Audio cable testing articles

Here are two articles that could be interesting and entertaining to read.

In this first article the writer uses audio analyzing tools to to debunk spurious claims made by audiophiles, HiFi journalists, and the high-end audio industry about the quality of their products. This article covers using audio analyzers and also using SDR software to analyze audio signals.

Gold Cables Really Do Work The Best

In this second article the writer takes baby carrot and simply tried to use them for audio connections. The writer proved the original story to be true that you can use a carrot in an audio interconnect. But how would we describe its sound?

Organic Audio: Putting Carrots As Audio Couplers To The Test


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Didn’t have the necessary female to female adapters but still managed organic audio

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Manufacture of the Grundlagen Audio Gold Reference digital audio USB cable


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