Here is collection of some predictions for year 2023. This is a collection of links to prediction articles followed by a short quote or quotes of what I see the main points in them.
Ennuste vuodelle 2023: Ongelmat helpottavat
“After a couple of exceptional years, the electronics market, challenged by the pandemic and pent-up demand, has signs of a calmer ride on the horizon. Mouser’s Mark Burr-Lonnon predicts slower, but more predictable growth”
“According to World Semiconductor Trade Statistics, the global semiconductor market will grow by 13.9 percent in 2022 and continue to grow by 4.6 percent in 2023. While these statistics show that global demand for semiconductors is slowing, they still show steady growth in all key regions of the world as the electronics industry begins to settle into a more manageable state of equilibrium.”
AMD, Intel, and Nvidia Reportedly Slash Orders with TSMC
“Large customers revise orders to TSMC due to the economy slowdown.”
“According to the report, virtually all TSMC clients will experience a downturn and have to cut orders, so TSMC’s utilization will decline significantly in Q1 2023. For example, the utilization rate of TSMC’s N7-capable lines (7nm, 6nm-class technologies) will decline to around 50% in early 2023. Furthermore, even TSMC’s N5/N4-capable lines will be underutilized”
Tech That Will Change Your Life in 2023
“Big layoffs at Meta, Amazon, Snap and others? A global crypto fraud set in the Bahamas? Elon Musk buying and running Twitter? Look, not even Nostradamus could have seen all that coming.”
“The Metaverse, Now More Than Just Meta. For the last two years, we’ve said this is the year for virtual and augmented reality. But in 2023 we’re confident: headsets that give you a choice of VR (where you’re in a virtual world) and AR (where the virtual is overlaid in your real world) are coming. And they won’t just be from Meta, current holder of 90% of the VR market, according to research firm IDC.”
“Tech companies and their investors are grappling with the industry’s biggest downturn since at least 2008. The result is layoffs and hiring freezes at companies large and small. The PC and chip industries in particular have been clobbered by the biggest drop in sales in more than two decades. And while many survivors of past tech downturns preach that cuts should be deep, fast and early, it appears that the pain for tech workers will continue into 2023.”
“Account moochers, beware: The Netflix password crackdown is coming in early 2023. Netflix is the first streamer with an enforcement policy.”
“China and the U.S. are so interdependent—for manufacturing of smartphones and other electronics, for EV batteries and solar panels, for raw materials and intellectual property—it seems impossible they could go their separate ways with their own parallel supply chains and production bases. Yet it’s happening.”
“Artificial Intelligence Finds Real Use”
“Smart Home Gets Easier-ish”
“European Union legislation is changing Apple’s smartphones.”
Digipelaaminen ja e-pelimediat entistä suositumpia – kännykkäpelaaminen ei kasva enää
“Digital gaming and the consumption of game-related media content is increasingly popular, according to the Gamer Barometer 2022 study conducted at the University of Tampere. An increasing proportion of Finns play digital games at least occasionally, but the number of active mobile players is no longer growing at the previous pace.
Active mobile gaming has for the first time in the history of Gamer Barometers turned into a slight decrease, but still 59 percent of Finns still occasionally play mobile games.”
Xiaomin uusin sisältää tekniikkaa, jota ei ole vielä edes standardoitu
“Wi-Fi 7 support is of course interesting, when the IEEE standard is apparently not being completed until around 2024. Next year, however, a number of Wi-Fi 7-compatible smartphones will be introduced to the market. Xiaomi’s 13 Pro will probably be the first of them. Its arrival in Finland and prices will be revealed later.”
The tech IPO market collapsed in 2022, and next year doesn’t look much better
3 views: Predicting 2023’s key startup themes
“Anna Heim: The rise of API-first startups will continue in 2023
I am convinced that API-first will be a major trend in 2023, with this approach being both more widespread than it was previously, as well as more successful than less API-heavy options.
That APIs are on the rise isn’t exactly new — but API-first startups are a subgroup in this world, and one that is enjoying tailwinds.”
“The software company Tiobe measures the popularity of programming languages with its famous index, which measures search engine searches. Changes on the list happen slowly, but in December something happened right at the top of the list. C++ became the third most popular language over Java.”
“It’s not a trivial change, as C++ overtook Java for the first time in history. The top of the list is unchanged. Python and C are clearly in a class of their own.”
Sanna Marin: EU:n pitää katkaista teknologinen riippuvuus Kiinasta
“In an interview with Slush CEO Eerika Savolainen, Marin demanded that Europe break its technological dependence on China.
- We cannot depend on China. Economic relations should not be severed, but we cannot be in a position where an authoritarian country operating with a different logic is able to blackmail us, Marin said.
- I am afraid that we will make the same mistake with technology and digitality as with energy. We thought that a close economic relationship would prevent war, but we were wrong.”
Kyberturvan ammattilaisista on huutava pula
“There is an acute shortage of cyber security professionals. There is an estimated global shortage of three million professionals.”
Innovators 2023
These are some of the innovators and leaders in the electronics technology space.
Ennuste vuodelle 2023: Ongelmat helpottavat
“the demand for smarter and more networked products and systems has also spread to business-to-business sectors, where digitization and the emergence of the fourth industrial revolution have begun to take over the sector. For example, in manufacturing, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), characterized by interconnected sensors, communication/data transfer, and advanced data analytics, has transformed the efficiency of production processes in the factory. The IIoT depends on highly advanced integrated circuits that provide intelligence for sensing, measurement and monitoring, power management, control and communication.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Intel Arrow Lake CPUs are on track – and that’s crucial due to AMD’s big Ryzen 8000 threat
By Darren Allan published 2 days ago
All Intel’s future CPUs are on track or even ahead of their intended launch schedule, we’re told
Tomi Engdahl says:
Panasonic liquidates its liquid crystal display business
Here’s your metaphor for the state of the world: factory will be re-used to make EV batteries
Tomi Engdahl says:
Blizzard issues dire permaban warning to Diablo 4 players using ‘any game-modifying software’ and calls out one mod especially
By Joshua Wolens published 5 days ago
Are you a TurboHUD fan? Don’t tell anyone.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Used server DDR4 RAM chips are being recycled for consumer kits
That sweet deal on a no-name DDR4 kit may involve used silicon
Tomi Engdahl says:
Disney just delivered potential death blow to DVDs and Blu-rays — here’s what’s happening
By Nick Pino published 4 days ago
DVDs and Blu-rays could soon go the way of the VHS–BSA
Bad news for fans of physical media: Disney has announced that it will no longer release DVDs and Blu-rays in certain regions of the world due to declining sales.
According to Sky News, the first country to have its physical media taken away is Australia — which will no longer have DVDs or Blu-rays after Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 releases on August 1.
Although physical media sales have been declining for years, the final nail in the coffin here seems to be the success of Disney Plus, Disney’s streaming service that competes with the likes of Netflix, Prime Video and Max.
No other markets have been announced by Disney so far, but it does feel like this is the first domino to fall and a telling sign of what’s to come.
Tomi Engdahl says:
A new report sheds some light on Apple’s quest to be the only tech company in the world offering 3nm products to its customers.
Apple Bought All of TSMC’s 3nm Capacity for an Entire Year
A new report sheds some light on Apple’s quest to be the only tech company in the world offering 3nm products to its customers.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Ian King / Bloomberg:
Nvidia unveils the GH200 Grace Hopper Superchip, a combination GPU and CPU relying on high-bandwidth memory 3, or HBM3e, expected to enter production in Q2 2024 — – Company is upgrading lineup that fueled $1 trillion valuation — New chip could make it harder for rivals like AMD to catch up
Nvidia Unveils Faster Chip Aimed at Cementing AI Dominance
Company is upgrading lineup that fueled $1 trillion valuation
New chip could make it harder for rivals like AMD to catch up
Tomi Engdahl says:
AWS: IPv4 addresses cost too much, so you’re going to pay
Cloud giant AWS will start charging customers for public IPv4 addresses from next year, claiming it is forced to do this because of the increasing scarcity of these and to encourage the use of IPv6 instead.
It is now four years since we officially ran out of IPv4 ranges to allocate, and since then, those wanting a new public IPv4 address have had to rely on address ranges being recovered, either from from organizations that close down or those that return addresses they no longer require as they migrate to IPv6.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Uusi haastaja Googlen ja Applen karttapalveluille – data kehittäjien vapaasti ja ilmaiseksi käytettävissä
Googlen ja Applen karttapalvelut ovat saamassa kilpailijan Overture Maps Foundation -säätiön karttatietojen muodossa. Säätiön perustivat viime vuonna Microsoft, Meta, Amazon ja muun muassa navigaattoreita valmistava TomTom.
Tomi Engdahl says:
It Looks Like Intel Made a 96-Core Xeon Chip for Amazon Web Services (Updated)
The seemingly custom chip sports 96-cores and 192-threads, which is nothing like what’s available to the public.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Prachir Singh / Counterpoint Research:
“Make in India” mobile phone shipments crossed 2B cumulative units between 2014 and 2022, registering a 23% CAGR, and made up 98%+ of local shipments in 2022
India Mobile Phone Cumulative Production Crosses 2 Billion Units Under ‘Make in India’ Initiative
Tomi Engdahl says:
I Bought Iran’s Secret Quantum Computing Chip
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Death of Europe’s Last Electronics Giant
Philips was once the largest tech company in Europe, the world leader in lighting, radio and physical media, the third largest electronics company in the world, etc. Today they are almost irrelevant. Here’s why.
The Story Behind – ep. 95
Tomi Engdahl says:
Galliumnitridin ominaisuudet sopivat erinomaisesti pienten jännitteiden ja maltillisten tehojen tuottamiseen, joten GaN-piirit ovat mullistaneet älypuhelinlatureiden markkinat. Nyt vuorossa ovat kannettavat tietokoneet. Infineon vie GaN-piirinsä läppäreihin yhdessä kiinalaisen latureita valmistavan Chicony Power Technologyn kanssa.
Infineon-yhteistyön myötä Chicony alkaa valmistaa USB PD 3.1-standardia tukevia latureita GaN-komponenteista. Uusilla piireillä yhtiö voi tuoda vähintään 30 prosentin lisäyksen tehotiheyteen.
Uusi virtalähdesarja voi tuottaa jopa 240 watin tehon
Tomi Engdahl says:
Piilaakson Santa Clarassa järjestettiin viime viikolla Flash Memory Summit -tapahtuma. Siellä valittiin myös lupaavin uusi muistitekniikka. Tittelin sai Lanvasterin yliopistossa kehitetty UltraRAM, jota kaupallistamaan on perustettu Quinas Techonlogy.
UltraRAM yhdistää DRAM-muistin korkean suorituskyvyn ja flashin haihtumattomuuden, minkä uskottiin yleisesti olevan mahdotonta. Sillä on kyky sekä tallentaa tietoja yli 1000 vuoden ajan eli pidempään kuin flashissa, että myös lukea ja kirjoittaa erittäin nopeasti ja pienemmällä energialla kuin DRAM.
Flashin tapaan UltraRAM hyödyntää resonanssitunneloinnin kvanttimekaanista vaikutusta ja korvaa flashin oksiditunnelin kolmoisesteisellä resonanssitunnelointirakenteella.
Tomi Engdahl says:
EU on täysin riippuvainen kiinalaisista piirikorteista
Samaan aikaan kun Eurooppa yrittää tulla mahdollisimman omavaraiseksi puolijohteissa miljardien Chipc Act -ohjelman kautta, yksi tärkeä osa elektroniikkavalmistusta on jäänyt vaille huomiota. Kaksi kolmesta painetusta piirilevystä tulee meille Kiinasta. Tähän kiinnittää huomiota toimialajärjestö IPC, joka haluaa tukea paikallista tuotantoa.
EU:lla on yli vuosikymmenen ajan ollut kunnianhimo lisätä paikallisesti valmistettujen puolijohteiden osuutta, mutta vain EU:n Chipc Act -lain myötä myönnettiin miljardien suuruinen tuki. Sen myötä TSMC, Intel ja monet muta ovat jo päättäneet valmistaa Eurooppaan uusia puolijohdetehtaita.
Riippuvuus ulkomaailmasta ja ennen kaikkea Kiinasta on kuitenkin vielä suurempi muiden elektroniikan valmistuksessa tarvittavien osien osalta.
Tomi Engdahl says:
PCIe vaihtaa kuparin optisiin linkkeihin
PCI on tärkein PC-liitäntätekniikka, ja sen kehitys on viime vuosina ollut erittäin nopeaa. PCIe 7 julkaistaan vuonna 2025 ja laitteisiin se ehtinee vuonna 2027. Sen nopeus on 128 gigasiirtoa sekunnissa eli 16-linjaisen liitännän yli dataa saadaan siirtymään 512 gigatavua sekunnissa. Pian tämäkään ei enää riitä.
Syy on itse asiassa fyysinen. Kuparilinjan yli signalointi on jollakin aikataululla saavuttamassa teoreettisetkin rajansa. PCI-SIG:n mukaan ratkaisu haasteeseen on valokuitu. Järjestössä onkin perustettu työryhmä tutkimaan PCI-siirron laajenemista optisen linkin yli.
Kovin tarkkaa aikataulua optiselle PCIe:lle ei ole annettu. Järjestön mukaan nykyiset PCI-SIG-työryhmät jatkavat sukupolvien marssia kohti 128 GT/s tiedonsiirtonopeutta PCIe 7.0 -spesifikaatiossa.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Ensimmäinen yli 300 kerroksen flash-piiri
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R
Tomi Engdahl says:|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R
Tomi Engdahl says:
Massive Chiplet-Based FPGA Designed to Make More Chips
July 7, 2023
The Versal Premium FPGA targets EDA simulation and verification applications.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tom Warren / The Verge:
Microsoft plans to close its Xbox 360 Store and Xbox 360 Marketplace on July 29, 2024, meaning users will no longer be able to buy games, DLC, avatars, and more — Microsoft is preparing to close down its Xbox 360 Store and Xbox 360 Marketplace on July 29th, 2024.
Microsoft’s Xbox 360 Store to close in July 2024
/ You’ll no longer be able to purchase Xbox 360 games starting July 29th, 2024, on an Xbox 360 console.
Microsoft is preparing to close down its Xbox 360 Store and Xbox 360 Marketplace on July 29th, 2024. Xbox 360 owners will no longer be able to purchase new Xbox 360 games, DLC, and other content from the Xbox 360 Store next July, and the Xbox 360 Marketplace that includes avatars and games will also be closed to new purchases.
If you already own a bunch of Xbox 360 digital games, they’ll continue to be playable. You just won’t be able to purchase new games or DLC from an Xbox 360 console. Microsoft is also removing the Movies & TV app from Xbox 360. This means “TV and movie content will no longer be viewable on your Xbox 360 after July 29th, 2024,” explains Dave McCarthy, corporate vice president of Xbox player services.
While the Xbox 360 Store might be closing next year, you’ll still be able to continue to purchase backward-compatible Xbox 360 games. “You will still be able to purchase hundreds of great backward-compatible Xbox 360 and Original Xbox games and DLC on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and,” says McCarthy. You will need to use a Windows 10 or later PC, Xbox One, or Xbox Series S / X to view any TV shows or movies you’ve purchased from the Xbox 360 Store after July 29th next year.
he Xbox 360 Store shutdown won’t affect Xbox network services for Xbox 360 consoles. Xbox 360 owners will still be able to play online multiplayer, and they can still transfer games to a different Xbox 360 or even an Xbox One or Xbox Series S / X. Xbox 360 games will still receive updates after the Xbox 360 Store closure, too. Microsoft has a full FAQ page about the Xbox 360 Store closure right here.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Aisha Malik / TechCrunch:
Google launches a new Transparency Center to let users report harmful content, make appeals, read transparency reports and product or service policies, and more
Google’s new Transparency Center outlines its product policies, reporting tools and more
Tomi Engdahl says:
Yllätystulos: SSD kuluttaakin enemmän virtaa kuin HDD
Flash-piireihin perustuvat SSD-levyt ovat nopeasti yleistyneet läppärein ja monien muiden laitteiden massamuisteina. Mutta kuluttaako SSD todellakin vähemmän virtaa, mikä on ollut yksi niiden myyntiargumenteista perinteisiä HDD-levyä vastaan? Tallennuksen ohjelmistoratkaisuja kehittävä Scality otti asiasta selvää.
Yleinen käsitys alalla on, että flashilla pitäisi olla selkeä etu virrankulutuksesa verrattuna pyörivään mediaan, kuten kiintolevyyn. Intuitiivisesti tämä on järkevää, koska kiintolevyt vaativat sähkömoottoreita mekaanisten lautasten pyörittämiseen ja toimilaitteen varsien liikuttamiseen, kun taas SSD-levy ei vaadi näitä mekanismeja.
Yllättäen Scality havaitsi tutkimukseen, että suuritiheyksisillä SSD-levyillä ei ole virrankulutuksen tai tehotiheyden etua kiintolevyyn verrattuna. Itse asiassa tulokset viittaavat päinvastaiseen.
Scalityn tutkimuksessa HDD-levyt tarjoavat 19–94 % paremman energiatehokkuuden (watteja asemaa kohti) kuin SSD-levyt tiettyjen työkuormitusmallien ja nykyisten asematiheyksien perusteella. Itse asiassa vain idle- eli valmiustilassa SSD kulutti 15 prosenttia vähemmän tehoa.
Tomi Engdahl says:
China’s Loongson reveals new 3A6000 CPU, claims performance on par with 3-year-old Intel chips
Good news for Western tech supremacy or a troublesome development from an adversary country?
Tomi Engdahl says:
ULTRARAM may be a silly name but it’s the holy grail for memory tech and means your PC could hibernate for over 1,000 years
By Dave James published 5 days ago
Close your laptop lid and open it 1,000 years later to carry on your Baldur’s Gate 3 save as if nothing had happened.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Discover The Most Expensive Precious Metal: It’s Not Gold
This rare precious metal is 10 times more expensive than gold, and you might already own some.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Currently the most expensive precious metal and one of the rarest, the price per ounce of rhodium stands at $10,300 at the time of publication. So, what makes it so expensive?
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
The LIGHT Pedal combines all the best features of a classic spring reverb with an innovative infrared optical sensor system and a unique effects section, enabling you to create countless new types of reverb textures that have never been possible before now.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Jim Keller (Creator of Zen Architecture) And An RGT Leak Agree: AMD Zen 5 CPU Will Be A Monster
AMD has quietly been working on a major breakthrough – and both the creator of Zen and recent leaks from RTG agree: Zen 5 is going to be an absolute monster in the x86 space.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Apple nousi heinäkuussa kännyköiden ykköseksi
Applen iPhone-puhelimilla on pitkään ollut faninsa, mutta tähän asti yhtiö on aina keikkunut myydyimpien listalla sijalla kaksi tai kolme. Heinäkuussa iPhone kuitenkin oli ensimmäistä kertaa myydyin älypuhelin, ainakin Statcounterin tilastojen mukaan.
Heinäkuussa Applen iPhonella oli 28,33 prosentin markkinaosuus älypuhelinmarkkinoista, kun se vuosi sitten oli 27,5 prosenttia. Samsungin markkinaosuus oli heinäkuussa 24,22 prosenttia
Tomi Engdahl says:
Arm files for IPO on NASDAQ.
Arm Files for Initial Public Offering, as the Company Faces Increasing Pressure From RISC-V
SEC receives a filing confirming plans to relist Arm on the NASDAQ exchange, seven years after it was taken private by SoftBank.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tim Bradshaw / Financial Times:
Arm’s IPO prospectus says the company has a 10% share of the $18B market for cloud processors, up from 7% in 2020, and a 41% share of the automotive market — Chip designer looks to AI, cloud computing and automotive markets for growth as it seeks $60bn valuation in IPO
Arm searches for growth beyond smartphones
Chip designer looks to AI, cloud computing and automotive markets for growth as it seeks $60bn valuation in IPO
Few companies preparing for a blockbuster stock market debut can claim a 99 per cent market share at the heart of the world’s most lucrative and ubiquitous consumer product.
But for Arm, the SoftBank-owned chip designer, its overwhelming dominance of smartphone processors is both its biggest asset and the greatest challenge to achieving a putative $60bn-plus valuation in next month’s initial public offering.
Arm’s “substantial existing market share” in the mobile and consumer electronics markets “may limit opportunities for future growth”
While other markets, such as automotive chips and processors for cloud computing, hold promise for Arm, analysts say it can never hope to recreate its near-monopoly in mobile.
“It’s hard to see that Arm is going to see any significant growth in [mobile] beyond where they are today,”
Arm and Apple’s fortunes have been intertwined for three decades.
low-power chips proved ideal for battery-powered mobile phones, first in the Nokia era, and then when the iPhone ignited an even bigger wave of growth starting in 2007.
Arm argues that it can grow by selling more technology into each smartphone.
Arm’s 2.7 per cent royalty rate from the 30bn Arm-powered chips that its customers shopped in the last fiscal year, or $0.11 per chip.
Arm estimates that 46 per cent of its royalty revenue for the last fiscal year came from products it released between 1990 to 2012, showing the underlying endurance of its business model.
But that may not be enough to entice investors to value a business that had revenues fall 1 per cent to $2.7bn last year at more than $60bn.
“They’ve got to go into new markets,”
When SoftBank in 2016 bought Arm, until then a public company listed in London and New York, the Japanese group’s chief executive Masayoshi Son declared it would propel the company to the heart of the “internet of things”.
Seven years later, analysts say that initiative failed to produce the desired new growth. Arm’s prospectus says it has a 65 per cent share of the market for industrial IoT and embedded semiconductors, but the small and lower-value nature of products in that area have made it less lucrative than Son envisaged.
The billionaire investor’s latest obsession is AI, where Arm is making some headway. It works with self-driving car companies such as GM’s Cruise.
Nvidia uses an Arm CPU in its Grace Hopper “super chip”, used for processing AI models in data centres.
Arm’s technology is in more of a supporting role to more powerful chips such as Nvidia’s H100 when it comes to AI.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tim Bradshaw / Financial Times:
Arm’s IPO prospectus says the company has a 10% share of the $18B market for cloud processors, up from 7% in 2020, and a 41% share of the automotive market — Chip designer looks to AI, cloud computing and automotive markets for growth as it seeks $60bn valuation in IPO
Arm searches for growth beyond smartphones
Chip designer looks to AI, cloud computing and automotive markets for growth as it seeks $60bn valuation in IPO
Tomi Engdahl says:
SoftBank’s Arm files to list on the Nasdaq and reports $524M net income on $2.68B in FY 2023 revenue, down 1% YoY from $2.7B; the company wants the ticker ARM
Arm files for Nasdaq listing, as SoftBank aims to sell shares in chip designer it bought for $32 billion
Arm, which is owned by SoftBank, filed on Monday to list on the Nasdaq.
The U.K.-based chip designer is looking to go public during a historically slow period for U.S. IPOs.
SoftBank agreed to acquire Arm for $32 billion in 2016.
Arm reported $524 million in net income on $2.68 billion in revenue in its fiscal 2023, which ended in March, according to the filing. Arm’s 2023 revenue was slightly down from the company’s 2022 sales of $2.7 billion.
The U.K.-based company filed confidentially for a listing in the U.S. earlier this year after previously announcing it would go public in the U.S. over the U.K., dealing a blow to the London Stock Exchange.
Arm is one of the most important chip companies. It sells licenses to an instruction set at the heart of nearly every mobile chip, and increasingly, PC and server chips as well. In recent years, it has aimed to sell more complete chip designs, which is more lucrative.
Arm chips are made by companies including Amazon, Alphabet, AMD, Intel, Nvidia, Qualcomm, and Samsung, according to the filing. Its technology is also included in Apple’s chips for iPhones. Arm said that its technology was included in over 30 billion chips shipped in its fiscal 2023. Arm typically takes a fee on every chip that is shipped using its technology.
A critical component
Arm, with just under 6000 employees, plays a pivotal role in the world of consumer electronics, designing the architecture of chips that are found in 99% of all smartphones, making it a key provider of technology to Apple
, Google and Qualcomm
The company was founded in 1990 as a joint venture between several companies and Apple to create a low-power processor for battery-powered devices. It first went public in 1998, before being taken private in 2016 by SoftBank.
But the company is also facing headwinds from a slowdown in demand for products like smartphones, which has hit chip firms across the board. Arm’s net sales fell 4.6% year-on-year in the second quarter, while the unit swung to a loss, according to SoftBank’s earnings release. SoftBanks’ beleaguered Vision Fund, meanwhile, has racked up billions of dollars in losses of late due to tech bets that soured in a high interest rate environment.
In its filing, Arm made the case that its technology would be essential for AI applications, although it focuses on central processors, not the graphics processors that are required for creating big AI models. “The CPU is vital in all AI systems, whether it is handling the AI workload entirely or in combination with a co-processor, such as a GPU or an NPU,” Arm said in the filing.
Arm identified x86, the instruction set used in Intel and AMD processors, as well as RISC-V, an open source instruction set backed by several big tech companies, as sources of competition.
The company said that its three largest customers accounted for 44% of the company’s total revenue. The company’s largest customer, Arm China, a independent entity, accounted for 24% of sales. Arm also said that Qualcomm, which it is currently suing over a licensing violation, accounted for 11% of sales
Tomi Engdahl says:
Smart Cities: Utopian Dream, Security Nightmare, or Political Gimmick?
As smart cities evolve with more and more integrated connected services, cybersecurity concerns will increase dramatically.
How much smart does a smart city need to be called smart? It’s not a trivial question. It goes to the heart of understanding the concept of connected cities: what is a smart city, what does it deliver, and is it worth the effort? And is it ultimately a utopian dream or a cybersecurity nightmare?
What is a smart city?
The term smart city implies that the whole city is smart. Excluding China and a few other rich and authoritarian regimes, this is far from accurate.
The UK’s NCSC prefers the term ‘connected places’. “The fundamental aim of a connected place,” it says, “is to enhance the quality of living for citizens through collaborative, interactive, and connected technology… a connected place can be described as a community that integrates information and communication technologies and IoT devices to collect and analyze data to deliver new services to the built environment, and enhance the quality of living for citizens.”
This also falls short. It doesn’t differentiate between smart cities and smart villages or even smart streets. It focuses on the term ‘community’, yet neither defines nor explains who should specify ‘the quality of living for citizens’. The result is misleading. A community doesn’t suddenly decide it will get smart. Smartness is something imposed upon the members of a community with no element of choice. And within this definition, everyone is likely to be part of several or many connected places, with varying degrees of connectedness between the connected places.
In describing a smart city, it is better to concentrate on ‘smart municipal services’: traffic control; energy distribution; water services; waste collection; and, of course, elections. Each of these services will be automated and ‘intelligent’ using sensors, connected devices, artificial intelligence, and communication technologies. They are likely to be overlapping and themselves interconnected, with the citizen as the lowest common denominator across most connected services.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says: