Learn Six Oscilloscope Measurements with an Arduino DUT – Bald Engineer


You can use these 6 oscilloscope measurements, and just an Arduino Uno, to learn how to use a new or unfamiliar digital scope.

This tutorial is a general explanation on how to setup the Arduino and a screenshot to help identify if you set up your scope correctly.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Six Tips for Power Integrity Debug with an Oscilloscope
    Dec. 1, 2021
    Detailed real-world advice and demonstrations of multiple techniques on a sample microcontroller board can help you debug your power integrity problems fast.

    What you’ll learn:

    Remember fundamentals and practice situational awareness in taking measurements.
    It’s not only using the right probe, but it’s also using the probe right.
    Eliminating measurement artifacts is tricky, but not impossible.


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