Know how to decode a data breach notice

Data breach notifications have become an all-too-regular exercise in crisis communications that increasingly try to deflect blame, obfuscate important details and omit important facts.

The next time you get a data breach notification, read between the lines. For instructions how to do that read How to decode a data breach notice article at

Know the common bullshit lines to avoid:

“We take security and privacy seriously.”

Read: “We clearly don’t.”

“We recently discovered a security incident…”

Read: “Someone else found it but we’re trying to do damage control.”

“An unauthorized individual…”

Read: “We don’t know who’s to blame, but don’t blame us.”

“Our forensic investigation shows…”

Read: “We asked someone to tell us how f**ked we are.”

“A sophisticated cyberattack…”

Read: “We’re trying not to look as stupid as we actually are.”

1 Comment

  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Phishing Attack of Wisconsin GOP Leads to Theft of Millions Intended for Trump’s Reelection Campaign

    Andrew Hitt, the RPW chairman said that hackers entered the system in “a sophisticated phishing attack,” in a statement given to Newsweek. “These criminals exhibited a level of familiarity with state party operations at the end of the campaign to commit this crime.”


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