LUMI supercomputer

New European supercomputer is inaugurated in Finland. LUMI is the fastest and most energy-efficient supercomputer in Europe, ranked also the third fastest in the world.

It will have an expected peak performance of 550 petaflops (550 million billion calculations per second) while being fully powered by renewable energy: LUMI uses natural cooling systems and its waste heat will account for about 20 percent of the district heating in the city of Kajaani.

LUMI supercomputer is based on HPE Cray EX235a, AMD Optimized 3rd Generation EPYC 64C 2GHz, AMD Instinct MI250X, Slingshot-11.

The project cost was around 200 million Euros.

Picture from press release:

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  1. Andreas says:

    Thx for this article.

    Happy to see that CRAY is still in the game, playing a relevant role.

    Worked on CRAY computer 1990 til 2015 – best time in my job life with great fun on the systems .-)

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    LUMI supercomputer puts GPU partition through its paces with hardcore science
    Finland’s LUMI supercomputer has hit a new milestone, successfully completing the pilot phase of its GPU partition that extends the processing power of the system. LUMI is the fastest supercomputer in Europe and the third fastest globally, according to the Top500 list published in November 2022. It was inaugurated in June last year, but the system’s GPU partition had not fully been installed at the time.
    Now a team of Norwegian researchers have completed the GPU pilot phase for LUMI, testing out the capabilities of the system with the GPU partition (LUMI-G) installed and operational. The testing comprised 30 pilot projects covering solar atmospheric modelling, natural language processing (NLP) and imaging of seismic data, according to the LUMI team.


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