Friday Fun: Smart toilet that scans your…

Everything in our lives is connected to the internet, so why not our toilets?

Naked security on-line publication tells about a smart AI toilet that scans your anus to identify you. In fact, it will also capture both your pee and your stools on video and process them with algorithms.

You can imagine many reasons why people might feel uncomfortable about test strips being automatically extended and inserted into their flows and images being taken of their nether regions.

As if the world couldn’t get any weirder, this AI toilet scans your anus to identify you

Now you boss can prove you’ve been spending too much time in the bathroom. Awesome. And thing other possibilities based on agreed-upon set of rules of the internet.

This is not a joke. It is a result of a recent study from Stanford University that was published in Nature Biomedical Engineering few months ago. Imagine the arguments that might have happened picking the variable names in this codebase

Here is a related parody video:
Smart Pipe | Infomercials
“Smart Pipe turns your waste into valuable information and fun social connectivity.”


  1. tóc giả says:

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  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Smart Toilet Could Photograph Your Poop After You Flush To Analyze Health

    Researchers at Duke University have developed an artificial intelligence tool that can be fitted into regular toilets to help study a patient’s stool samples and provide valuable information for gastroenterologists.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Brianna Abbott / Wall Street Journal:
    Researchers are developing “smart toilets” that can scan urine and feces samples for health data using cameras and machine learning, raising privacy concerns

    Smartwatches Track Our Health. Smart Toilets Aren’t Too Far Behind.

    Commodes that measure vital signs, screen for chronic illnesses and might even diagnose Covid-19 are in the works

    The next frontier of at-home health tracking is flush with data: the toilet.

    Researchers and companies are developing high-tech toilets that go beyond adding smart speakers or a heated seat. These smart facilities are designed to look out for signs of gastrointestinal disease, monitor blood pressure or tell you that you need to eat more fish, all from the comfort of your personal throne.

    “All of the things that have come with smartwatches and phones, you can imagine that on another scale,” says Joshua Coon, a bioanalytical chemist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Morgridge Institute for Research, who published a 2019 study exploring the potential of continuously monitoring a person’s health by looking at molecules in their urine samples. “You could really start to understand disease risk.”

    Doctors have long used fecal and urine samples for clues to people’s health, but there has been a renewed interest in recent years as scientists have begun to better understand how the microbes in our gut influence our well-being. In the Covid-19 pandemic, more communities launched wastewater surveillance initiatives, enabling health officials to hunt for early signs of the virus in cities and neighborhoods and track its spread.

    Some researchers want to harness that wealth of information on the individual level and have come up with models to peer into the toilet bowl remotely. Some smart toilets are geared toward helping doctors monitor patients with chronic conditions or heightened risk for certain diseases, whereas other companies aim to sell the toilets—with price tags in the hundreds or thousands of dollars—directly to consumers as a tool to track or improve their own health and wellness.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Microphone-equipped toilet will detect diseases and give you advice
    The microphone sensor can classify bowel diseases using machine learning.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    AI listens to toilet sounds to guess whether people have diarrhoea
    An artificial intelligence that can detect diarrhoea with 98 per cent accuracy from recordings of toilet sounds could help track outbreaks of diseases, such as cholera

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    You’ll Never See A Toilet Flush The Same Again After These Videos
    “The goal of the toilet is to effectively remove waste from the bowl, but it’s also doing the opposite, which is spraying a lot of contents upwards.”


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