Tech trends 2023

Here is collection of some predictions for year 2023. This is a collection of links to prediction articles followed by a short quote or quotes of what I see the main points in them.

Ennuste vuodelle 2023: Ongelmat helpottavat

“After a couple of exceptional years, the electronics market, challenged by the pandemic and pent-up demand, has signs of a calmer ride on the horizon. Mouser’s Mark Burr-Lonnon predicts slower, but more predictable growth”
“According to World Semiconductor Trade Statistics, the global semiconductor market will grow by 13.9 percent in 2022 and continue to grow by 4.6 percent in 2023. While these statistics show that global demand for semiconductors is slowing, they still show steady growth in all key regions of the world as the electronics industry begins to settle into a more manageable state of equilibrium.”

AMD, Intel, and Nvidia Reportedly Slash Orders with TSMC

“Large customers revise orders to TSMC due to the economy slowdown.”
“According to the report, virtually all TSMC clients will experience a downturn and have to cut orders, so TSMC’s utilization will decline significantly in Q1 2023. For example, the utilization rate of TSMC’s N7-capable lines (7nm, 6nm-class technologies) will decline to around 50% in early 2023. Furthermore, even TSMC’s N5/N4-capable lines will be underutilized”

Tech That Will Change Your Life in 2023

“Big layoffs at Meta, Amazon, Snap and others? A global crypto fraud set in the Bahamas? Elon Musk buying and running Twitter? Look, not even Nostradamus could have seen all that coming.”
“The Metaverse, Now More Than Just Meta. For the last two years, we’ve said this is the year for virtual and augmented reality. But in 2023 we’re confident: headsets that give you a choice of VR (where you’re in a virtual world) and AR (where the virtual is overlaid in your real world) are coming. And they won’t just be from Meta, current holder of 90% of the VR market, according to research firm IDC.”
“Tech companies and their investors are grappling with the industry’s biggest downturn since at least 2008. The result is layoffs and hiring freezes at companies large and small. The PC and chip industries in particular have been clobbered by the biggest drop in sales in more than two decades. And while many survivors of past tech downturns preach that cuts should be deep, fast and early, it appears that the pain for tech workers will continue into 2023.”
“Account moochers, beware: The Netflix password crackdown is coming in early 2023. Netflix is the first streamer with an enforcement policy.”
“China and the U.S. are so interdependent—for manufacturing of smartphones and other electronics, for EV batteries and solar panels, for raw materials and intellectual property—it seems impossible they could go their separate ways with their own parallel supply chains and production bases. Yet it’s happening.”
“Artificial Intelligence Finds Real Use”
“Smart Home Gets Easier-ish”
“European Union legislation is changing Apple’s smartphones.”

Digipelaaminen ja e-pelimediat entistä suositumpia – kännykkäpelaaminen ei kasva enää

“Digital gaming and the consumption of game-related media content is increasingly popular, according to the Gamer Barometer 2022 study conducted at the University of Tampere. An increasing proportion of Finns play digital games at least occasionally, but the number of active mobile players is no longer growing at the previous pace.
Active mobile gaming has for the first time in the history of Gamer Barometers turned into a slight decrease, but still 59 percent of Finns still occasionally play mobile games.”

Xiaomin uusin sisältää tekniikkaa, jota ei ole vielä edes standardoitu

“Wi-Fi 7 support is of course interesting, when the IEEE standard is apparently not being completed until around 2024. Next year, however, a number of Wi-Fi 7-compatible smartphones will be introduced to the market. Xiaomi’s 13 Pro will probably be the first of them. Its arrival in Finland and prices will be revealed later.”

The tech IPO market collapsed in 2022, and next year doesn’t look much better

3 views: Predicting 2023’s key startup themes

“Anna Heim: The rise of API-first startups will continue in 2023
I am convinced that API-first will be a major trend in 2023, with this approach being both more widespread than it was previously, as well as more successful than less API-heavy options.
That APIs are on the rise isn’t exactly new — but API-first startups are a subgroup in this world, and one that is enjoying tailwinds.”

C++ meni Javan ohi

“The software company Tiobe measures the popularity of programming languages with its famous index, which measures search engine searches. Changes on the list happen slowly, but in December something happened right at the top of the list. C++ became the third most popular language over Java.”
“It’s not a trivial change, as C++ overtook Java for the first time in history. The top of the list is unchanged. Python and C are clearly in a class of their own.”

Sanna Marin: EU:n pitää katkaista teknologinen riippuvuus Kiinasta

“In an interview with Slush CEO Eerika Savolainen, Marin demanded that Europe break its technological dependence on China.
- We cannot depend on China. Economic relations should not be severed, but we cannot be in a position where an authoritarian country operating with a different logic is able to blackmail us, Marin said.
- I am afraid that we will make the same mistake with technology and digitality as with energy. We thought that a close economic relationship would prevent war, but we were wrong.”

Kyberturvan ammattilaisista on huutava pula

“There is an acute shortage of cyber security professionals. There is an estimated global shortage of three million professionals.”

Innovators 2023
These are some of the innovators and leaders in the electronics technology space.

Ennuste vuodelle 2023: Ongelmat helpottavat

“the demand for smarter and more networked products and systems has also spread to business-to-business sectors, where digitization and the emergence of the fourth industrial revolution have begun to take over the sector. For example, in manufacturing, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), characterized by interconnected sensors, communication/data transfer, and advanced data analytics, has transformed the efficiency of production processes in the factory. The IIoT depends on highly advanced integrated circuits that provide intelligence for sensing, measurement and monitoring, power management, control and communication.”


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Lenovo alkaa myydä yrityksille Android-työasemia

    Windowsin osuus tietokoneissa oli syyskuussa Statcounterin mukaan 68,4 prosenttia. Yrityksissä osuus oli vielä tätäkin kovempi. Kolmanneksi suurinPC-valmistaja Lenovo kuitenkin uskoo, että yrityksissä on kiinnostusta käyttää Androidia työasemissaan.

    Tässä Lenovo on lyöttäytynyt yhteen Esperin kanssa, joka on kehittänyt toimivan Android-laitteiden keskitetyn hallinnan. Esper myös huolehtii jälleenmyynnistä. Tuotevalikoima kattaa Lenovon mukaan neljä X86-konetta, joista ensimmäinen on kuvan kolmannen sukupolven ThinkCentre M70a -asema.

    Vuoden loppuun mennessä valikoima laajenee ThinkCentre M70q-, M90n-1 IoT- ja ThinkEdge SE30 v2 -malleihin.

    Vaikka Android on suosituin käyttöjärjestelmä, kun listataan kaikki mahdolliset laitteet, siitä on tulossa myös suosittu käyttöjärjestelmä yrityksissä. 451 Researchin vuoden 2022 raportin mukaan Androidin osuus oli jo 41 prosenttia, kun Microsoftin osuus oli 26 prosenttia, Apple iOS:n 24 prosenttia ja Linuxin 8 prosenttia.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nordic Semiconductor esitteli vuonna 2015 nRF52-sarjan järjestelmäpiirit, joita on toimitettu usieta miljardeja kappaleita. Nyt tämä suosikki on saanut päivityksen. Uusi nRF54L tuo lisää suorituskykyä, suuremman muistin, mutta silti pienemmän tehonkulutuksen kehittäjien käsiin.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Intel on esitellyt uudet 14. polven Core-prosessorit pöytäkoneisiin. Valikoiman huipulla on i9-14900K, joka on samalla maailman nopein pöytätietokoneiden prosessori 6 gigahertsin nopeudella.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Uusimpia 5 nanometrin ja sitä tiheämpien sirujen valmistaminen edellyttää ns. EUV-litografiaa, jossa rakenteiden valottaminen maskin läpi sirun pinnalle tapahtuu 13,5 nanometrin valolähteellä. Canon sanoo kehittäneensä tekniikan, jolla tiheimpien sirujen valmistus onnistuu yksinkertaisemmin ja pienemmällä tehonkulutuksella.

    Optisten prosessien sijaan Canonin kehittämässä tekniikassa kuvioita painetaan kiekon pintaan ikään kuin sabluunalla. Kuvioiden resoluutio riippuu sabluunan tarkkuudesta. Samaan aikaan optisessa litografiassa joudutaan käyttämään erilaisia peili- ym. ratkaisuja, jotta kuviot saadaan valotettua kiekon pintaan.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kaikki suuret kännykkävalmistajat ongelmissa

    Uutistoimisto Reuters on päässyt näkemään Counterpointin kolmannen neljänneksen älypuhelintilastot ja ne ovat huonoja kaikkien suurten valmistajien kannalta. Reutersin mukaan maailmanlaajuiset älypuhelinmarkkinat supistuivat heinä-syyskuussa 8 prosenttia.

    Tämä tarkoittaa, että kolmas neljännes oli markkinoiden heikoin kymmeneen vuoteen. Taantumaa selittää se, että suurimpien tuotemerkkien, kuten Applen ja Samsungin kysyntä oli vaimeaa useimmilla kehittyneillä markkinoilla.

    Tilastojen mukaan viiden parhaan tuotemerkin, joihin kuuluvat myös kiinalaiset Xiaomi, Oppo ja Vivo, yhteenlaskettu osuus markkinoista putosi alimmilleen kolmeen vuoteen. Applen myynti putosi vuodentakaisesta 8 prosenttia ja Samsungin 13 prosenttia.

    Markkinoiden yllättäjä oli kiinalainen Huawei, joka onnistui kasvattamaan myyntiään. Nousu perustui uuteen Mate 60 Pro -puhelimeen, jonka 7 nanometrin prosessissa valmistettu järjestelmäpiiri järkytti länsimaisia analyytikkoja alkusyksyn aikana.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Elon Muskin Starlink alkaa välittää puheluita ensi vuonna

    Elon Muskin SpaceX:n omistaman Starlinkin tavoitteena on vuonna 2024 käynnistää kaupallinen satelliitti-puhelupalvelu. Palvelu käynnistyy alkaa tekstiviesteillä ennen puhe- ja datapalvelujen lisäämistä, ja IoT-yhteydet satelliittien kautta ovat tulossa vuonna 2025.

    Starlink aloitti palvelun mainostamisen verkkosivuillaan ja huomautti, että asetukset toimivat oletusasetuksissa olevien LTE-puhelimien kanssa. Yhtiö on solminut kumppanuuden useiden matkapuhelinoperaattoreiden kanssa, mukaan lukien T-Mobile US, Rogers Communications ja Optus.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Samsung tuo pienissä SmartTag2-paikannusmoduuleissaan käyttöön Bluetoothin rinnalla myös laajakaistaisen ultrawide-tekniikan. Uusien moduulien avulla on aiempaa helpompaa paikantaa kadotetut esineet, jos niihin on kiinnitetty Samsungin uusin SmartTag2-moduuli.

    Käyttäjät saavat uusien Samsungin paikannusmoduulien kautta valmistajansa mukaan enemmän mielenrauhaa, mutta myös uuden muotoilun ja käyttötekniikat, joista kätevin on Lost Mode -löytäjätietojärjestelmä. Toiminnon avulla siihen voidaan moduuliin syöttää yhteystietonsa viestillä, jonka kadonneen tuotteen löytäjä voi skannata lähiyhteyden avulla NFC- ja verkkoon liitetyllä kännykällään.

    Galaxy SmartTag2:ssa on nyt myös edelleen kehitetty Compass View -ominaisuus, joka lupaa parantaa käyttökokemusta esittämällä hakutilanteessa nuolia, jotka osoittavat suunnan ja etäisyyden moduuliin. Tämä tila on käytettävissä kaikissa Samsungin UWB-tuetuissa Galaxy -älypuhelimissa, kuten Galaxy S23 Ultra -mallissa.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The US’ new 400-page chip export rules show officials are open to chip sector input on ways to keep sending AI chips to China for small and medium-sized uses — While stripping China’s access to key U.S. artificial intelligence chips, the Biden administration’s sweeping new rules also quietly threw Nvidia …

    US throws Nvidia a lifeline while choking off China’s chipmaking future

    SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 18 (Reuters) – While stripping China’s access to key U.S. artificial intelligence chips, the Biden administration’s sweeping new rules also quietly threw Nvidia (NVDA.O), Intel (INTC.O) and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) (AMD.O) a potential lifeline to preserve lucrative business in one of the world’s biggest chip markets.

    Buried deep in more than 400 pages of rules issued on Tuesday, officials at the U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) said they are open to the semiconductor industry’s input for finding ways to keep sending AI chips to China for small and medium-sized systems.

    The rules were designed to curtail China’s ability to exploit American chips to build massive supercomputers that can be used to create technologies similar to OpenAI’s ChatGPT and could also be used for military purposes, officials said.

    Thomas Krueger, a former U.S. National Security Council export control official, said “the organizing principle for all these rules is to keep them focused on those capabilities that can enable Chinese military systems. They’re not interested in going after broad consumer applications. They’re really trying to thread that needle.”

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ron Amadeo / Ars Technica:
    Qualcomm announces developing a Snapdragon RISC-V chip for Wear OS in partnership with Google, in what could be the first mass-market RISC-V Android SoC — Qualcomm and Google project will enable more RISC-V Android devices in the future. — The Android ecosystem is hurtling toward a RISC-V future.

    Qualcomm announces first-ever mass-market RISC-V Android SoC
    Qualcomm and Google project will enable more RISC-V Android devices in the future.

    The Android ecosystem is hurtling toward a RISC-V future. The puzzle pieces for the up-and-coming CPU architecture started falling into place this past year when Google announced official RISC-V support in Android and plans to make it a “tier 1 platform” on equal footing with Arm. With the OS support underway, what we need now is hardware, and Qualcomm is stepping up to announce the first-ever mass-market RISC-V Android SoC.

    It doesn’t have a name yet, but Qualcomm says it’s developing a “RISC-V Snapdragon Wear” chip in collaboration with Google. The company says it plans to “commercialize the RISC-V based wearables solution globally including the US.” For Google and Qualcomm, this chip represents everyone’s first swing at a commercial RISC-V Android project, and as far as we can tell, it’s the first announced mass-market RISC-V Android chip ever. Qualcomm says the groundwork it and Google lay out “will help pave the way for more products within the Android ecosystem to take advantage of custom CPUs that are low power and high performance.”

    RISC-V represents a big threat to the Arm CPU architecture that currently dominates all mobile devices. RISC-V architecture is open source, which can make it cheaper and more flexible than Arm. If companies want to design their own chips, they can do that without paying a licensing fee to Arm. Since the architecture is open source, it’s possible to create a fully open source chip. If you’re a chip-design firm, you can make your own proprietary chip designs and license them, making you a competitor to Arm’s chip-design business.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Rebecca Bellan / TechCrunch:
    Foxconn and Nvidia announce plans to build “AI factories”, a new class of data centers to accelerate the development of autonomous EVs and industrial robots — Nvidia and Foxconn are working together to build so-called “AI factories,” a new class of data centers that promise …

    Foxconn and Nvidia are building ‘AI factories’ to accelerate self-driving cars

    Nvidia and Foxconn are working together to build so-called “AI factories,” a new class of data centers that promise to provide supercomputing powers to accelerate the development of self-driving cars, autonomous machines and industrial robots.

    Nvidia founder and CEO Jensen Huang and Foxconn chairman and CEO Young Liu announced the collaboration at Hon Hai Tech Day in Taiwan on Tuesday. The AI factory is based off an Nvidia GPU computing infrastructure that will be built to process, refine and transform vast amounts of data into valuable AI models and information.

    “We’re building this entire end-to-end system where on the one hand, you’re building this advanced EV car…with an AI brain inside that allows it to interact with drivers and interact with passengers, as well as autonomously drive, complemented by an AI factory that develops a software for this car,” said Huang onstage at the event. “This car will go through life experience and collect more data. The data will go to the AI factory, where the AI factory will improve the software and update the entire AI fleet.”

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jay Peters / The Verge:
    Roblox CEO David Baszucki says the company is “transitioning away” from remote work, as virtual workspaces aren’t as “engaging, collaborative, and productive” — Roblox — a company that builds a hugely popular virtual experiences platform, recently introduced …

    Roblox says employees must return to office because the metaverse still isn’t good enough

    / In a letter calling employees back to the office, Roblox CEO David Baszucki says virtual workspaces aren’t as ‘engaging, collaborative, and productive’ as physical ones.

    Roblox — a company that builds a hugely popular virtual experiences platform, recently introduced its own spin on video chat, and even created an in-Roblox career center — is “transitioning away” from remote work and will be asking “a number of our remote employees to begin working from our headquarters in San Mateo by next summer,” CEO David Baszucki wrote in an email to staff shared publicly on Tuesday.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Bluetooth inventors get OK to use Viking king’s name

    To the backdrop of the vast Jelling stones, Denmark on Tuesday granted the inventors of Bluetooth technology permission to use the name and symbol of Harald the Bluetooth for the next 1,000 years .

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Zac Bowden / Windows Central:
    Sources: internal Microsoft data shows that Windows 11, released in October 2021, passed 400M monthly active devices and is on pace to pass 500M by early 2024

    Exclusive: Windows 11 is active on almost half a billion devices, ahead of Microsoft’s expectations

    Internal data reveals Windows 11 has been more successful than you might think.

    According to my sources who are familiar with the matter, Windows 11 is now in use on over 400 million monthly active devices. Internal Microsoft data seen by Windows Central reveals that Windows 11’s active device usage just recently surpassed 400 million and is steadily climbing to reach half a billion by early 2024.

    As noted in our Windows 11 review, the OS has been on the market since October 2021, meaning it’s taken Microsoft around two years to reach 400 million monthly active devices with Windows 11. This is a significantly slower rate than Windows 10, which reached the same number in just over a year (and eventually 1 billion users by early 2020). Still, factoring in both platforms’ very different launch parameters is essential.
    Windows 12 Rumors

    Windows 12 Fan logo
    (Image credit: Future)

    • Windows 12: Everything we know
    • Intel suggests Windows 12 for ’24
    • No, Windows 12 won’t require a subscription
    • This Windows 12 concept video has us drooling
    • What is CorePC?

    When Windows 10 launched, it was a free update for all Windows 8.1 and most Windows 7 PCs. It was advertised as a free upgrade, limited to just a year, which pressured users to upgrade sooner to avoid missing out on the free upgrade period. Microsoft was also very heavy-handed in getting users upgraded from Windows 7 and Windows 8.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nokia karsii kulujaan rajusti – jopa 14 000 työpaikkaa uhattuna

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Qualcomm vie Androidin RISC-V-prosessorille

    Qualcomm kertoo laajentavansa pitkäaikaista yhteistyötään Googlen kanssa tuomalla RISC-V-pohjaisen puettavan ratkaisun käytettäväksi Googlen puettavien laitteiden Androidille eli Wear OS -käyttöjärjestelmälle. Tavoitteena on kehittää räätälöityjä pienitehoisia ja tehokkaita suorittimia Wear OS -pohjaisiin laitteisiin.

    Aiemmin yritykset ovat kehittäneet älykellojen prosessoreja Wear OS -alustalle. RISC-V-arkkitehtuuri on kuitenkin merkittävä uusi päänavaus avoimeen arkkitehtuuriin perustuvien räätälöitävien prosessorien kehityksessä.

    Android-ekosysteemi näyttää siirtyvän vauhdilla kohti RISC-V-prosessoreita. Viime vuonna Google julkisti virallisen RISC-V-tuen Androidille aikomuksenaan tehdä siitä tasavertaisen laitealustan Arm:n kanssa. Ensimmäinen RISC-V-pohjainen järjestelmäpiiri on tässä kehityksessä tärkeä askel.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nokia kiihdyttää strategiansa toimeenpanoa, yksinkertaistaa toimintamalliaan ja ryhtyy toimenpiteisiin kannattavuuden varmistamiseksi. Myynti siirtyy osaksi liiketoimintaryhmiä ja samalla yritys leikkaa kulujaan 800-1200 miljoonaa euroa kolmessa vuodessa. Silti tutkimukseen aiotaan panostaa edelleen yrityksen Bell Labsin kautta. Yhtiön liikevaihto kolmannelta neljännekseltä laski 20 prosenttia vajaaseen viiteen miljardiin euroon ja voitto 299 miljoonaan euroon.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Analyytikko: Tästä syystä Nokia aikoo irtisanoa tuhansia ihmisiä – Suomesta lähtee enintään 447

    Nokia-analyytikon mukaan viime vuosina hyvässä vireessä ollut yhtiö valmistautuu jättipotkuilla yleisen talouden alamäkeen.

    Tietoliikennejätti Nokia ilmoitti torstaina karsivansa haastavan markkinatilanteen vuoksi kulujaan, jonka takia jopa 14 000 työntekijää on vaarassa saada potkut.

    Karu ilmoitus Nokialta: Jopa 14 000 työpaikkaa uhattuna
    Nokia tiedotti ryhtyvänsä toimenpiteisiin kannattavuuden varmistamiseksi.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Samuel Stolton / Bloomberg:
    The EU forcing Google to let Android users pick a search engine boosts Moscow-based Yandex, now a top five option in Germany, Italy, Denmark, and more countries

    EU’s Google Feud Aids Russian Rival Blamed for Kremlin Lies

    EU antitrust remedy opened door to Yandex popularity in Europe
    Yandex faced criticism for cutting content critical of Putin

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Pew Research Center:
    A May 2023 survey of 5,101 US adults: 78% of Democrats and 68% of Republicans support more government regulation over what companies can do with people’s data

    How Americans View Data Privacy

    The role of technology companies, AI and regulation – plus personal experiences with data breaches, passwords, cybersecurity and privacy policies

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mark Hachman / PCWorld:
    AMD unveils the Radeon RX 7900M, a rival to Nvidia’s RTX 4080 and the first laptop GPU to use a chiplet design, available in Dell’s new Alienware m18 laptop — It will debut in the new Alienware m18, launching today. — AMD is setting its sights on Nvidia’s RTX 4080 mobile GPU with the Radeon RX 7900M …

    AMD challenges Nvidia’s RTX 4080 with its new RX 7900M laptop GPU
    It will debut in the new Alienware m18, launching today.

    AMD is setting its sights on Nvidia’s RTX 4080 mobile GPU with the Radeon RX 7900M, the first laptop graphics chip to use a “chiplet” design and second-generation ray tracing as well.

    AMD is working with Dell’s Alienware division to launch the chip as part of the Alienware m18 laptop, launching today. The laptop will be used to show off both the RX 7900M as well as the complementary, top-of-the-stack 7945HX processor, according to Priti Nagarajan, the AMD product manager in charge of the chip.

    The RX 7900M is built upon the RDNA3 architecture, and is the complement to the Radeon RX 7900 desktop chip AMD launched in November 2022 — timed to undercut Nvidia’s RTX 40-series reveal. The same principle applies to how AMD sees the 7900M against Nvidia’s offerings. Obviously, the RX 7900M will differ from its desktop counterpart in price, but its fair to compare the two when it comes to other specifications.

    Given the space constraints of a laptop, we’d expect the 7900M to fall a bit short of its desktop kin, and that appears to be the case. While the Radeon RX 7900 XTX desktop boasts 96 CUs running at 2.3GHz, and the 7900XT includes 84 CUs running at 2GHz, the mobile RX 7900M includes 72 CUs running at 1.825GHz, boosting up to 2.09GHz. Likewise, AMD’s desktop 7900 chips include either 24GB or 20GB of 384-bit GDDR6 memory; the RX7900M supports 16GB of GDDR6 memory running across a 256-bit memory interface.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Gavin Bonshor / AnandTech:
    AMD announces new Ryzen Threadripper 7000 CPUs for desktops and workstations, offering up to 96 cores on the 7000 Pro series, shipping on November 21 for $1500+

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Wes Davis / The Verge:
    The FCC unanimously approves a petition by Apple, Meta, Google, Microsoft, and others for access to the 6GHz band for Wi-Fi tethering for AR and VR headsets — The FCC has unanimously approved plans by several tech companies to use the 6GHz band for wireless devices.

    FCC greenlights superfast Wi-Fi tethering for AR and VR headsets
    / The FCC’s approval comes years after tech giants petitioned for access to the 6GHz band for Wi-Fi tethering.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Arjun Kharpal / CNBC:
    Nokia plans to cut up to 14,000 jobs, or ~16% of its 86,000 employees, and reports Q3 2023 net sales down 20% YoY to €4.98B and profit down 69% YoY to €133M

    Nokia to cut up to 14,000 jobs after 69% profit plunge

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    OnePlus julkisti eilen odotetun ensimmäisen taivuteltavan puhelimensa. OnePlus Open on laite, jossa moni asia on tehty oikein. Rauta on parasta mahdollista ja esimerkiksi kamera on selvästi parempi kuin muissa taivuteltavissa. Open kuitenkin erottuu ennen kaikkea siinä, miten käyttöjärjestelmä on sovitettu toimimaan raudalla.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Walmart May Drop Physical Video Game Sales, Following Best Buy’s DVD Exit

    The state of physical media — whether it’s DVDs or video games — is in question as people increasingly move to streaming services. Walmart could be the next to make a move with one video game executive suggesting the retail giant could drop Xbox games soon, and potentially retreat from physical games even more in 2024.

    “I’ve heard rumblings that Walmart is dropping physical Xbox games soon, and I have to imagine further cuts to physical gaming sections will be made as we get deeper into next year,” tweeted Josh Fairhurst, CEO of Limited Run Games, a video game distributor based in Apex, North Carolina.

    Walmart wasn’t immediately available to comment on the tweet.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Dell’s new workstation is crazy fast, thanks to a 96-core Threadripper processor
    Dell has announced the Precision 7875 Tower, which packs in AMD Threadripper PRO 7000 WX-Series processors

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Microsoft announced the launch of Radius, a new open source, language-agnostic application platform for building and running cloud-native applications.

    The project is being spun out of the Microsoft Azure Incubation team, the same group that previously launched open source projects like Dapr for building microservices, the KEDA event-driven autoscaling solution and Copacetic, a security tool for patching container image vulnerabilities.

    Read more from Frederic Lardinois on Radius here:

    #TechCrunch #technews #Microsoft #Radius

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nokia on esitellyt laajan valikoiman operaattoritason Wi-Fi 7 -laajakaistalaitteita, jotka ovat yli 3 kertaa nopeampia kuin Wi-Fi 6. Uusi Wi-Fi 7 -tuotevalikoima sisältää kaksikaistaisen kiinteän laajakaistan 5G-reitittimen, kolmikaistaisen kuituverkon yhdyskäytävän ja lippulaivana nelikaistaisen Beacon 24 -reitittimen.

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mathias Döpfner / Insider:
    Q&A with Satya Nadella: AI as Microsoft’s biggest opportunity, regrets on missing the mobile phone category, and doubling down as a game publisher and producer

    Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella talks AI, closing the Activision Blizzard deal, and his best business decision so far

    Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella recently sat for an interview at Axel Springer’s Berlin headquarters.
    He talked about his career journey, Microsoft’s partnership with OpenAI, and leadership, among other topics.
    Nadella received the 2023 Axel Springer Award this year.

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sources: Nvidia has begun designing ARM CPUs for Windows PCs, and AMD also plans to build ARM chips; source: Nvidia and AMD could start selling them in 2025 — Nvidia (NVDA.O) dominates the market for artificial intelligence computing chips. Now it is coming after Intel’s longtime stronghold of personal computers.

    Exclusive: Nvidia to make Arm-based PC chips in major new challenge to Intel
    By Stephen Nellis and Max A. Cherney
    October 24, 20234:26 AM GMT+3Updated 4 hours ago

    Oct 23 (Reuters) – Nvidia (NVDA.O) dominates the market for artificial intelligence computing chips. Now it is coming after Intel’s longtime stronghold of personal computers.

    Nvidia has quietly begun designing central processing units (CPUs) that would run Microsoft’s (MSFT.O) Windows operating system and use technology from Arm Holdings(O9Ty.F), , two people familiar with the matter told Reuters.

    The AI chip giant’s new pursuit is part of Microsoft’s effort to help chip companies build Arm-based processors for Windows PCs. Microsoft’s plans take aim at Apple, which has nearly doubled its market share in the three years since releasing its own Arm-based chips in-house for its Mac computers, according to preliminary third-quarter data from research firm IDC.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Rafly Pratama / MSPoweruser:
    A Qualcomm document details the upcoming Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, including support for new AI camera tools, like removing objects from videos and expanding photos

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jay Goldberg / Digits to Dollars:
    How Qualcomm is tech’s “problem child”: a tense relationship with Apple, sued by Arm, investigated by regulators, disagreements with Google over Pixel, and more

    The Problem Child

    Almost from the moment of its birth Qualcomm had to fight the world. It is hard for us to understand today just how much the entire mobile industry was set against Qualcomm from the earliest days of CDMA. No one wanted CDMA – the regulators, the infrastructure vendors, the standards bodies, the handset vendors, and even the operators. Against all that opposition, Qualcomm was able to succeed.

    To accomplish that, Qualcomm had to hunker down and fight every battle as if its existence depended on the outcome, because it usually did. But now, decades on, we are starting to wonder if the habits the company acquired in its formative years are working against it.

    This is a company that still seems to be fighting on all fronts. Most notably, Qualcomm is a very tense relationship with Apple, its largest customer. It is being sued by one of its most important suppliers, Arm. In the past decade, it has been investigated by regulators across the globe, with most of those repeat investigations.

    We were reminded of this recently when we learned that Qualcomm’s relationship with Google is very frosty behind the scenes. We have written a lot about how important Android (and here) is to the future of Qualcomm and often wondered why Qualcomm is not working more closely with Android’s owner, Google who would likely benefit heavily from the attention that Qualcomm could provide.

    From what we can tell, a large part of the latest tension between the two companies stems from Google’s Pixel phone. This is a small volume line of smartphones, but one that Google cares about a lot for its own reasons.

  33. Tomi Engdahl says:

    SK Hynix’s stock has surged 67% in 2023 due to its Nvidia deal, while rival Samsung’s stock is up 24%, on track to underperform SK Hynix by the most in a decade

    Investors Bet Samsung’s Smaller Memory Chip Rival SK Hynix Will Be an AI Winner

    SK Hynix has jumped 67% this year on HBM chip; Samsung up 24%
    Samsung needs big client like Nvidia, good yields to catch up

    Shares of Samsung Electronics Co. are on track to underperform those of its smaller memory-chip rival SK Hynix Inc. by the most in a decade as investors bet the latter will be the winner in artificial intelligence.

    SK Hynix has surged 67% this year thanks to its deal to supply premium high-bandwidth memory chips to Nvidia Corp., trouncing Samsung, which is up 24% as it struggles to get its HBM offering off the ground. That gap may widen further judging by options data, which show the put-to-call ratio on Samsung more than double that of SK Hynix.

    More From Bloomberg

  34. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 promises 30 percent faster CPU
    Qualcomm’s new chip has an X4 ARM Cortex CPU, typical yearly performance claims.

  35. Tomi Engdahl says:

    10 Reasons Windows Is Going in the Wrong Direction
    Microsoft has made a lot of bad changes to Windows. As a fan of the OS, I want the company to do better for everyone’s sake.


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