge contactor while improving power density.
Pre-charge circuits are often used in electric vehicles
(EVs) such as battery management systems, on-
board chargers, and in industrial applications such as
power supplies and power distribution units. In EVs,
controllers with high capacitive loads regulate motors.
High voltage (HV) positive and negative contactors
are used in this system to act as an emergency
disconnect when the motor regulator fails. Without
a pre-charge circuit, welding can occur within the
contactor as it closes and there could be a brief arc
resulting in pitting.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tampereella suunnitellaan, miten tulevaisuuden autoja ohjataan
Tampereen yliopisto on käynnistänyt uuden AMICI eli Adaptive Multimodal In-Car Interaction -hankkeen, jossa tutkitaan, miten autojen käyttöliittymistä tehdään ihmisille mahdollisimman sopivia. Hanke toimii tutkimuskonsortiossa yhdessä Aalto-yliopiston sekä 11 teknologiayrityksen kanssa.
Konsortion tavoitteena on löytää uusia menetelmiä, joiden avulla auton ja ihmisen välisestä vuorovaikutuksesta tehdään mahdollisimman toimivaa ja turvallista. Työn tavoitteena on vastata siihen haasteeseen, mitä nykyaikainen auto meille asettaa. Ne ovat käytännössä pyörillä kulkevia tietokoneita, jotka vahtivat kaistanvaihtoja, seuraavat onko kuljettaja hereillä ja jopa jarruttavat automaattisesti törmäyksen uhatessa.
Täysin itsestään kulkevat autot toimivat jo rajatuissa olosuhteissa, mutta laajemmin toimiviksi niiden kehitys kestää vielä pitkään. Tekoäly, funktionaaliset materiaalit, sulautetut näytöt ja sensoriteknologiat tulevat mullistamaan ajamisen lähivuosina.
AMICI-hankkeessa Nokia kehittää tekoälymenetelmiä, jotka seuraavat kuljettajaa ja ympäröivää ajotilannetta useiden datalähteiden avulla, huomioiden myös tiedot, jotka saadaan muista tiellä liikkuvista autoista. Tämä mahdollistaa kokonaisvaltaisen kuvan luomisen ajotilanteesta, ympäristöstä, ajoneuvoista ja ihmisistä. Kolmiulotteinen, kuulijan asennon ja sijainnin aistiva tila-audiojärjestelmä mahdollistaa realistisemmat ympäröivät äänimaisemat viestintää ja viihdettä varten.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Laser attack blinds autonomous vehicles, deleting pedestrians and confusing cars
Self-driving cars, like the human drivers that preceded them, need to see what’s around them to avoid obstacles and drive safely.
The most sophisticated autonomous vehicles typically use lidar, a spinning radar-type device that acts as the eyes of the car. Lidar provides constant information about the distance to objects so the car can decide what actions are safe to take.
But these eyes, it turns out, can be tricked.
New research reveals that expertly timed lasers shined at an approaching lidar system can create a blind spot in front of the vehicle large enough to completely hide moving pedestrians and other obstacles. The deleted data causes the cars to think the road is safe to continue moving along, endangering whatever may be in the attack’s blind spot.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Here’s Why Ford And Volkswagen Are Shutting Down Their Autonomous Car Project
Ford and Volkswagen have announced that they are shuttering down Argo AI, and we’ve found out what influenced the decision.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
EV Sales Sticking Point: People Still Want Manual Transmissions
Tomi Engdahl says:
Automotive Safety and Security on the Road
Oct. 27, 2022
As automotive SoCs become more complex, it can be challenging for automotive hardware suppliers to address the safety and security aspects independently. Still, engineers must build AV systems that are secure enough to meet consumers’ needs.
What you’ll learn:
Environmental and safety requirements for vehicle hardware.
Threat vectors for autonomous vehicles.
Industry standards for vehicle security.
The last two articles addressed how sensor fusion is advancing the capabilities of autonomous vehicles (AVs), and how the electrification of vehicles has drastically changed how they’re designed and manufactured. But we haven’t yet touched on one very important aspect of this conversation—automotive safety and security.
The electronics, hardware, and semiconductors used to power modern vehicles and push them into the realm of L4/L5 autonomous and ADAS capabilities are incredibly complex. But unlike a telecom or data-center use case, vehicles have much harsher environments and much stricter safety requirements.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Miles Kruppa / Wall Street Journal:
Activist investor TCI, which has a $6B+ stake in Alphabet, calls on the company to aggressively reduce headcount and cut costs in its long-term bets like Waymo — Hedge fund says company would be more efficient with fewer employees — Activist hedge fund TCI Fund Management called …
Activist Investor TCI Calls on Google Parent Alphabet to Slash Costs
Hedge fund says company would be more efficient with fewer employees
Activist hedge fund TCI Fund Management called on Google parent Alphabet Inc. GOOG 2.80% to aggressively cut costs and reduce losses in long-term bets such as the self-driving car unit Waymo, claiming the company would be more efficient with fewer employees.
“We are writing to express our view that the cost base of Alphabet is too high and management needs to take aggressive action,” TCI wrote in the letter, signed by Managing Director Christopher Hohn. “The company has too many employees and the cost per employee is too high.”
The move adds to the pressure on technology companies to tamp down costs following a stretch through the pandemic when they invested heavily in employees and facilities. Those bets were based on the expectation that they would sustain high rates of growth, which hasn’t come to pass.
‘A highly bloated cost base doesn’t serve the ability of a company to reinvest and for the stock price to appreciate.’
— TCI Fund Management’s Christopher Hohn
Google reported a fifth consecutive quarter of slowing sales growth and the first recorded annual drop in advertising sales on its YouTube video platform in the most recent financial period, sending shares tumbling.
It is rare for big technology companies to face campaigns from activists such as TCI.
Tomi Engdahl says:
EV Sales Sticking Point: People Still Want Manual Transmissions
Call me crazy, but I’m ride or die for manual transmissions. I drove enough go-karts and played enough Pole Position as a kid to know that shifting the gears yourself is simply where it’s at when it comes to tooling around in anything that isn’t human-powered. After all, manuals can be roll-started. A driver has options other than braking and praying on slippery roads. Any sports car worth its rich Corinthian leather (or whatever) has a manual transmission, right? And you know that Rush’s Red Barchetta ain’t no automatic. Face it, shifting gears is just plain cooler. And it’s not a chore if it gets you more, although the fuel efficiency thing is a myth at this point.
Tomi Engdahl says:
A crucial challenge in this exploration is the reality that the skills gap will only widen as manufacturers accelerate their digital transformation to Industry 4.0. In conversation with Dr. Ashley Huderson, director of Engineering Education and Outreach at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Machine Design examines the jobs of the future and the skills needed for those roles. Dr. Huderson draws on a recent ASME research study that investigates the future workflows and skills needed for mechanical engineering, manufacturing engineering and machinist roles over the next decade.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Study Finds Drivers Treat Partially Automated Vehicles as Self-Driving
Oct. 31, 2022
According to IIHS, regular users of Super Cruise, ProPILOT Assist, and Autopilot said they were more likely to perform non-driving-related activities like eating or texting while using their semi-autonomous systems than when driving unassisted.
What you’ll learn:
The challenges associated with semi-autonomous features.
What activities did respondents consider safe to do while driving autonomously?
The need to institute safeguard ratings.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Farming AI: Self-Driving Tractors
Oct. 4, 2022
We check out the technology behind John Deere’s latest self-driving tractor.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Isolation Products and Technologies Lead to Safe, Reliable EVs
Nov. 1, 2022
Sponsored by Texas Instruments: High-voltage subsystems within electric vehicles often require isolation, which you can achieve using solid-state relays as well as isolated amplifiers, modulators, and comparators.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Waabi thinks it can commercialize its autonomous truck technology faster and at lower cost than bigger, wealthier rivals by using extensive simulation to train its AI-enabled system.
As Doubts Grow Over Self-Driving Vehicles, This Ambitious Upstart Rolls Out Its First Robot Trucks
Tomi Engdahl says:
Faraday Future warns it may not be able to deliver its luxury EV
Electric vehicle startup-gone-SPAC Faraday Future has raised a going concern warning, per regulatory filings. The company said it has substantial doubt as to whether it would be able to continue operating over the next year, adding that it is uncertain when it will dispatch first deliveries of its FF 91 luxury EVs.
This isn’t the first time Faraday Future has delayed deliveries of the FF 91s. In July, the company pushed its start of production and first deliveries to the third and fourth quarter, citing supply chain issues and a lack of money. Now, Faraday says it doesn’t expect deliveries to occur in 2022.
As of November 17, Faraday has 369 preorders, down from 399 refundable, non-binding, paid deposits it had as of June 30, according to the company.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Automotive radar
Tomi Engdahl says:
Industry Pushes to Add Hydrogen to the Zero-Emissions Mix
Nov. 15, 2022
Though relative newcomers to the automotive industry, there’s a concerted effort to develop hydrogen-powered vehicles. It’s driven by the fact that the transportation industry is the largest source of greenhouse-gas emissions in the U.S.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tesla ‘Full Self Driving’ Is Now Available to Drivers Who Failed Tesla’s Safety Tests
The driver-assistance system was previously only available to drivers who scored high on the company’s safety monitoring system. Good luck out there.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Traction inverters: the intersection of automotive innovation and performance
Semiconductor innovations in next-generation traction inverters will help drive electric vehicle performance further, making them even more fun to drive
Step on the pedal of a modern electric vehicle (EV) and you’re rewarded with quick, smooth acceleration. Should you be satisfied? Absolutely not.
And you don’t have to be, because higher performance and longer driving range are coming to EVs. Because of the way EVs turn stored energy into propulsion, many of these improvements happen at the electrical level rather than at the traction motors level. Recent advancements in traction inverter technology have made it a particularly fruitful area for growth. The traction inverter manages the flow of energy from the high-voltage battery pack to the motor, turning the wheels and propelling the vehicle. Most EV headlines focus on innovations in battery systems, often overlooking the multi-kilowatt traction inverter.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Mitä 44 miljardilla olisi saanut, jos Elon Musk olisikin ostanut Twitterin sijaan autovalmistajia?
Eteläafrikkalainen kaivosmagnaatin poika osti muutama viikko sitten itselleen oman nettisivun, mutta olisi voinut ostaa vaikkapa autofirman. Mitä 44 miljardilla dollarilla olisi saanut?
Tomi Engdahl says:
Ensimmäinen automaattinen pysäköintipalvelu käyttöön
Saksassa on virallisesti hyväksytty asiakaskäyttöön maailman ensimmäinen automatisoitu pysäköintipalvelu. Boschin ja Mercedes-Benzin yhdessä kehittämä järjestelmä hakee ajoneuvon, pysäköi sen ja palauttaa täysin itsenäisesti, ilman kuljettajaa.
Bosch ja Mercedes-Benz saivat vuonna 2019 luvan operoida automatisoitua pysäköintipalvelua. Tuolloin ilman ihmisen valvontaa kulkevia pilottiajoneuvoja käytettiin Stuttgartin Mercedes-Benz-museon pysäköintihallin päivittäisessä toiminnassa.
Nyt saatu hyväksyntä on aiempaa laajempi ja se mahdollistaa kaupallisen toiminnan yksityisillä ajoneuvoilla Stuttgartin lentoaseman P6-pysäköintihallissa. Viranomaishyväksynnän saaminen pysäköintijärjestelmälle on tärkeä etappi matkalla kohti täysin autonomista ajamista. Pysäköintipalvelu on ajamisen autonomisuutta kuvaavan SAE-asteikon toiseksi ylimmällä tasolla eli tasolla 4.
Palvelua voivat käyttää Mercedes Benzin S- tai EQS-sarjan ajoneuvot, jotka on rakennettu heinäkuun 2022 jälkeen ja varustettu Intelligent Park Pilot -palvelulla.
Automaattinen pysäköinti nojaa Boschin toimittamaan älykkääseen infrastruktuuriin ja Mercedes-Benzin ajoneuvoteknologian yhteispeliin. Pysäköintihallin sensorit seuraavat ajoväylää sekä sen ympäristöä ja tuottavat tarvittavan tiedon ajoneuvon ohjaamiseen. Ajoneuvossa oleva teknologia muuttaa saamansa tiedon ajoliikkeiksi. Tällä tavalla ajoneuvo voi ajaa jopa ramppeja pitkin liikkuakseen kerrosten välillä.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says: