Cyber security news March 2022

This posting is here to collect cyber security news in March 2022.

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  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Security researchers spot another form of wiper malware that was used against Ukraine’s networks
    Cybersecurity researchers detail wiper malware deployed in attacks against the Ukrainian government just before Russia’s invasion.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ukraine cancels crypto airdrop, plans to sell NFTs instead

    Ukraine’s government abruptly canceled its planned crypto airdrop and said it would instead sell NFTs to raise funds following last week’s Russian invasion.

    “After careful consideration we decided to cancel airdrop,” Mykhailo Fedorov, Ukraine’s minister for digital transformation, posted from his verified Twitter account today. “Instead, we will announce NFTs to support Ukrainian Armed Forces soon. We DO NOT HAVE any plans to issue any fungible tokens.”

    Scammers had earlier appeared to target Ukraine’s fundraising attempts by issuing a fake token designed to look official. News sites reported that this token was official and it gathered significant trading volume on decentralized exchanges. Yet there were multiple red flags that showed it was likely fake

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Scott Chipolina / Decrypt:
    Elliptic: Ukraine has received over $50M in crypto donations across 89K+ assets since February 26; blockchain data shows $10M in BTC and $16M in ETH donations — The Ukrainian crypto crowdfunding effort has now exceeded $50 million, through almost 90,000 separate donations.

    Ukraine Has Received Over $50 Million in Crypto Donations

    The Ukrainian crypto crowdfunding effort has now exceeded $50 million, through almost 90,000 separate donations.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kyle Orland / Ars Technica:
    Ukrainian vice PM Mykhailo Fedorov calls on Sony, Ubisoft, Microsoft, and other gaming companies to ban all Russian and Belarusian accounts during the invasion — Vice PM says move “will motivate the citizens of Russia” to rise up in protest. — Mykhailo Fedorov, the vice prime minister …
    Ukrainian government calls for game companies to cut off Russia during invasion
    Vice PM says move “will motivate the citizens of Russia” to rise up in protest.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Thomas Claburn / The Register:
    SAP will be “stopping business in Russia aligned with sanctions” and pausing sales of products and services in Russia following a Ukrainian vice PM’s request — As Moscow tries to retain IT talent with military exemption, a three-year tax suspension for biz

    Oracle, SAP suspend business in Russia amid invasion
    As Moscow tries to retain IT talent with military exemption, a three-year tax suspension for biz

    Oracle says it has “already suspended all operations” in Russia, following Ukrainian minister Mykhailo Fedorov’s request of Oracle and SAP to do so
    On behalf of Oracle’s 150,000 employees around the world and in support of both the elected government of Ukraine and for the people of Ukraine, Oracle Corporation has already suspended all operations in the Russian Federation.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Todd Spangler / Variety:
    Spotify closes its office in Russia “indefinitely” and removes all content from RT and Sputnik in the EU and other markets, except for Russia — Spotify has taken several steps in response to Russia’s military attack on Ukraine, including closing its offices in Russia “indefinitely.”

    Spotify Shutters Russia Office, Removes All RT and Sputnik Content

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ciaran Martin / Lawfare:
    An in-depth look at Russia’s offensive cyber capabilities, their potential use in Ukraine, the limitations of cyber power, and implications for the West

    Cyber Realism in a Time of War

    It turns out that the next war was not fought in cyberspace after all. Or at least the start of it has not been.

    There has been no shortage of predictions over the past two decades about the importance of the digital domain in conflict since John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt warned that “cyberwar is coming” in a Rand Corporation paper back in 1993. As recently as November 2021, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson remarked in a testy exchange with Tobias Ellwood, chairman of the committee of the House of Commons that oversees defense, that “the old concept of fighting big tank battles on the European land mass are over … there are other big things that we should be investing in … [like] cyber—this is how warfare of the future is going to be.”

    Ellwood, a strong critic of the British government’s decision to cut Army personnel in favor of investment in cyber capabilities, replied, “You can’t hold ground in cyber.” And on military tactics, if nothing else, Russian President Vladimir Putin seems to have agreed with him. Despite being one of the world’s foremost offensive cyber powers, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has, thus far, been utterly conventional in its brutality as the horrific pictures from Kyiv, Kharikiv and other cities show on an hourly basis. And Ukraine’s heroic resistance is similarly centered on the traditional understanding of war.

    Even those of us long skeptical about the mischaracterization of cyber operations and cyber risk as catastrophic weapons of destruction, rather than a still serious but quite different threat of chronic disruption and destabilization, have been surprised by just how little cyber operations have featured in the early part of the invasion. The Kremlin’s handful of serious cyberattacks on Ukraine ahead of and around the beginning of the invasion represents its long-standing campaign of cyber harassment of the country over the past decade, rather than a serious escalation of it. There seems to have been little effort, for example, to strike the core of Ukraine’s internet infrastructure. Instead, the missiles rain, and the soldiers and tanks roll in. Similarly, the actions of pro-Ukrainian actors in defacing and taking down Russian websites may embarrass the Kremlin but hardly merit the much misused term of “cyberwar.” (As yet unverified reports of a massive data leak of the personal data of Russian soldiers would be much more impactful if true).

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    You Can Find Military Radars On Publicly-Available Satellite Data

    When it comes to hunting down military radar installations and associated hardware, we typically think of equipment that is firmly in the price bracket of nation states and their military forces. Whether it’s early warning radar, those used for air defence, or for naval purposes, you’d think it was relatively difficult to intercept or track these emissions.

    However, a new tool built by geocomputation lecturer Ollie Ballinger shows this isn’t the case. In fact, openly-available data captured via satellite can be used to find all manner of military radar emitters. Let’s explore how!

    Radar Interference Tracker: A New Open Source Tool to Locate Active Military Radar Systems

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ukraine in the Crosshairs
    Coverage of events in Ukraine and the world

    How Russia’s Attack on Ukraine is Impacting Supply Chains
    March 1, 2022
    A look at how the crisis in Ukraine could impact the world’s supply chains.

    Highly interconnected, the world’s supply chains are susceptible to shocks and disruptions that may not even happen in close proximity to the actual manufacturing, sourcing or distribution of goods. This was immediately obvious when China’s manufacturing centers were among the earliest to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, and it could happen again as the Russia-Ukraine conflict persists.

    In “The Russia Ukraine War Could Have Dire Impacts On Global Supply Chains,” ARC Advisory Group’s Steve Banker writes about the diverse ways that this conflict could impact global supply chains. Some of the key impacts could include (but aren’t limited to) higher transportation costs, rising electricity rates and interruptions to the commodity supply chains that companies worldwide rely on.

    “While rising gas prices drive up the price of transportation, rising natural gas prices also affect global supply chains,” Banker writes. “Natural gas has become increasingly important in generating electricity. In the US, for example, natural gas accounted for 40% of total utility-scale U.S. electricity generation in 2020.”

    He says that rising electricity prices can cut into the profits of manufacturers, distributors and retailers who rely on this form of energy to power their facilities. “Energy cost increases, in turn, often lead these companies to raise their prices,” Banker adds. “This is particularly true in Europe, where Russia is the largest provider of natural gas to Europe, providing about 35% of its supply.”

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Teen hacker Jack Sweeney goes from Elon Musk’s jet to Russian oligarchs

    Jack Sweeney, the 19-year-old who ran afoul of Elon Musk for tracking his private jet on Twitter, has launched another account to monitor planes belonging to Russian oligarchs amid the invasion of Ukraine.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Venäjän 64-kilometrinen kolonna jumittaa – syyt: ”Valtava logistinen epäonnistuminen”
    Venäjän valtavan kolonnan matka on edennyt verkkaisesti. Brittikenraalin mukaan taustalla on useita syitä.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Here’s what we know about the 40-mile-long Russian convoy outside Ukraine’s capital

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Matti Mörttisen kolumni: Somettuminen on uusi suomettuminen
    Jokaisella aikakaudella on syntinsä, ja uusi sukupolvi avaa aina aiemmat synnit kaikkien kauhisteltavaksi, kirjoittaa Mörttinen.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Venäjä laittoi uutis­sivustoilleen estot päälle – koskee myös Suomea

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Google Turns Off Maps Features in Ukraine That Inadvertently Showed Russia’s Invasion
    The tech giant said it disabled live traffic data in Ukraine for the safety of local communities.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nvidia Comments as Hackers Threaten to Release DLSS Code
    By Mark Tyson published 2 days ago
    Some shared screenshots appear to back up these claims.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Elon Musk to the Rescue After Russia Threatens to Deorbit the International Space Station
    Published: March 1, 2022
    Russian space chief says he will let the ISS burn in orbit, Elon Musk responds

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    What the Russian invasion of Ukraine could mean for global hunger
    Extended conflict in Ukraine could raise food prices around the world — and hit the already hungry hardest.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Give them 5 stars ! Im not a hacker but i’m doing what i can do

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Hakkeriryhmä estänyt Venäjän sotakuljetuksia – halvaannutti raideliikenteen
    Valkovenäläinen hakkeriryhmä kertoo hidastaneensa Venäjän liikkumista Ukrainaan.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jack Sweeney, the Florida college student who rose to Internet fame by tracking the private jets of billionaires like Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, is now following the movements of Russian oligarchs.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Näin Venäjän televisio kertoo Ukrainan sodasta: tärkeintä sanaa ei saa uutisissa edes mainita

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Venäläishakkerien vastaisku: Anonymousta vastaan hyökätty
    Hakkeriryhmä väittää kaataneensa Anonymousin sivuston.

    Hakkerikollektiivi Anonymous on tehnyt useita kyberhyökkäyksiä Venäjää vastaan saaden kaadettua palvelunestohyökkäyksillä useita tärkeitä sivustoja. Nyt itse Anonymousia vastaan on hyökätty, uutisoi Daily Telegraph.

    Killnet-niminen hakkeriryhmä väittää kaataneensa Anonymousin verkkosivuston


    The Anonymous hacker collective began attacking the Russian segment of the internet Friday in connection with the situation in Ukraine, targeting websites of Russian businesses, media, the military and various government agencies.

    A hacking group called Killnet claims to have brought down a key website affiliated with Anonymous, as well as the neo-Nazi Ukrainian Right Sector paramilitary group and the office of the president of Ukraine.

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Russia halts rocket engine sales to US, suggests flying to space on ‘their broomsticks’

    As part of the escalating tensions between Russia and the U.S. (to say nothing of the rest of the world), Roscosmos has announced that the country will cease all shipments of rocket engines to the States. As the agency’s head Dmitry Rogozin put it on a state news broadcast: “Let them fly on something else, their broomsticks, I don’t know what.” Fortunately, we can do better than broomsticks.

    The two affected Russian engines are reliable and powerful, having formed the main thrust for ULA Atlas V launches for 20 years, as well as Antares rockets.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ukrainan Zaporizhzhjan ydin­voimalassa sammutettiin Venäjän hyökkäyksessä syttynyt tulipalo

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Yrittäjät tarjoaa webinaareissa tietoa Ukrainan sodan vaikutuksista – ensimmäisenä vuorossa energia-asiat
    Suomen Yrittäjät järjestää tällä ja ensi viikolla useita maksuttomia ja kaikille avoimia tietoiskuja Ukrainan sotaan liittyen.

    Ensimmäisenä on vuorossa torstaina 3. maaliskuuta kello 10–11 järjestettävä tietoiskuwebinaari Ukrainan sodan vaikutuksista energia-asioihin. Mistä Suomessa käytettävä energia tulee? Kallistuuko energia? Voiko polttonestevalinnoilla vaikuttaa? Muun muassa näihin kysymyksiin saa webinaarissa vastauksia.

    Maanantaina 7. maaliskuuta kello 9.30–10.30 on vuorossa tietoisku pakotteista. Miten pakotteet vaikuttavat liiketoimintaan? Mitä jokaisen yrittäjän on hyvä tietää pakotteista?

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Russian cyber attacks against US banks increasing: sources

    Russia appears to have officially declared cyberwar on the US, taking what’s been described as preliminary steps at crippling its banking system and possibly other major industries, The Post has learned.

    The Biden administration has been working with bank executives for months about preparing for cyberattacks as retaliation over US sanctions.

    The big US banks — JP Morgan, Citigroup, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs — are under constant attacks by cyber criminals looking to disrupt operations and steal client information.

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    ‘Several combinations of social engineering’ used during cyberattack on camera maker Axis
    Axis said ransomware was not involved but investigators did find malware.

    In its initial messages on its website, the Swedish camera giant said it got alerts from its cybersecurity and intrusion detection system on Sunday, February 20, before it shut down all public-facing services globally in the hopes of limiting the impact of the attack.

    But in a lengthy report about the attack, Axis says someone used “several combinations of social engineering” to sign in as a user on Saturday night “despite protective mechanisms such as multifactor authentication.”

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jos Sauli Niinistö allekirjoittaisi nämä sanat, Suomi olisi Natossa – katso tästä, miten liittyminen sotilasliittoon tapahtuisi

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ukrainan puolesta taistelee ennennäkemätön hakkeriarmeija, mukana suomalainen “Jouni” asiantuntijat varoittavat: “Tämä ei ole leikkisotaa”
    Jouni kokee olevansa pieni osa Ukrainan hakkeriarmeijan “rintamaa”, koska hän tekee asioita Ukrainan pyynnöstä. Hän sanoo opastaneensa muitakin suomalaisia osallistumaan “dossaukseen”. F-Securen Erka Koivunen on huolissaan suomalaisten lähtemisestä tunnekuohussa mukaan kybersotaan. Siellä on oikea sota menossa, eikä siihen sekaantuminen edes hyväntahtoisesti palvele konfliktin ratkaisemisessa. Siinä tulee rikkoneeksi lakia ja saattaa vaarantaa itsensä tai läheistensä turvallisuuden. Etkä ehkä koheltaessasi halua häiritä tiedusteluoperaatioiden kulkua, hän sanoo.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ukraine says local govt sites hacked to push fake capitulation news
    The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) said today “enemy” hackers are using compromised local government and regional authorities’ websites to push rumors that Ukraine surrendered and signed a peace treaty with Russia. The Ukrainian Parliament also issued a similar alert, saying the Public Broadcaster News in Kherson was taken over with plans to spread disinformation about Ukraine surrendering and “signing of the peace treaty with the Russian Federation.”

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Telegram becomes a digital forefront in the Conflict
    The Russia-Ukraine conflict is closing its first week, and numbers of growing related cyber-attacks recently surfaced. Recently, Check Point Research (CPR) released data on cyber-attacks on Ukraine’s government and military sector, which surged by a staggering 196% in the first three days of combat. Cyber-attacks on Russian organizations increased by four percent. CPR has also warned of fraudulent emails being sent to dupe people who are seeking to donate to Ukraine from abroad.

  33. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Free decryptor released for HermeticRansom victims in Ukraine
    Avast has released a decryptor for the HermeticRansom ransomware strain used in targeted attacks against Ukrainian systems over the past ten days. The decryptor is offered as a free-to-download tool from Avast’s website and can help Ukrainians restore their data quickly and reliably.

  34. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Venäjä laittoi uutissivustoilleen estot päälle koskee myös Suomea
    Tietotoimisto Rian ja Interfaxin sivut on mitä todennäköisimmin geoblokattu, eli pääsy niille on estetty ulkomailta. Epäilys heräsi keskiviikkona, kun molemmat sivustot lakkasivat vastaamasta pyyntöihin. Sama ilmiö jatkui torstaina. Otimme yhteyttä Pietarissa asuvaan henkilöön, joka sanoi Rian ja Interfaxin sivujen avautuvan Venäjällä normaalisti.

  35. Tomi Engdahl says:

    ICANN rejects Ukraine’s request to block Russia from the internet
    Russia and its websites will remain on the internet. In the meantime, both Anonymous and US companies are maintaining their pressure on Russia’s internet presence. The letter from Göran Marby, ICANN’s CEO and president, tried to soften the blow, “ICANN stands ready to continue to support Ukrainian and global Internet security, stability, and resiliency.” But, a no is a no.

  36. Tomi Engdahl says:

    EU Parliament to launch investigative committee on Pegasus spyware
    The launch of a committee to investigate the use of Pegasus spyware within the EU has been agreed to and is expected to be approved for action by the European Parliament next week.

  37. Tomi Engdahl says:

    ‘Several combinations of social engineering’ used during cyberattack on camera maker Axis
    In a lengthy report about the attack, Axis says someone used “several combinations of social engineering” to sign in as a user on Saturday night “despite protective mechanisms such as multifactor authentication.”. According to the report, there was no ransomware, but investigators did find malware and discovered that the company’s internal directory services were compromised.

  38. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Russian forces seize huge Ukrainian nuclear plant, fire extinguished

    Russian forces seized the largest nuclear power plant in Europe after a building at the complex was set ablaze during intense fighting with Ukrainian defenders, Ukrainian authorities said on Friday.

    Fears of a potential nuclear disaster at the Zaporizhzhia plant had spread alarm across world capitals, before authorities said the fire in a building identified as a training centre, had been extinguished.

  39. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Helsinkiin saapuu koko ajan enemmän kotimaastaan pakenevia venäläisiä –  ”Tavallinen elämä käy Venäjällä mahdottomaksi”

  40. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Zelenskyi Ukrainan ydinreaktoreista: ”Jos yksi räjähtää, se on Euroopan loppu” – IL seuraa
    Iltalehti seuraa Ukrainan sodan käänteitä tässä jutussa.

    Britannian varapääministeri: Erittäin vaikea uskoa, ettei ydinvoimalahyökkäys olisi tahallinen

    klo 10:15: Britannian varapääministeri Dominic Raabin mielestä on erittäin vaikea uskoa, ettei Ukrainaan kohdistettu ydinvoimalahyökkäys olisi ollut tahallinen. Ukraina on kertonut Venäjän armeijan vallanneen Euroopan suurimman ydinvoimalan Ukrainassa hyökättyään sinne varhain perjantaiaamuna.

    klo 09:57: Venäläinen kenraalimajuri Andrei Suhovetski on saanut surmansa Ukrainan sodassa. Asiasta kertovat ukrainalaisviranomaiset. Suhovetski, 47, on tiettävästi tähän mennessä korkea-arvoisin Ukrainan sodassa kuollut sotilas.

  41. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Venäläinen öljyjätti Lukoil vaatii pysäyttämään sodan
    Venäläinen öljyjätti Lukoil vaatii pysäyttämään Ukrainan sodan. Lukoil on Venäjän suurimpia yrityksiä.

  42. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Venäjä pani nettiin järeät estot: Facebook, Twitter, BBC…

    Venäjä rajoittaa kansalaistensa pääsyä useisiin medialähteisiin. Esimerkiksi pääsy BBC:n Venäjän-sivustoille on blokattu lähes kokonaan. Venäjän ulkoministeriön mukaan uutissivustoa käytetään ”Venäjän sisäpoliittisen tilanteen ja turvallisuuden heikentämiseen”.


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