“People want everything to be a lot more repairable than it is now.”
While there’s still a long way to go, advocates say, European thinking on the topic appears years ahead of that in the United States.
Specifically, Europe’s new regulations demand that manufacturers of washing machines, dishwashers, refrigerators, and displays (including televisions) make spare parts and repair documentation available to professional third-party repairers.
In 2024, this scheme is slated to evolve into one that scores the overall durability of products, repairability being one component.
Europe Champions the Right to Repair
Are other regions next?
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Älypuhelimille tulee energiamerkintä
Älypuhelimille ja tableteille on suunnitteilla useita uusia vaatimuksia, jotka koskevat energiatehokkuuden lisäksi kiertotaloutta. Korjattavuus, purettavuus, kestävyys ja kierrätettävyys ovat vauhdilla tulossa uusina vaatimuksina mukaan kaikkiin ekosuunnitteluasetuksiin, sillä nämä ominaisuudet ovat avainasemassa tuotteiden kiertotalouden kehittämisessä, laitteiden käyttöiän pidentämisessä ja ympäristövaikutusten pienentämisessä.
Energiaviraston mukaan myös laitteiden materiaalitehokkuus on jatkossa otettava huomioon. Tämä tarkoittaa esimerkiksi vaatimusta suunnitella helposti korjattavia ja tehokkaasti kierrätettäviä laitteita.
Asetuksen tarkka sisältö ei ole vielä tiedossa, mutta esiselvityksen perusteella ehdotettiin esimerkiksi, että älypuhelimien akkujen tulisi olla helposti irrotettavissa korjattavuuden parantamiseksi. Korjaukseen tarvittavien tietojen ja varaosien tulisi olla saatavilla ainakin ammattikorjaajille. Yleisimmin korjaamista vaativien osien, kuten näyttöjen tai puhelimen takaosan tulisi olla helposti korjattavissa ja/tai vaihdettavissa. Lisäksi käyttöjärjestelmäpäivitysten tulisi olla saatavilla vähintään 5 vuotta, jotta kuluttajien ei tarvitse ostaa uutta laitetta vanhentuneen käyttöjärjestelmän vuoksi.
Tomi Engdahl says:
“discretws are qlso easier to fix and alst a lifetime. non discrete amps with chips and processors not.”
If the amplifier is built using commonly available chips, those can be changed with suitable tools usually without problems. I have changed SMD chips and ICs with through the hole pins. No problem. The chips with BGA type cases are harder to change, they need some more special tools and knowledge – I have seen how it is done on video and on live demonstration. If device uses flip chip or silicon directly bonded to circuit board you are pretty much out of luck in trying to change them (those are pretty rare in audio devices).
If they what breaks down is some exotic hard to find chip or manufacturer specific chip (like microcontroller with company secret firmware burned in or custom chip made for the company), then you are out of luck if the manufacturer does not supply spare parts.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
How to rebuild a volume control (Potentiometer)
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Repairing broken traces on a circuit board
Broken traces are quite common, especially on vintage computers where corrosion has set in. Here are a few helpful tips for providing strong, long-lasting repairs for broken traces.
This is pretty common during R&D. If you are doing repair you should cover with soldermask or conformal coating after a good clean to stop the oxidation/corrosion getting worse. It’s often a good idea to re-tin traces showing corrosion.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
How To Find a Transistor Replacement
Sometimes you need to replace an old transistor with a modern equivalent. Let’s figure out exactly what transistor we need for the clock circuit in the Amstrad CPC 464 while learning some interesting things about transistors along the way.
00:00 Intro
01:11 Transistors
04:14 Clock circuit
06:54 Simple circuit
09:09 Faster!
14:16 Real signal
16:50 Testing in board
19:30 Amstrad circuit
20:47 Conclusion
Tomi Engdahl says:
Pin Broke off NEC Chip. Is this fixable. Benz Key Fob Repair
Wow, THAT is a new level! I was sitting with my mouth open: “How in the world did this repair work?” Absolute top-notch repair, great job!
Fantastic! On top of the brilliant repair successfully completed right before our eyes no cost for donor part, just a large amount of brains mixed with flux & solder as well as some more wear on the grinding bit. Big boss has now made a small profit to go towards purchasing more awesome equipment. Absolutely brilliant!
congratulation, this is a hardcore repair. you deserve the designation as a professional.
Nicely done. I work a lot with forensic data recovery from vehicle components and sometime, chips damaged by corrosion (flooded cars), fire or several mechanical damages exhibit this problem. I approach it in the same way, usually there’s plenty of connectors still buried in the epoxy. Things get a little more difficult with QFN or BGA packages.
Actually you can leave the chip in place on the PCB, and grind away the plastic until it exposes the lead-wire stub. Solder a small 4-6mm long solid copper wire to the PCB trace, and then bend&trim the other end of the wire onto the chips’ stub, and solder that. And Voila: All pins are now reconnected. (I only recommend leaded solder for making this easy repair)
It makes sense that you can’t read the data on the chip. I assume it works the same way as the encryption key device for my banking. It can store keys, delete keys, encrypt the data you give it using a stored key, but there is no instruction you can give it to make it output the stored key. That’s what makes it a security device.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Novel rosin vapour short circuit finder
At first I thought this was just a gimmick to sell naughty devices on eBay, disguised as being an electronic tool. But in reality, it works really well for the suggested application.
The idea is that a heater in a ceramic cup evaporates solid rosin, as used in solder flux, and allows you to deposit a layer of condensed droplets onto a faulty circuit board. This creates a white layer over the surface that re-melts when heated by a faulty component.
The white powdery coating is actually a layer of tiny rosin spheres that act a bit like reflective paint to create the white colour. When it melts with heat it converts back to liquid and exposes the hot component.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Umar Shakir / The Verge:
Samsung partners with iFixit to launch a self-repair program, offering parts, tools, and guides, coming this summer for the Galaxy S20, S21, and Tab S7 Plus — Coming this summer for the Galaxy S20, S21, and Tab S7 Plus — Today, Samsung announced a new self-repair program …
Samsung is working on a Galaxy self-repair program with iFixit
Coming this summer for the Galaxy S20, S21, and Tab S7 Plus
Today, Samsung announced a new self-repair program that will give Galaxy customers access to parts, tools, and guides to repair their own devices. The program is in collaboration with popular repair guides and parts website iFixit, which has worked with manufacturers such as Motorola and Steam on similar ventures. The Galaxy S20 and S21 series phones and the Galaxy Tab S7 Plus are first in line for the spare parts — but not Samsung’s latest S22 family of phones.
“We are working with Samsung to improve their repair guide and DIY parts offerings,” iFixit CEO Kyle Wiens tells The Verge. The new program follows Apple’s recent change of heart in announcing a self-service program and Microsoft’s work with iFixit to manufacture Surface tools. “It is clear that manufacturers are recognizing that they need to embrace repair,” Wiens says.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Replaceable Batteries Are Coming Back To Phones If The EU Gets Its Way
Back in the day, just about everything that used a battery had a hatch or a hutch that you could open to pull it out and replace it if need be. Whether it was a radio, a cordless phone, or a cellphone, it was a cinch to swap out a battery.
These days, many devices hide their batteries, deep beneath tamper-proof stickers and warnings that state there are “no user serviceable components inside.” The EU wants to change all that, though, and has voted to mandate that everything from cellphones to e-bikes must have easily replaceable batteries, with the legislation coming into effect as soon as 2024.
Many devices, like this Philips Norelco 9700 shaver, feature in-built batteries. The company specifically advisers customers not to attempt “to open the product to
remove or replace the built-in rechargeable
Many of our appliances, and particularly our phones, rely on rechargeable lithium batteries. Since they’re rechargeable, manufacturers decided we no longer needed to replace them, and started sealing them away inside devices where they were free from the meddling fingers of the unwashed masses.
Many reasons are commonly cited for this change in design ethos, which hit the market slowly and then all at once as smartphone manufacturers moved to premium sealed-up designs with more exotic materials. Some claim it’s to provide the customer with a cleaner, fuss-free user experience, while others cite the packaging and miniaturization benefits of a device with a permanently-installed battery. It also makes it easier to waterproof a product, a feature that has been a particularly difficult design challenge on the smartphone market.
However, such designs come with the drawback that if the battery does fail, the device becomes useless, and is often thrown away. While one can perform surgery on modern smartphones and other devices with dead batteries, it’s a process fraught with danger for the inexperienced and can lead to damage or destruction of the device itself. And just as importantly, how do you recycle the battery if you can’t remove it?
As part of the EU’s new battery regulations, all this is set to change. The text of these regulations is one that mandates that batteries be easily removable, replaceable, and recyclable in a wide range of devices. This includes smartphones and other typical consumer appliances, as well as batteries for “light means of transport” such as e-bikes and e-scooters.
By January 1, 2024, these devices must be designed such that batteries can be safely removed and replaced using “basic and commonly available tools” and “without causing damage to the appliance or batteries.” Manufacturers must also provide documentation for the removal and replacement procedure. This documentation must also be provided online for the duration of a product’s expected lifetime.
It’s a measure that could drastically change the design of all manner of technology for the EU market.
All kinds of appliances use integrated, hidden batteries these days – everything from top-tier smartphones to action cameras and electric shavers. All of these products would have to be redesigned to allow batteries to be removed and replaced easily.
New rules on batteries: MEPs want more environmental and social ambition
Batteries to be more sustainable and easier to replace, including on smartphones
Due diligence standards across the entire value chain
More ambitious targets for waste management
Parliament is ready to negotiate with EU governments on the final shape of the new rules governing the entire battery product life cycle, from design to end-of-life.
During the debate on Wednesday, MEPs underlined the crucial role that batteries have in the transition to a circular and climate-neutral economy and for the EU’s competitiveness and strategic autonomy. The draft legislation was adopted on Thursday with 584 votes in favour, 67 against and 40 abstentions.
MEPs are in favour of overhauling the current legislation to take into account technological developments.
They propose stronger requirements on sustainability, performance and labelling, including the introduction of a new category of “batteries for ‘light means of transport’ (LMT)”, such as electric scooters and bikes, and rules on a carbon footprint declaration and label. By 2024, portable batteries in appliances, such as smartphones, and batteries for LMT must be designed so that consumers and independent operators can easily and safely remove them themselves, MEPs say.
According to the adopted position, industry should ensure that the battery value chain complies fully with human rights and due diligence obligations, thus addressing risks around the sourcing, processing and trading of raw materials, which are often concentrated in one or a few countries.
The report also sets minimum levels of recovered cobalt, lead, lithium and nickel from waste for reuse in new batteries and more stringent collection targets for portable batteries.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
William Gallagher / AppleInsider:
The European Parliament votes to adopt a Right to Repair proposal, adding a requirement to increase warranty periods, and make it a key EU initiative for 2022
EU votes to back Right to Repair proposals
The European Union has taken a further step toward implementing Right to Repair laws, with the latest vote backing proposals regarding repairability, and adding a requirement that manufacturers increase the warranty periods.
Proposals for Right to Repair legislation have been working through the EU’s political process since 2020, but a major element has now passed a plenary vote.
According to Public Affairs Brussels, the European Parliament voted 509 in favor, with three against, and 13 abstentions, to adopt the European Commission’s proposal and make it an EU key initiative for 2022.
The full proposal presented to Parliament, 79% of EU citizens think manufacturers should be required to make it easier to repair devices, or replace individual parts. Some 77% would rather repair their devices than replace them.
The proposed laws include a requirement for companies regarding “an extension of the legal guarantee beyond two years for some product categories.”
“We believe that longer guarantee periods will provide an incentive to choose repair over replace,” Marcel Kolaja, Member of both the European Parliament and the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection told press.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Jon Porter / The Verge:
Google partners with iFixit to sell spare parts for devices going back to 2017′s Pixel 2, in Australia, Canada, the US, and European countries “later this year”
Google joins Samsung in working with iFixit on a self-repair program
Spare parts going back to the Pixel 2 will be available
Google has become the latest manufacturer to partner with DIY repair specialists iFixit to offer spare parts for its devices, the search giant announced today. It’s a deal that should make it far easier for the average customer to get parts to repair their own Pixel smartphone if it breaks. Parts like batteries, displays, and cameras will be available to purchase in the US, Canada, Australia, the UK, and other European countries where the phones are sold. Parts will be available to purchase “later this year,” Google says.
Spare parts will be available for an impressive range of Pixel phones, including the latest Pixel 6 devices and going all the way back to 2017’s Pixel 2. That means parts should be available for the kinds of aging phones people might actually want to repair this year
. In contrast, Samsung’s equivalent partnership with iFixit will, at launch, only cover select devices dating back to the 2020 Galaxy S20 (though it says it plans to expand the program over time).
Coming soon: More ways to repair your Pixel phone
Tomi Engdahl says:
Samsung is working on a Galaxy self-repair program with iFixit
Coming this summer for the Galaxy S20, S21, and Tab S7 Plus
Today, Samsung announced a new self-repair program that will give Galaxy customers access to parts, tools, and guides to repair their own devices. The program is in collaboration with popular repair guides and parts website iFixit, which has worked with manufacturers such as Motorola and Steam on similar ventures. The Galaxy S20 and S21 series phones and the Galaxy Tab S7 Plus are first in line for the spare parts — but not Samsung’s latest S22 family of phones.
“We are working with Samsung to improve their repair guide and DIY parts offerings,” iFixit CEO Kyle Wiens tells The Verge. The new program follows Apple’s recent change of heart in announcing a self-service program and Microsoft’s work with iFixit to manufacture Surface tools. “It is clear that manufacturers are recognizing that they need to embrace repair,” Wiens says.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Euroopan unionin uudet ekosuunnitteluasetukset velvoittavat entistä laajemmin, sillä markkinoille tulevien laitteiden on oltava entistä pitempään korjattavissa. EU:n säädösten mukaan laitteiden varaosia ja ohjelmistopäivityksiä on oltava saatavissa vielä monen vuoden ajan niiden markkinoille tulon jälkeen. Kannattaako korjaaminen lopulta riippuu paljolti huoltohinnoista.
Tomi Engdahl says:
#Epson EH-TW650 Lamp error problem and solution|how to replace lamp Epson eh-tw650 projector
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
A New Jailbreak for John Deere Tractors Rides the Right-to-Repair Wave
A hacker has formulated an exploit that provides root access to two popular models of the company’s farm equipment.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Financial Times:
EU publishes draft regulations on smartphone spare parts and battery life, including mandating manufacturers make 15+ parts available for at least five years
Brussels proposes tough regulations on smartphone spare part availability
European Commission says 15 components should be made available for five years after a device’s introduction
Smartphone manufacturers supplying the EU will face stringent requirements to provide spare parts and ensure longer battery life, according to draft proposals published by Brussels on Wednesday.
The European Commission said that at least 15 different component parts should be made available for at least five years from the date of a smartphone’s introduction to the market and that batteries should survive at least 500 full charges without deteriorating to below 83 per cent of their capacity.
Phones would also have to display an energy efficiency label, similar to those used for washing machines and dishwashers, which will show battery endurance and other characteristics such as resistance to drops.
The scheme is Brussels’ latest directive targeting electronics manufacturers after introducing in June a requirement to use a standardised charger by 2024, despite years of industry opposition, in particular from Apple.
Extending the life cycle of all the smartphones sold in the EU by five years would save emissions equivalent to around 10mn tonnes of Co2 — roughly the same as taking 5mn cars off the road, according to a study by the European Environmental Bureau, a non-governmental organisation.
Tomi Engdahl says:
EU asettaa kännykkäakuille kovat vaatimukset
EU on osana kiertotalouden toimintasuunnitelmaansa laatinut ehdotuksen, joka määrittää vähimmäisvaatimukset älypuhelimien ja tablettien akuille. Valmistajien pitää toimittaa monia varaosia vähintään viisi vuotta laitteen myyntiin tuomisen jälkeen. Akuissa tämä tarkoittaa tiukkoja vaatimuksia.
Komission ehdotusta perustellaan sillä, että älypuhelimien elinkaaren pidentäminen viiteen vuoteen vastaa päästöjen osalta viiden miljoonan auton ottamista pois Euroopan teiltä. Tämä edellyttää, että laitteet kestävät kauemmin ja että niitä voidaan korjata pidemmän aikaa.
Tämä edellyttää määräysten asettamista lakeihin. Mikäli valmistaja ei voi toimittaa uusia akkuja viiden vuoden ajan, akun pitää pystyä säilyttämään 80 prosenttia varauskapasiteetistaan tuhannen lataussyklin ajan. Jos puhelimen lataa päivittäin, puhutaan siis lähes kolmen vuoden ajasta.
Akkujen lisäksi kuluttajien täytyy saada varaosina näyttöjä, latureita, kuoria ja jopa SIM-korttitelakoita.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Matkapuhelinten ja tablettien kestävä suunnittelu – ekosuunnittelu
Tomi Engdahl says:
All you need to know about Linear PSU (Power Supplies) To Build And Fix Stuff – Tutorial Guide
Let’s take a look at Linear Power Supplies. These are much simpler than Switch Mode PSU but there is still plenty to learn, We’ll put together a small dual positive/negative power supply mostly using parts salvaged from a NiCAD/NIMH battery charger. Of course things don’t quite go to plan and it doesn’t work! So we have to diagnose and fix the problem. There is some very good advice about the fundamentals of Electronics Repair here – watch it through and you may have a ‘light bulb’ moment!
00:00:00 Prologue
00:02:08 The Battery Chargers
00:07:31 Salvaging The Components
00:27:40 Schematic (Pt 1)
00:32:13 Connecting The Transformer
00:33:24 DANGER! Autotransformers
00:37:01 Rectifier Diodes
00:40:29 Half Wave Rectification
00:42:23 Schottky Diodes
00:46:44 Schematic (Pt 2)
00:48:52 Smoothing Capacitors
00:52:08 Schematic (Pt 3)
00:55:08 Voltage Regulators
00:56:20 It Doesn’t Work!
00:57:05 Diagnosis
01:05:25 Fault Finding (Pt 1)
01:06:50 Ohms Law
01:09:14 Fault Finding (Pt 2)
01:18:00 Load Testing
01:23:08 Full Wave Rectification
01:31:41 Battery Chargers (Reprise)
01:38:01 Epilogue
Tomi Engdahl says:
Kuinka vastuullista on hankkia uusi kännykkä?
Kännyköitä ja muuta kodinelektroniikkaa hankkivat suomalaiset ovat huolissaan laitteiden lyhyestä käyttöiästä, kertoo suuriin alan laitekauppiaisiin kuuluva Verkkokauppa.com uusimmassa asiakaskyselysssään. Moni haluaisi korjauttaa laitteensa, mutta usein korjaaminen koetaan usein turhan monimutkaiseksi tai kalliiksi. Selvityksen mukaan käytetyt laitteet kiinnostavatkin entistä enemmän.
Verkkokauppa.comin nettikyselyssä suomalaiset haluaisivat elektroniikan olevan mahdollisimman pitkäikäistä ja kestävää. Vaikka vastuullisuudella on iso merkitys ostopäätöksissä, elektroniikkavalmistajien ja -brändien vastuullisuusteot eivät ole tuttuja ja vastuullisen tuotteen erottaminen muista on hankalaa.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Kuinka puhdistaa superliima, liima ja scotch tape
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Batteries: deal on new EU rules for design, production and waste treatment
Tomi Engdahl says:
Korjaa oma laitteesi QuickFixin ansiosta
Voit vaihtaa akun ja näytön itse puhelimen QuickFix-korjattavuuden ansiosta. Tämän ansiosta voit unohtaa pitkät korjausten odotusajat tai mahdolliset tietojen menetykset korjausten johdosta. Nokia-puhelimien kanssa yhteistyötä tekevältä iFixitiltä voit löytää varaosia, työkaluja tai helppokäyttöisiä ohjeita. Tietysti voit pyytää myös valtuutettua huoltokeskusta korjaamaan puhelimesi.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Europe’s Proposed Right-To-Repair Law: A Game Changer, Or Business As Usual?
Recently, the European Commission (EC) adopted a new proposal intended to enable and promote the repair of a range of consumer goods, including household devices like vacuum cleaners and washing machines, as well as electronic devices such as smartphones and televisions. Depending on how the European Parliament and Council vote in the next steps, this proposal may shape many details of how devices we regularly interact with work, and how they can be repaired when they no longer do.
As we have seen recently with the Digital Fair Repair Act in New York, which was signed into law last year, the devil is as always in the details. In the case of the New York bill, the original intent of enabling low-level repairs on defective devices got hamstrung by added exceptions and loopholes that essentially meant that entire industries and types of repairs were excluded. Another example of ‘right to repair’ being essentially gamed involves Apple’s much-maligned ‘self repair’ program, that is both limited and expensive.
Right to repair: Commission introduces new consumer rights for easy and attractive repairs
Today, the European Commission adopted a new proposal on common rules promoting the repair of goods, which will result in savings for consumers and support the objectives of the European Green Deal by reducing waste, among others. Over the last decades, replacement has often been prioritised over repair whenever products become defective and insufficient incentives have been given to consumers to repair their goods when the legal guarantee expires. The proposal will make it easier and more cost-effective for consumers to repair as opposed to replace goods. Additionally, more demand will translate into a boost to the repair sector while incentivising producers and sellers to develop more sustainable business models.
Today’s proposal will ensure that more products are repaired within the legal guarantee, and that consumers have easier and cheaper options to repair products that are technically repairable (such as vacuum cleaners, or soon, tablets and smartphones) when the legal guarantee has expired or when the good is not functional anymore as a result of wear and tear.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Europe’s Proposed Right-To-Repair Law: A Game Changer, Or Business As Usual?
Recently, the European Commission (EC) adopted a new proposal intended to enable and promote the repair of a range of consumer goods, including household devices like vacuum cleaners and washing machines, as well as electronic devices such as smartphones and televisions. Depending on how the European Parliament and Council vote in the next steps, this proposal may shape many details of how devices we regularly interact with work, and how they can be repaired when they no longer do.
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Proposal
At its core, the EC proposal involves the following:
Within the warranty period, the seller must offer repair services, except when repair is more expensive than a replacement.
Beyond the warranty period, customers must have access to repair options for all devices that are considered ‘repairable’ under EU law.
Sellers are legally obligated to inform their customers about these options.
Establishing of an online ‘match-making’ repair platform to connect consumers with repair services and sellers of refurbished devices.
The ability to request full information on repair conditions and price from repair shops by customers.
The introduction of a European quality standard for repair services.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Uusi EU-määräys: puhelimen akku pitää pystyä itse vaihtamaan
Euroopan unioni hyväksyi vastikään uuden akkudirektiivin, jota ainakin älypuhelinten valmistajat ovat lukeneet suurennoslasin kanssa. Direktiivi nimittäin näyttää vaativan, että kuluttajan pitää pystyä helposti vaihtamaan laitteensa akku itse.
Kyseinen kohta uusissa määräyksissä kuuluu sanatarkasti näin: ”Designing portable batteries in appliances in such a way that consumers can themselves easily remove and replace them”. Tämä näyttäisi vaativan paluuta vanhaan aikaan, jolloin puhelimen akun pystyi itse vaihtamaan vain irrottamalla takakannen.
Nykypuhelimia ei ole suunniteltu tällaiseen akunvaihtoon. Usein kuoret ovat lasia ja ne on tiukasti liimattu laitteen kehykseen. Lisäksi kameramoduuli laitteen takana on usein kiinteä osa kuorta.
Määräyksissä on asetettu aiempaa tiukemmat keräystavoitteet: kannettavien paristojen osalta 45 prosenttia vuoteen 2023 mennessä, 63 prosenttia vuoteen 2027 mennessä ja 73 prosenttia vuoteen 2030 mennessä.
Jäteparistoista pitää lisäksi ottaa talteen 50 prosenttia litiumista vuoteen 2027 mennessä ja 80 prosenttia vuoteen 2031 mennessä. Koboltista, kuparista, lyijystä ja nikkelistä pitää kerätä talteen 90 prosenttia vuoteen 2027 mennessä ja 95 prosenttia vuoteen 2031 mennessä.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
EU aiheutti puhelinvalmistajille järkyttävän päänsäryn – aikaa vuoteen 2027 asti
Jori Virtanen20.6.202312:16|päivitetty20.6.202312:16ÄLYPUHELIMETAKKUTEKNIIKKADIGITALOUSEU
EU:n uusi linjaus pakottaa puhelinvalmistajat takaisin suunnittelupöydän ääreen.
Tomi Engdahl says:
EU: Smartphones Must Have User-Replaceable Batteries by 2027
The European Parliament just caused a major headache for smartphone and tablet manufacturers.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Mielenkiintoinen kohta EU:n vaihdettavien akkujen asetuksesta: Kannettavien laitteiden akkujen on oltava käyttäjän vaihdettavissa kaupallisesti saatavilla olevilla työkaluilla. Älypuhelimia ei siis voi sinetöidä pysyvästi, mutta niissä ei tarvitse olla vanhanajan käsin avattavia akkulokeroita.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tästä kai se kaikki löytyisi. https://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/PE-2-2023-INIT/en/pdf
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Kolme tapaa pidentää tietokoneiden käyttöikää
lmastokriisin ratkaiseminen edellyttää teknologian käyttöiän pidentämistä ja laitteiden kierrättämistä jatkuvan uusien laitteiden ostelun ja pois heittämisen sijaan, kirjoittaa Panasonic TOUGHBOOKin Pohjoismaiden maajohtaja Stefan Lindau.
Euroopan komissio selvittää lakiehdotusta, jonka myötä älypuhelimille ja tableteille tarjottaisiin varaosia ja ohjelmistopäivityksiä vähintään viiden vuoden ajan. Lakiehdotuksen tarkoitus on varmistaa, että matkapuhelimet ja tabletit suunnitellaan energiatehokkaiksi ja pitkäikäisiksi, jotta kuluttajat voivat helposti korjata, päivittää ja huoltaa niitä, sekä tietysti että laitteita voi käyttää uudelleen ja kierrättää.
Myös yritysten näkökulmasta on erittäin järkevää pohtia tarkemmin, miten tietokoneet, tabletit ja puhelimet saadaan kestämään kauemmin – erityisesti siksi, että maailman elektroniikkajätteen väheneminen olisi ilmaston kannalta erittäin hyvä uutinen. Circular Computingin julkaiseman uuden tutkimuksen mukaan uuden kannettavan tietokoneen valmistus tuottaa keskimäärin 331 kg hiilidioksidipäästöjä. Laitteiden käyttöiän pidentämisessä on siis ympäristömielessä valtavasti potentiaalia.
Tomi Engdahl says:
How To De-pin Connectors
After Dave’s last video we’ve received a metric ton of comments asking about the method and techniques for de-pinning connectors. Not to leave you guys hanging we quickly gathered a whole bunch of the most commonly used aftermarket connectors, and threw them at Dave yelling: “go on then, de-pin these, and look sexy while doing it!” As always Dave rose up to the challenge:)
Want to skip to the section you’re most interested in? Use the shortcuts below:
00:00 Intro and Tools
01:20 DTM style
04:23 AMP Superseal
06:28 Packard style
08:30 Delphi style
11:20 TI/Honeywell style
15:26 Tyco style
19:12 BOSCH style
21:10 Deutch circular style
22:53 GM (Metri-Pack) style
Tomi Engdahl says:
Kodinkonekauppaan tulossa suuri mullistus – koskee myös suomalaisia https://www.is.fi/taloussanomat/art-2000010027974.html
EU-parlamentti hyväksyi direktiiviehdotuksen, jonka myötä kodinkoneita ja kuluttajaelektroniikkaa voi tulevaisuudessa korjata aiempaa helpommin.
Kuluttajaelektroniikka ja muut kuluttajille myytävät laitteet on tulevaisuudessa valmistettava siten, että ne voidaan korjata.
Euroopan parlamentti hyväksyi right to repair eli oikeus korjata -direktiiviehdotuksen suurella ääntenenemmistöllä Strasbourgissa 21. marraskuuta. Se kannustaa kuluttajia korjaamaan tuotteita sen sijaan, että he ostaisivat aina uuden tilalle.
Kun direktiivi tulee aikanaan voimaan lakeina EU:n jäsenmaissa, se muuttaa radikaalisti tuotteita, joita unionimaiden kansalaisille on laillista myydä. Esimerkiksi pesukonevalmistajien on huolehdittava siitä, että tiivisteitä ja varaosia löytyy myös vuosien kuluttua. Kännyköiden akut pitää pystyä vaihtamaan ilman, että koko puhelin on vaihdettava.
TAUSTALLA on direktiiviehdotus, jonka Euroopan komissio antoi jo viime vuonna.
EU-parlamentin päätöksen jälkeen ehdotus etenee parlamentin, komission ja jäsenmaiden kolmikantaneuvotteluihin. Siellä hiotaan direktiivin lopullinen muotoilu.
Lakien arvioidaan tulevan voimaan eri jäsenmaissa viimeistään vuosina 2025–2026.
Suomalaisparlamentaarikko Sirpa Pietikäisen (kok) mukaan direktiivin tavoitteena on, että kuluttajilla olisi helpompia ja halvempia vaihtoehtoja korjata tavaroita, kun lainmukainen takuu tai itse tavara on kulunut loppuun.
– Tuottajat velvoitetaan siis korjaamaan eräät kuluttajien ostamat tavarat myös lakisääteisen takuun ulkopuolella, Pietikäinen kertoo sähköpostitse.
– Näin edistetään ja helpotetaan viallisen tavaran korjaamista. Samalla estetään kuluttajia ostamasta uusia korvaavia tuotteita tarpeettomasti, mikä puolestaan vähentää kuluttajien menoja.
Tuotteiden hinnat saattavat kuitenkin nousta, kun ne jatkossa kestävät pidempään. Hinnannousun tarkkaa määrää ei ole toistaiseksi kyetty arvioimaan.
Direktiivin ennakoidaan tarjoavan työtä EU:n jäsenmaissa. Erilaisten tuotekorjaamojen määrä ja niiden tarjoamat työpaikat tulevat lisääntymään merkittävästi.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Hyväkuntoisia akkukennoja murskataan turhaan – tutkijoista se on tyhmää, koska jopa 90 prosenttia olisi pelastettavissa
Suomi on maailman huippumaita litiumakkujen kierrätyksessä. Tampereella on kehitetty mittausteknologiaa, joka auttaa saamaan käytetyille akkukennoille vielä vuosia lisää käyttöaikaa.