Friday Fun: Popcorn lamp

PAR CAN stage light is a truly versatile lamp. It can be used to make snacks or keep pizza warm.
Ha, modern kids and their LED lamps can’t do this!

Safety first: recognize the fact that Big Clive has a par can fitted with a dubious container full of flammable oil, cooking popcorn…but took the time to affix a safety cable to the fixture.

Related links:
Sweet corn. Field corn. Popcorn. What’s the difference?


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Cover song of Gershon Kingsley’s Popcorn played with Kantele and looper.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Alton Brown’s Mega Bake

    We went to Alton Brown’s secret workshop in Atlanta to learn how he uses the heat of lights to cook a pizza in under five minutes

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    “Mega Bake.” The giant contraption uses a conveyer belt to move food back and forth through the beams of 54 PAR64 units. It produces 54,000 watts and outputs an incredible 1,026,000 lumens. At 640 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s hot enough to perfectly cook a pizza.


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